Whilst I have no intention of linking back to that person, I used to be here (a good many years ago). I was a lively sub, full of fun and naughtiness and wide-eyed at the newness of it all. Since then, I've been through various aspects of the BDSM mill, real and virtual, and life has also given me a good pounding, ha ha. I return more cautious, subdued, less open. I approach this arena now with caution and a certain amount of mistrust. I'm not entirely sure what I want. But, I know what I don't want.

Firstly, I don't want lots of horny doms hitting on me. Not interested. I've been a sub., and I know I can give myself totally. But the only sort of dom who can possibly interest me at all is one who manages to hook my brain. I don't care about fetishism, the right look, correct behaviour, obedience to master ooooh sir bad girl giggle smack... you get my drift. Predictable. I don't feel I automatically owe respect and obedience to anyone just because they think so.

Secondly, since life has had its way with me, I have come out far more dominant than sub. I didn't like life taking control away from me, and now I've got it back I want to hang on to it. I have had a real life sub, and thoroughly enjoyed it (so did he!). And I'm just not good at taking orders any more. But - I also don't want lots of horny little subs throwing themselves at me. I'm picky and I can't stand wimps and fawning puppies. You may be a sub, but you can still be a man and have a bit of character. Also a brain. I don't suffer fools gladly.

I am totally heterosexual. I can flirt with a woman, sure - I appreciate female beauty, sure. But, as I know through multiple experiences, sex with women has no interest for me whatsoever. I like men.

Well, I seem to be a bit dour tonight. I actually do also have a good soh!! but it's not coming over right now, is it. We'll see. My main reason for being here is just for a bit of company among people who won't mind if I have some slightly out-there desires, so I won't have to mind what i think. So, hi all.