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  1. Good enough?

    I had an interesting conversation tonight and it got me thinking. I had mentioned in an earlier blog that I had taken a self esteem workshop after my divorce. I was remembering one particular assignment we were given, we were asked to write 5 things that we were good at on a piece of paper, I had no problem coming up with the 5, I’m a good mother, I’m a good person, I do voluntary work, I’m very passionate about my job in health care, I don’t remember if those are the actual things I wrote but generally ...
  2. learning more about myself

    I woke up this morning in a foul mood, I don’t know why, I had no reason to be, I just did, it happens sometimes and then life goes on, no big deal really.

    I spent the early part of the day trying to occupy my time and distract myself from my mood….didn’t do a very good job of it, my mind kept wandering to “I need something...but what?”

    My mood did finally change as the evening went on and I never did figure out what got under my skin to begin with, but I did learn ...
  3. Wednesday August 13 2008

    Ok it's not wednesday anymore but this blog is about that day.

    We had planned a camping trip, he knew of a place that was quite secluded, last time we went camping we had neighbors just a few feet away, this didn't give us much of a chance for any kind of play LOL although we did have a good trip. So this time he planned to take me somewhere much more secluded.

    Tuesday morning I wake up before my alarm to make the 3 hour drive to meet him, he usually comes here or we ...
  4. meeting Dom Isaac

    Time to sit down and continue this story, as much as this next part is the best part for me to date, I know it will be hard to write…only because I know my mind will wander to some very naughty places *smiles*

    So after spending almost my entire day off on the phone with this person I had never met I sat down and had a small panic attack :P I had had a very clear idea in my mind who I wanted to meet and with the exception of one thing (him being Dom) he did not fit on my list anywhere…all ...
  5. life story LOL

    *sits down at the keyboard and looks back at what I have already written*

    I have received a few comments both here and in PM from people who can relate to my story so far. I remember all to well feeling very alone and confused at times while my life was in transition. I’m sure there are others out there now who feel this way…to these people…you are not alone!!

    So…back to my life story LOL

    It was right about my 39th birthday, I had been to hell and back ...
  6. having fun now

    I'm actually beginning to have a lot of fun writing this, I have never told anyone the whole story of good_girl before...not that the story is over yet, I have many chapters yet to live can't wait

    So as I near my 39th birthday I know I’m a survivor and I now know what I have been missing in my life. I decided I must be crazy, I had always prided myself on being a strong and independent woman, how could the thought of a man telling me what was expected of me make me happy…but ...
  7. *takes a deep breath*

    I had a minor breakdown after my first post, a lot of old emotions came flooding back…strangely one of those emotions was of intense pride, the pride I feel for my daughter chokes me up every time, she has always been so strong, wanting to be there for me when her own life was just as hellish as mine. We are more friends now than mother/daughter and I am proud to call her my friend.

    Ok enough sap, tonight I will write about the journey that began my discovery of myself, a much happier ...
  8. journey to becoming good_girl

    When I first saw this new forum subject my thought was “cool, a place to tell my whole story” and then I began to wonder how I would tell it without boring readers to death. I want back and forth and finally decided that this would have been very useful for me to read others stories when I had first arrived here at the library. So…I am writing this for myself first and then for any newcomers who might find it helpful to relate to someone, as well as for anyone who might find it interesting.

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