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Book Project


Collected by stimpy

Keep an eye out for more (1 stories listed)

To read (9 stories listed)

review (4 stories listed)

  • Trading Stocks for Bonds: by Aurelius
    (Synopsis: An attractive young stockbroker is summoned for a private meeting with the chairman. In the last year she lost millions through a combination of fraud and foolishness. The chairman explains how she will be reassigned to a new role within his organisation. (Complete short story))
  • The Agony of Failure: by Cortez
    (Synopsis: The Far East in the early Nineteenth Century. In the remote Sultanate of Mantok 25 year old Charlotte Conway is caught up in one of the bloody palace intrigues. Betrayed by her lover, General Chong, she is brought before the Sultan for questioning.)
  • The Copper Cup: by Cortez
    (Synopsis: Maria Jimenez has been forced to watch her friend, Juanita being tortured by the sadistic Colonel Marcos and his assistant Anna Perez. Now, as Juanita is dragged out, it is nineteen year old Maria's turn under the hot spotlamps of the interrogation chamber.)
  • The Log: by Cortez
    (Synopsis: Carol Masters is a junior intellince officer working in central Africa. A helicoper crash leaves her in very rebel hands and, unfortunately for her they know she has information they need.)


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