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  1. To define things here in my House better...

    by , 02-10-2014 at 03:24 AM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    Mares and Fillies.
    A 'Mare' is any woman under my Dominion age 24+ and a 'Filly' is any woman under my Dominion age 18 to 24.
    I use the terms 'Mare' and 'Filly' because such connotes the spirit and beauty of wild horses, and also Individualizes our Lifestyle from anyone else's.
    After all, Individuality IS a cornerstone of BDSM, yes?
    Marlene, Lhana, Wanda are Mares.
    Brianna, Fumiko and Mei-Xing are Fillies.

    In regards to Breeding, that arises from

    Updated 02-11-2014 at 12:39 AM by Warmaster


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