As most similiar themes go the cage would be square and sitting on the ground, the slave/pet kneeling almost constantly either bound or free. I perfer a more original concept. If any of you have watched Hocus Pocus they featured hanging cages, similiar to that of an overlarge bird cage. And with that background here is the premise of this thread....

Post as you wish, for you are now entering into Domination King's cage. There is room for one, maybe two at a time. you can stand to your full height, as the cage is quite tall, suspended from a cieling so it also sways. The bars are of durable steel and I hold the key. Once you are in, please entertain me any way you desire. Be creative, have fun, and enjoy. I just make ONE request, I only ask for females to respond (in character). It doesn't please me to -capture- a male. Though all who wish may watch.

*Note* If this thread confuses you, just think of it as an offsping of "Gary's Lap".
