Quote Originally Posted by Flesh Seraph View Post
That pussy is my property, if I want to, I can eat it like a fresh apple pie that's still window-sill warm. I can jam my tongue inward and upward like I'm prospecting for gold, or turn my head sideways and play it like a harmonica, if the mood suits me.
Pure gold.

But, as regards the subbie using a dildo- that can still be a submissive thing. If I, just to take an example, put a strap on around my sub's waist and then wish her to nail me with it, that's not necessarily a case of her domming. She's topping, but it's to my instruction. I'm inviting and allowing her into my body, using hers as an implement of MY pleasure.

Yes, I'm just rationalising because I like to have my arse fucked. What of it?