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O, OH sweet O

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A female friend, that become a mentor and a confidante here online, led me to the shameful discovery that I don't really know what I'm doing with my pussy. After a few pointers I now know what to do with my clit --OH, MY WORD! what a mind-blowing discovery. This is now where I get left behind and my OCD kinks in -- I simply cannot get enough, I want to feel it, touch it and make myself cum, every min I possibly can. A suggested that I make my "sexual awakening" a little more exciting, (knowing that I do this solo) by suggesting I become a little daring, start arousing myself when it not really appropriate or start when I can't finish. Picking times before my husband comes home or when I go out. I'm not brave, but I love the concept of "no one else knows."

AND for being forever the adventurer I am-could not resist the temptation and played along. I thought and thought of places and things to do. but nothing came to me.

SO, just before the weekend, when drove to the fuel station to fill up, and got stuck in a queue, frustration, I know this is going to take far too long. Then it hit me-THIS IS IT. Right here and now. Cum- I can cum in my seat. Right now. My vehicle is higher off the ground than their other cars, so not really visible -but a very real change someone could see me. But at least in my car, I feel safe in my car and not so exposed. SO I slipped off my panties. Feeling like bitch in heat.

Pushing my skirt up a little bit more gave me the access I needed. first I use my finger nail to scratch from my clit down the labia. the shock-sting a wakeup call- grabbed my attention, my focus set in to that very sweet little area. I stoke softly and move in a little circle- I stop and move up one in the queue, My hand goes down again and I feel my labia less swollen but thinned out and hard. It's so thrilling to be touched that and I involuntary push back against my headrest. I stop...talking myself threw this. "ok, you need to have a little more control, or you be the one embarrassed here"

Ok so now I got this. I start again rubbing, pressing harder and letting go, rubbing a little longer, grabbing my labia and pulling it in a milking motion, pressing the lippies opened and circle again- arousal causing goose bumps. I stop. I move my car.

Calming myself. Looking around all the time-Loving the fact that I am totally oblivious to everyone around me. I wish I had a plug, I am sure anal pressure would have enhanced this feel. I press my fingers lower against my little anal bud, and hiss out loud. I force myself to stop again.

My car smells like sex and I know it comes from only me. I can't resist the temptation to put my finger in my mouth and taste myself. I start again moving, rubbing, milking, circling. And again with more determination. As time moves on I read my reach my edge and I simply let go-I let it happened. I let my orgasm fall over me.

O. OH. OH sweet Gawd!!! My whole body quivers on the inside and the scream in my head are bursting to come out. Buts I don't. I swallow my scream, I stuck in my bottom lip and bite, tightening my thighs and lowering my head ever so gently on my steering wheel.

Now it my turn at the fuel pump. Not calmed down enough-damm-my turn too soon. I coax myself into motion. " keep a straight face, shoulders back, stand up straight" talking to myself as if I was Tipsy. "you can do this, get out the car, you won't fall, your leg will hold, they not real jelly." And so I did. I get out fishing putting fuel in my tank walk over the Shop paid. hoping the kid behind the counter cannot tell how flustered I am. Coaxing myself the entire time. "walk up straight. Almost at the car and then you home free. I can't help but giggle. I actually did this. I pulled it off. I made myself cum and No one is the wiser.

I get in my start drive off and the first stop, I notice a damn flyer stuck under my wiper. I reach out grab it read and chuck it on the floor and drive off again. I hit the brake, unbuckle reach over and read the flyer again. My hart turns ice when the words sink in "next time if you need help with that, give me a call my nr is...."



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