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Private Club

Rating: 1 votes, 2.00 average.

I see you standing there
A look upon your face
One that is so rare
And needs no erase.

I stand close to you
Lean up and press
My quivering lips into
Yours with loving caress.

I feel your heart beat
Under my palm
Knowing this sweet
And utter calm.

I feel your very touch
And your kiss has stole
My very breath as such
Right down to my soul.

I rake my nails
Along your spine
Knowing what this entails
And you emit not a whine.

Your eyes are full of fire
Full of hungry Lust
And a Wanton Desire
And also full of Trust.

You want the pain
You want the pleasure
The elation you cannot contain
For your known Treasure.

I take you by your collar
And to our room we go
Where I know you will holler
And our passion shall flow.

You will not resist
For this our private club
The one we both insist
On being Mistress and Sub.



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