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Conversation Between corinya and emeralds

40 Visitor Messages

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  1. corinya are you about? are you in chat?
  2. hugs.. congratulations xxx
  3. waiting, waiting to see how you are..
    getting a little lonely without you to be tied to..lol

    hope things are good??
  4. sweet sister..
    ive gone to leave so many messages..
    but just want to let you know im thinking of you...
    be happy and strong..
  5. you around em? i'm in chat
  6. Hi em! Miss you! Thanks for your message. i'd love to catch up hope you are well
  7. hi hun..
    have few minutes spare so wishing you a lovely day..
    have not caught up with you for a little..
    your Master must be keeping you occupied and i hope contented.
  8. how lovely .... congratulations corinya..

    i am slightly confused.. but hugs.. and good luck with your training..

  9. peek all you want, lol. Not really that private, just takes me a bit to get my words right and then I tried to write more, but there's a really short space limit!
  10. ooopps too slow...peaking under the duct tape...
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 40
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