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  1. Mares & Fillies...

    by , 04-04-2014 at 02:06 PM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    Dealing with a household like this isn't a cakewalk, but it is rewarding.
    And it sure beats dying alone in some god-forsaken pesthole overseas where the closest to a burial would be desperate people stripping your carcass for anything useful or sellable.

    A word about the 4 legged family-members...Turkey, so they're mellow and happy and could not care less about things unless someone missiles the house.
    Also, Luna, Essa, Eydis and Achilles are still growing, so the
  2. To define things here in my House better...

    by , 02-10-2014 at 03:24 AM (WarMaster's Blog, and window into my world and Household)
    Mares and Fillies.
    A 'Mare' is any woman under my Dominion age 24+ and a 'Filly' is any woman under my Dominion age 18 to 24.
    I use the terms 'Mare' and 'Filly' because such connotes the spirit and beauty of wild horses, and also Individualizes our Lifestyle from anyone else's.
    After all, Individuality IS a cornerstone of BDSM, yes?
    Marlene, Lhana, Wanda are Mares.
    Brianna, Fumiko and Mei-Xing are Fillies.

    In regards to Breeding, that arises from

    Updated 02-11-2014 at 12:39 AM by Warmaster


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