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I don't understand people that play games. Why can't people just be honest, say what you mean, mean what you say.

Why do people betray you?
Why do people lie to you?
Why do people deny it when you ask...why?
Why can't people just stand by their word?
Why don't people realize it is unacceptable to lie to me, to deceive me, to betray me?

Why do I forget sometimes that some people lack the characteristics of loyalty, sincerity, compassion, integrity, and humanity?

Why for the love of all that is holy do people think it is ok to approach me after they have betrayed me? Why do people think that my love and friendship are unconditional? They are not.


Updated 05-05-2010 at 11:00 PM by sweetlynaughty



  1. Dejah Thoris's Avatar
    It sounds like you were hurt badly, and I am sorry to hear it. It took a very long time for me to realize that my affections are not unconditional, but for those who sneak under my skin, it is very close to it

    I applaud the character that your post shows and I hope the flotsam of the world stays out of your bright circle!

  2. sweetlynaughty's Avatar
    Thank you for your support Dejah. xo


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