BDSM Library - Lady Charlotte

Lady Charlotte

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Rich bitch gets kidnapped, & a nightmare ensues as she is slowly degraded and turned into a submissive slut.
The following fiction is intended for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. Please read only
if you are legally considered of adult age, are not offended by extreme content,
and your community's standards permit such material.

(c) 2002 4Nick8...

Lady Charlotte
by 4Nick8

Chapter One

The Rt. Hon. Charlotte Spencer was protected by her birthright and her
aristocratic background. At a tender eighteen years of age she had been quite
unprepared for the shocking events that happened that  particular  Wednesday

The sheer viciousness of the whole occurrence had shaken her beyond belief,
leaving her sobbing with terror.

Although of aristocratic background Charlotte was a world famous model and she
was being driven to one of her modelling assignments by Charles her chauffeur.
As a consequence they had the Range-Rover towing a caravan full of clothes from
lingerie to outer wear. The car was being driven by two brutes who had forced
them off the road in a quiet country lay-by.

Two men  jumped out of their vehicle and, without pausing, yanked open the
drivers door of the Range-Rover and shot Charles dead in front of her terrified

Leaping into her car, one pulled Charles's bloody lifeless body out before
getting behind the driving wheel, the other clamped his hand over Charlotte's
mouth and squeezed into the rear seats with her.

After five or six frightening minutes the one in the back blindfolded Charlotte
for the rest of the journey, securing her hands tightly behind her back with a
large pair of plastic handcuffs.

They drove wildly for about two hours before she felt the car stop and Charlotte
felt herself  being manhandled out of the vehicle and taken up a flight of
stairs and seated in a rough chair.

There they left her  blindfolded and secured for a further long period, her mind
screaming out its horror to her as she waited to be killed.

When they returned it was almost anticlimactic as they removed the blindfold and
released her aching arms from the uncomfortable bondage behind her back.

Cringing back into the shabby chair Charlotte took stock of her situation.

It was a dilapidated room with peeling wallpaper and five or six faded old
chairs scattered around. The threadbare curtains were drawn and the thin light
came from a fly speckled naked bulb hanging from the centre of the cracked
ceiling. There was also what appeared to be an old punch bag suspended from one
of the ceiling rafters.

"Who... what do you want?" Charlotte stammered, quaking with panic.

"Shut up bitch, and do as your told" snarled one of the men, slapping her across
the face and shocking poor Charlotte into rigid silence.

"Lets have some fun with her" suggested the other one, a huge black man eyeing
Charlotte up and down with obvious relish. "It won't matter if we damage the
goods as her parents won't know one way or another."

"Okay" agreed the first monster a smaller white man, pulling Charlotte violently
on to her feet and standing her in the centre of the threadbare carpet. "Pull
your fucking skirt up you cunt" he yelled at Charlotte.

Tears watering her beautiful eyes and too terrified to do anything other than
what they demanded, Charlotte fumbled for the hem of her skirt. She knew, just
knew that they were going to rape her.

Charlotte had dressed herself that morning in the expensive products of "The
house of Lawrence", the exclusive fashion house that she was modelling for that
day. Larry himself had packed the whole costly line into the caravan and the
trunk of her Range-Rover that morning.

"Come on you white bitch" screamed the black. "Get your fucking skirt up fucking
fast or I'll fucking stick this weapon into your fucking mouth and pull the

Charlotte was sobbing with fright as she took hold of the hem of her skirt and
started to pull it up her lovely nylon sheathed legs.

She tugged the tight black creation up past her stocking tops and bare upper
thighs to her waist, revealing her fragile lacy panties to them.

Charlotte was aware that her quite abundant pubic hair was issuing from each
side of the narrow leg bands of her sexy panties, and to her agitated
mortification she saw that the two men had also noticed.

She stood revealed in front of them, her stomach churning with an overwhelming
desire to urinate out of sheer apprehension. Charlotte was not the bravest of

"Stand there and wait for my orders cunt" said the white guy. 

Charlotte stood in front of them balancing unsteadily on her fashionable high
heeled shoes, tears streaming down her face through her flawless make-up and her
skirt rucked up around her waist.

"I'll give you permission to speak now cunt" he said casually. "From now on you
don't say a word unless I do give you such permission. Tell me how you're dying
to take your knickers off for me. Tell me how you feel doing it you cow."

Although he had lowered his voice the hard menace in his voice made Charlotte
feel weak with dread.

"I.... I'm d...dying" Charlotte sobbed, the last word stuck in her throat. She
cleared her throat and tried again. "I want to take off my panties for you" she
got out. Shall I pull them down?."

"That's no fucking good" the white shouted. I want to hear fuck and cunt when
you speak to me. Do you understand?. And you will fucking use the word sir when
you talk to us, fucking comprende's."

Charlotte nodded miserably, her whole ordered life forever blown out of the

"Well get on with it then you miserable slut."

"Please sir" began Charlotte in a tearful voice. "Can I pull my knickers down
for you?. I want to show you my hairy c...cunt."  Charlotte broke down sobbing
once more by what she had been reduced to saying and doing.

At a curt nod from the white man, Charlotte pushed her trembling thumbs down the
waistband of her lacy panties and tugged them down her hips and upper thighs to
the tops of her stockings, baring her hirsute vagina to the two leering men.

"My God" exclaimed the black. "She was right about her cunt being hairy. Pull
your fucking hair away so I can see your slit" he demanded.

Charlotte looked down at her shame, parting her pubic hair with her fingers to
allow them to view her clitoris and vaginal passage.

"Well talk dirty to us." The white man suddenly screamed, lashing out again and
bringing a red welt up on Charlotte's face

Shaking now with terror Charlotte pulled the lips of her vagina apart and said " you want me to put my fingers in my c...cunt sir?. I'll f...fuck myself
with my fingers for you shall I?."

Suddenly and shockingly the white man's temper seemed to snap.

To Charlotte's horror he rushed across to her and grabbed her wrists. Hauling
out the plastic handcuffs from his jacket pocket he snapped them on, securing
her hands in front of her. Then he dragged Charlotte, who was now crying
uncontrollably, across the room to the punching bag. He yanked the bag off the
supporting hook and hauled Charlotte's arms up in front of her, hooking them
over the curved metal. Towing on the pulley device that controlled the height of
the bag, he stretched Charlotte tight with her hands fully secured above her

Charlotte was now strung up with her body was as tight as a bow string, her high
heels were the only thing keeping her from actually dangling in the air.

She watched with horrified fascination as the white man produced a wicked
looking cane and started to swish the air with it.

"I'll make sure that you put some feeling into it in future" he snarled.

"P...Please don't hurt me" Charlotte cried. "I'll do anything for you."

"Too right you will when I've finished with you" he replied, looking her up and

Charlotte presented a savagely erotic sight, her nubile body stretched upwards
in front of him, her skirt rucked up around her waist with her knickers pulled
halfway down her thighs, baring her hairy vagina for them both to see.

It didn't seem to be enough for the man as he produced an evil looking knife and
went round to the rear of Charlotte. She felt him grab the thin material of her
suit coat and slash it completely from top to bottom, pulling each side away and
repeating the process with her blouse and brassiere.

Charlotte's small breasts swung into view, her modest pink nipples distended
with fear.

The white man then proceeded to systematically beat Charlotte about the body,
mainly on the buttocks and back but occasionally lashing at her breasts.

Charlotte was screaming in agony as the beating seemed to go on forever.

When he finally stopped Charlotte felt a new thrill of fear as she saw him
producing a hypodermic needle and filling it from a small vial.

"Ooh please" she implored "Anything but that"  not even knowing what that was.

"This will probably make you more enthusiastic in future" he gritted, locating a
vein in Charlotte's tethered right arm and injecting the contents into it.

After disposing of the needle the two men left Charlotte fastened in position,
the little clothing she was wearing in rags around her aching body, the welts of
her beating an angry red against her white skin.

As they went out of the door the black man did slip on Charlotte's high heel so
she could find some purchase on the floor with them.

Charlotte didn't know how long she was left hanging there, crying hysterically
and then half fainting asleep, she was almost glad to see them when they

She had also been suffering from hallucinations brought on, she presumed, by
whatever drug they had pumped into her body. They were accompanied by strange
and not unpleasant longings surging through her bound frame.

When she saw the two men Charlotte begged them to untie her.

"What for you slut" said the white man, Charlotte had gathered that his name was
Charlie and the black man's was Ricking.

"I really want to pee sir" Charlotte whimpered.

"Listen to the bloody aristocratic bitch" Charlie snarled. "Begging me for a
piss. Get the fucking bucket and shove it under her" he went on.

Rick brought out an enamel bucket from the other room and, ripping the remains
of Charlotte's panties off, he spread her legs on either side of the container.
The remnants of her skirt were still tucked up around her waist leaving her
femininity open for them both to see.

Looking down at herself Charlotte miserably began to urinate into the bucket,
ashamedly aware that the two were watching the gushing stream  emerging from her

As Charlotte finished relieving herself, the last drops of her urine eased off
and, apart from a little that spilt onto the floor, the rest ran down her inside
leg and soaked into the tops of her nylon stockings.

This seemed to put Charlie into an evil mood and he again snatched the cane up
and began laying about Charlotte with renewed vigour.

"P...Please" Charlotte wailed. "Don't beat me any more sir. I shan't spill any
more pee, I've finished."

"Part your legs you cunt" he shouted. "I'll belt you where that came from."

"Ohhhhhhhh no, no please" begged Charlotte. "I'll do anything for you, Please

It was all to no avail. Charlie had Rick open Charlotte's legs wide and he
proceeded to strike her violently between them, the cane biting into Charlotte's
tender vaginal area and clitoris.

When he had exhausted himself he again exposed a vein on Charlotte's arm and
injected a second dose of whatever drug he was using into her.

Leaving Charlotte still suspended the men retired into the next room. Charlotte
half hung there for most of the night, sobbing but in a strange drug induced

In the early hours of the morning Charlotte sensed Rick entering the room and
immediately implored him to allow her to urinate into the bucket.

"Please Rick sir" she begged. "If you would just release my wrists so I can pee
properly then I shan't offend Charlie. I'll let you watch me pee. You like that
don't you?" she went on eagerly.

Rick grudgingly agreed and as he undid the handcuffs he said "I want you to be
as dirty as possible or I'll fucking belt you again.

Charlotte quickly concurred as she wobbled about on her high heels, her legs and
arms going through recovery pains as Rick brought out the bucket. Charlotte
shrugged off the remnants of her jacket and blouse. Making sure that the
tattered remains of her skirt were still tugged up to her waist, and her hairy
slit was fully visible to Rick, Charlotte assumed a squatting position over the
bucket and, slightly bending at the knees, Charlotte fixed her gaze on Rick and
started to spurt into it. The relief was almost overwhelming and her weak legs
trembled on either side of the receptacle.

Thinking frantically how she could 'Be as dirty as possible' in Rick's words,
Charlotte started to caress her pubic hair as she gushed into the canister.

"Look Rick" she murmured shakily. "Do you want me to play with myself while I'm

Rick nodded dumbly, hardly able to take his eyes off her splashing slit.

Charlotte let her middle finger drift down to her hole. She felt the hot spray
of her urine wet her finger.

Throwing caution to the winds she took hold of either side of her vagina with
both hands, feeling the pain of the cane marks, and pulled her gash wide for
Rick to see.

Looking down at the freed torrent Charlotte said "You will look after me Rick
won't you?. I'll let you do anything to me if you do. Watch and see what I'll do
for you now."

For such a well bred young lady as Charlotte, she was experiencing some rather
strange and erotic feelings.

It had dimly occurred to her that these may be the result of the drugs they had
been pumping into her arm, but she didn't ponder about the reason too deeply.

At the moment she found that she was almost revelling in the exhibitionism that
she was displaying.

Still crouching over the container Charlotte winced with pain as she allowed her
forefinger and middle finger of her right hand to slip into her hot streaming
cunt. Charlotte was now finding that she was deriving a hot flush of sexual
excitement from the soreness inflicted on her body. Her fingers  had the effect
of slowing down the steady stream of her urine, giving Charlotte another
debauched thrill.

She slid her fingers in and out of herself, gasping and moaning when she saw
that Rick was visibly excited by her display.

Still pulling wide the left side of her hairy slit she thrust all four fingers
inside, completely stemming the flood.

"Ohhhhhhhh Rick" she gasped. "Do you want me to suck my fingers now?. I will if
you want me to, or would you like me to suck your penis while you pee into my
mouth?. I'll do anything you want me to."

"Suck your fingers first you dirty bitch" Rick whispered.

Charlotte withdrew her fingers from her swollen vagina, allowing the hot stream
of urine to flow into the bucket again, and pushed her fingers all the way into
her mouth.

She could taste the slightly bitter, salty flavour of her own pee as she
swallowed the juices, her urination now dribbling to a halt.

"Come over here you rich bitch" Rick ordered.

Charlotte walked unsteadily over to him, lowering her eyes submissively.

"Take off the rest of your clothes. I have to give you another shot."

Charlotte undid the button and slid down the zip at the side of her ruined skirt
and allowed it to fall to the floor. Stepping out of her high heels she undid
her garter belt and slid off her nylon stockings.

She stood in front of Rick now completely naked, her body livid with red welts
and her inflamed and sore, vivid red vagina throbbing through her black pubic
hair. Charlotte obediently held out her right arm as he produced another needle
and watched with detachment as he emptied the contents of the hypodermic into
her arm.

"Down on your knees you dirty cow" he snapped. "I want you to swallow all this." 
He was busy unzipping the front of his trousers.

As Charlotte sank to her knees in front of him he took out his penis and grabbed
the back of her head.

Charlotte grasped his big black penis in her small hand and tentatively placed
it in her mouth.

"You'll have to make sure that you've got it well in" he gritted. I don't want
you to spill a drop of this."

Charlotte sucked harder as she tasted the first spurting of his urine enter her
mouth. Frantically swallowing Charlotte felt his hot piss pouring into her mouth
with some speed.

Gagging and swallowing as fast as she could, Charlotte felt the flow getting

She sensed Rick moving to take hold of the container and place it next to her
trembling naked body.

Suddenly Rick jerked his cock out of her hot, wet mouth and he grabbed her long
jet black hair, wrenching her head sideways over the bucket containing her own

Keeping a firm grip on her hair Rick sprayed his pee into her face with
increasing force.

Charlotte sensed the hot piss hitting her face as she kept her eyes closed but
her pretty mouth wide open, catching some of the savage flow.

When she perceived a slackening of the gush she hesitantly opened her eyes.

She saw with some excitement that Rick's penis was swelling as he completed
peeing  It stood up straight and black in front of her face causing her to feel
her lower belly with her fingers as she tried to capture the weapon with her
mouth again.

"No you don't you over sexed cunt" he snarled. "I'm going to hang you out to

With this Rick hauled her to her feet and snapped on the handcuffs again.

"Please...please Rick sir, don't do this to me. Don't hang me up again. If you
check the Range-Rover and the caravan you'll find lots of clothes in the trunks
and cases. I'll dress up just for you all pretty and do anything you say. Just
don't hang me up again."

It was all to no avail as Rick secured her to the punching bag hook. He moved a
loose full length mirror from the rear of the room directly in front of
Charlotte, so she could view her despair and left her there.

He at least had replaced her high heels so she could find some purchase on the
floor by keeping her legs together.

Charlotte looked despairingly at her reflection. She saw that her white body was
a mass of red, angry looking weal's.

To take her mind off the state of herself she started to think about what had
just passed and Rick's large black penis.

Charlotte felt a hot flush of shame and excitement suffuse her face when she
looked down at herself, and saw that her pubis was visibly pulsating.

She watched fascinated as it leaked out a semi-transparent liquid that trickled
down her inside thigh.

'Its got to be the drugs their pushing into me' she thought idly as she passed
in and out of unconsciousness for the rest of that night.

Charlotte was awaked by the sounds of the two men at their ablutions.

The first to enter the room was Charlie who gave her naked body a knowing leer
as he lowered the hook and unhooked her.

Freeing Charlotte from the handcuffs he allowed her to visit the shabby little
bathroom they had been using.

When Charlotte re-entered the room, somewhat refreshed, he said "Keep in mind
you will only be allowed to use that bathroom once a day. Any other time you
want to take a leak you will use the fucking bucket. Is that understood?"

Charlotte nodded meekly, feeling utterly defenceless in her nudity.

Throughout the day the pair of them seemed to be discussing the matter of her

Charlotte sat huddled on one of the shabby chairs during most of this time.

She was appalled at one stage to hear Charlie actually suggesting cutting off
her ring finger to send to her parents, and almost sobbed with relief when Rick
disabused him of this plan.

She made copious cups of foul tasting coffee for them and herself throughout the
day, not being able to bring herself to eat anything.

Charlie twice administered an injection into her arm which Charlotte suffered
obediently, the drugs giving her a floating, gentle trance-like state.

It was on the first of these injections that Charlotte asked permission to use
the bucket.

She attempted to use it at the rear of the room till Charlie snapped "Drag the
fucking thing in front here you bitch. You'll piss in front of us or not at

Charlotte still could not hide her embarrassment as she crouched over the
container noisily peeing in front of the men. Charlie didn't seem to pay her any
mind but she noticed Rick's eyes on her during these periods.

Charlie had not even allowed Charlotte the comfort of wearing her high heels
during the day. "Fucking completely bare is how we want you" was his remark,
making Charlotte feel thoroughly disarmed and vulnerable.

When evening approached they decided to go out and Charlie gave Charlotte
another injection before cuffing her and suspending her from the hook again.

Charlotte dangled there helplessly till Rick slipped her high heels back on.

When they returned Charlotte woke from a half doze to find that Charlie was
lowering her to administer another injection.

"What are you injecting me with?" Charlotte timidly asked, expecting, and by now
half hoping, to be punished for her temerity.

Charlie however seemed to treat the question with some seriousness.

Standing Charlotte in front of Rick, who was slumped in one of the chairs he
said "Get it out Rick, you bloody black stag. She'll soon see what the drugs do
for her."

Charlotte watched trembling as Rick fumbled with his trousers. She was feeling a
strange anticipation as he produced hid flaccid black penis and started to
massage it in front of her.

Charlotte gazed in hypnotised fascination as the ebony member stiffened and

Suddenly she felt an urgent pulsating on her lower tummy and she experienced a
need to part her legs.

Placing her legs apart Charlotte glanced down at herself to discover that her
vagina was seeping liquid at a faster rate than the last time. She watched as
her fluids gathered and dripped to the floor.

This continued whilst she scrutinised Rick's masturbation, sending her into a
thrill of delight as he suddenly came on his fist.

She was still in a state of sexual excitement when Charlie hand-cuffed her and
secured her to the hook for the evening.

Charlotte spent the night half sleeping and half awake, being interrupted just
the once by Charlie who administered another injection. Charlotte had by now
become used to them and complied submissively.

When the two men came into the room the following morning Charlotte discovered
to her horror that she had started her menstruation period during the night and
she was bleeding quite profusely down her legs.

This seemed to throw Charlie into an unreasonable rage and he snatched up the
cane and started to beat her unmercifully, causing Charlotte to scream and cry

He beat her about the buttocks and on her small breasts till they ached.

Throwing the cane down when he had exhausted his rage he stormed out of the

Charlotte remained strung up weeping and sobbing, receiving no sympathy from
Rick, till Charlie returned a couple of hours later with three packets of old
fashioned sanitary napkins. Where the hell he'd got them, God knows.

Releasing her he threw the packets at Charlotte with one of the nylon stockings
that she had been wearing, and ordered her to clean herself up.

Charlotte retired to the small toilet and anxiously went about her ablutions.

Having had a body wash and freshening her tear streaked face, Charlotte made a
thin belt with the nylon, cutting off the spare lengths beyond the knot, and
applied one of the sanitary napkins to herself.

Looking down at the results Charlotte unhappily thought it an unsatisfactory
arrangement, the napkin barely covering her vagina and her bushy, black pubic
hair spreading out on either side, making her feel more vulnerable than ever.

Resigned to making the best of a bad job Charlotte returned uneasily to the main
room. Charlie appeared to have mastered his temper and Rick remained as
inscrutable as ever.

The next few days seemed to pass in an almost dream like sequence for Charlotte.
Her period came and went but she continued to use the sanitary napkins for some
kind of decent cover

Charlie ceased to inject Charlotte after two more days and, at first Charlotte
became very agitated as the drug had made her addictive. Rick however started to
give her a dosage of tablets every four or five hours, explaining that these
would have much the same effects as the injections. This proved to be the case
which calmed Charlotte down considerably.

Perhaps a week and a half passed with little or no action from day to day till
Charlie's came storming into the flat with the news that the police had been
informed of the ransom notes and he had just avoided being caught.

Eyeing Charlotte balefully he ordered her to bend over, just like a head teacher
to a child.

Charlotte had by now developed a masochistic delight in Charlie's punishments.

 Wobbling on her high heels she was now allowed to wear, she bent over and took
hold of her shapely ankles. She felt Charlie snap the napkin ribbon attached to
the thin nylon round her waist, and braced herself for the first blow.

A full minute passed as Charlotte waited in terrified and thrilled anticipation,
looking at the loose napkin swinging between her trembling thighs

Finally, unable to stand the nervous tension any longer, Charlotte quickly
dragged the urine bucket she was braced next to, and positioned it between her
straddled legs as the build up of urine flowed out in apprehensive jets.

Unfortunately for Charlotte, some of her hot urine hit the floor before she
managed to centre the container under her. This seemed to enrage Charlie even
more. "You'll pay for that you filthy cow" he bawled. "Tell me you want me to
make you scream or I'll whip you to within an inch of your life."

"Make me scream Sir. Ohhhhhhhh Charlie make me scream" Charlotte sobbed in

Charlotte knew by now that her screams would go undetected, as the flat was
situated above a closed down sex shop in a deserted area of the East end.

"Make me fucking scream and cry" Charlie prompted. "I want you to beg for this
punishment all the time."

"Make me fucking scream and cry" Charlotte sobbed, now peeing freely with fear.

Charlie brought the cane down on Charlotte's posterior with a heart stopping
explosion of pain that had her reach new heights of screaming.

Charlotte retained enough of her sanity to stay rigidly in position as Charlie
continued with his horrendous punishment.

Having covered both cheeks of her bottom with welts Charlie wanted to turn his
attention to other areas.

"Where?. Where?" he kept demanding of Charlotte.

"M...My T...Tits Charlie" sobbed poor Charlotte, now dully resigned to a
thorough beating. "Beat my tits and make me fucking scream" she whimpered
miserably, holding her hands under her small breasts fearfully.

Charlie obliged her. Savagely beating each pink tipped mound till they stung

Anticipating Charlie's next demand, Charlotte backed to one of the old chairs.

Sitting on the edge of the seat, she resignedly hooked her legs over each arm.

"Now whip my cunt"  Charlotte moaned, repeating Charlie's litany "Make me
fucking scream."

"Pull it open bitch."

Charlotte painfully pulled aside the lips of her vagina and shifted the napkin
to one side, screaming once more as Charlie brought the cane down accurately
between her legs. She was horrified but intrigued to find that each time he hit
her vagina, she had an orgasm, coming violently with every stroke.

Finally tiring he left Charlotte strung up, without the advantage of her high
heels, leaving her dangling from the floor.

Charlotte wept and moaned for several hours in this position as they had both
left her alone in the flat. She was also undergoing some withdrawal symptoms as
he hadn't given her any of the tablets before leaving.

When they did return finally, Charlotte sobbed with relief and gratitude as Rick
showed her some small kindness', giving her two tablets and allowing her the
relief of the bucket.

The next few days passed into weeks as Charlotte observed a set routine. Going
along with all their minor requests and keeping a low profile. The bruises on
her body healed so Charlotte estimated that to have taken a fortnight.

She ran out of sanitary napkins at one stage and Rick brought another three
packets in for her.

She was fed a steady diet of whatever drug they were giving her, till one day
Charlie remarked that she was going to have to earn them in future.

"Them fucking things cost thirty quid a tab" Charlie explained. "Your going to a
party where you will do as your fucking told by everyone. You'll earn your keep
till your dad coughs up the ransom without involving the police next time."

Charlotte was given to understand that some of their shady friends, were willing
to pay for sex of a different nature to the usual prostitutes they took their
business to. Charlie was at great pains to point out that they were paying for
"A lot of class" as he put it. "Put on your normal Lady Muck manners."

The next two or three days were given over to the preparations for this

Charlotte was finally allowed long showers and Rick brought in a case full of
"The house of Lawrence" cosmetics.

She revelled in being able to shampoo her luxuriant black hair for the first
time in weeks. Rick even allowed her a supervised shave of her armpits,
confiscating the razor immediately afterwards.

On the evening of the initiation of Charlotte into prostitution, she was taken
out of the flat for the first time and transported in a van to a rather seedy
little club, apparently also owned by Charlie.

It was sheer bliss to Charlotte that all the trunks and cases of Larry's
fashions had been brought into the flat earlier in the day, and she could cover
her nakedness for the first time since her kidnap.

Entering the club Charlotte saw that there were nine or ten men sitting around
drinking. She was quite surprised that one or two of them appeared to have their
girl friends or wives with them.

After supplying her with the first alcoholic drink she had tasted in weeks along
with two of the tablets, Charlie introduced her to the group as "Lady Muck."

A smooth looking Italian type who was accompanied by one of the women invited
Charlotte to sit at their table.

Charlotte did so, crossing her elegant silk clad legs decorously.

She had donned one of Larry's more simple and expensive creations. A black two
piece suit with grey facings. Delicate strap over high heeled sandals in black,
with matching black velvet gloves. Her long black hair was secured classically
in a swept back chignon with two rolling waves framing her beautiful face. Her
make-up was tastefully applied to enhance her natural beauty, with grey
eye-shadow throwing into relief her blue eyes. Charlotte's white even teeth
intensified by her blood red, scarlet lipstick which matched her nail varnish.
Charlotte, using all the tricks that she practised as a top model had added to
her allure with Larry's latest perfume Night Rider. Taken in all she had stunned
the company in the dilapidated little club into reverential silence.

Emboldened by the effect she was having on them Charlotte adopted her most
blue-blooded manner.

The man introduced himself as Mark and the lady, who turned out to be his wife,
as Maria

After a few minutes desultory conversation Maria suddenly asked "I thought
Charlie said there was going to be a whore laid on."

This took Charlotte a little by surprise, not being conversant with the morals
of the criminal classes.

"There is a whore" said Charlotte coolly but a little apprehensively. "It's me."

Maria looked as if you could have floored her. "But you're a lady, not a slut."

Looking at Maria deliberately Charlotte said softly " I do assure you that I'm
the whore that Charlie promised you. I may seem like a lady but I'm a slut,
believe me."

Looking stunned Maria said "But we were promised some really kinky stuff
tonight. Ask for your money back Mark. This one's a real non-starter."

"Really, there's no need for that" Charlotte assured her hurriedly. "I've been
told to do anything you require."

"Anything?" Maria enquired incredulously. "Anything" Charlotte confirmed. Her
voice now trembling.

"Well honey, we were told you were into water sports and masochism and the like.
You just don't strike me as the type."  As if to test Charlotte she went on,
"Haul up the skirt then and let's see the goods."

Charlotte, nervous by now, plucked at the hem of her skirt. Conscious of Mark
and Maria's eyes on her she slid the expensive material slowly up her flawless

The tops of her nylon stockings came immediately into view, Charlie had insisted
she wear a couple of sizes smaller than her usual, and the ribbing of the
stockings started just above her knees, secured by long, black suspender straps.

She continued drawing the material up her white thighs, stopping when she
reached the apex of her legs.

"Great legs" commented Maria appreciatively. "Hey you people, the Duchess here
is going to give us a little show. Up on the stage with you Duchess and let the
dogs see the rabbit."

Charlotte stood and mounted the small stage. The company of people there
gathered in front of it and gazed with interest at her.

Remaining standing Charlotte again plucked at the sides of her skirt, tugging it
up her nylon covered legs once more to the start of her panties.

"C'mon Duchess" shouted Maria. "We all want to see the knickers down. Tell us in
that toffee-nosed accent of yours what you'll do for us. Lets see some fingers
up your cunt."  Maria was really getting into her stride by this time.

Charlotte stared down at her exposed nylon clad legs and placed her gloved hands
on either side of her skirt. She looked at herself as she pulled the skirt up to
her waist, exposing her white silk panties to them all.

Trapping her raised skirt with one elbow, Charlotte took off her gloves and
dropped them to the stage. She then hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her
panties and slowly eased them down over her white abdomen and black bushy hair,
trapping them at her knees. She could push them no further down as she had put
them on under her suspender belt, trapping them behind the tightness of the

Standing erect again, Charlotte slightly parted her legs and said "Do you want
me to finger myself then?", this question directed mainly at Maria, who seemed
to be running the show.

"Fucking look at that hairy bush Mark" Maria laughed. "I've seen less hair on an
Orang-utan. Go on then Duchess, bring yourself off."

Conscious of every eye upon her, Charlotte agitatedly flicked her sensitive
fingers over the front of her pubic hair. Every pass seemed to send an electric
shock through her.

She then pushed her first two fingers into her mouth, getting them thoroughly
lubricated before inserting them into her hot throbbing hole.

Charlotte caught her breath as her clitoris seemed to explode with excitement.
Panting and gasping Charlotte began working the two fingers in and out of her
vagina. She looked down at herself and could see her fingers emerging, covered
in sticky juices. Her efforts were accompanied by wet squelching sounds and her
small panting cries.

She could feel herself coming to a climax as her knees trembled and bent, her
panties caught around them not allowing her to spread her legs any wider.

Charlotte gave out a small scream as she felt herself orgasm time after time. It
was as if there was a flood coming out of her cunt as she withdrew her fingers.

Unable to dry herself she cast an enquiring glance at Maria, who seemed to be
the director of this production.

"Just smear it around then suck your fingers dry Duchess" Maria advised. "I
think that you can start circulating then, as one or two of these horny bastards
want to get their hands on you."

Charlotte obediently spread her sticky juices on her black pubic hair,
flattening it to her belly and causing her pubic mound to be thrown in sharp
relief, her sensitive pink clitoris thrusting outwards for them to see.

She then sucked the remainder off her fingers and made to pull up her panties
when Maria stopped her. "You can leave them where they are. It'll save the
problem of pulling them down again later."

Charlotte left her knickers supported under her suspenders and allowed her skirt
to fall, just about covering them.

She left the stage and compliantly began circulating, conversing with the rest
of the company as they vied for her attention.

One of the men had her sit at the small bar with him and cross her legs. This
Charlotte managed with difficulty, being hampered by her panties round her
knees. He then started to rub her on the outside of her skirt, pushing it
further and further back up her legs till he uncovered her wet bare slit. Easing
up and allowing him to free her skirt from under her bottom, Charlotte watched
as he tucked the hem in at her waist and parted her legs.

She sat with her thighs apart as he inserted his stubby fingers into her hot
vagina, and roughly forced them in and out of her.

It seemed even his lack of finesse didn't prevent her from flooding after as
little as a dozen thrusts.

Another couple, a man with his girlfriend this time, instructed Charlotte to
take off her skirt.

Standing in front of them she unzipped the side and allowed it to fall to the
floor. Stepping out of it she revealed her short petticoat that just covered her
bare bottom and pubic area.

"Now the jacket" the man ordered.

Docilely Charlotte removed her jacket and postured for them wearing just her
scanty lace petticoat over her small brassiere, her panties still caught at her
knees restricting her movements.

"Bend over slut" the young woman commanded.

Clutching at her ankles, Charlotte felt the rear of her slip sliding up over her
bare backside to her waist and the man inserted his large penis into her anus.

Biting her lip as the pain began to rip through her body, Charlotte felt him
bucking in and out of her as he rode to a quick climax.

Not bothering to re-dress, she responded to another call for her services, this
time from the irrepressible Maria.

"Let's  see what kind of a slut you are" said Maria, instructing Charlotte to
put on her discarded clothes and pull up her panties. Maria then had her pose
for the assembly as she would on a fashion parade.

Charlotte, now feeling the sexual excitement exploding in her lower stomach in a
series of small pulsating throbs, posed and paraded up and down the small stage
in front of them. She was conscious that Maria would request some bizarre act at
any time. When it came it caused Charlotte some surprise and embarrassment.

"Right you stuck up cow. Pee in your panties." Maria ordered, to the amusement
of all the audience.

Flushing red with shame, Charlotte started to raise her skirts. "Without pulling
your skirt up you slut. Just piss your pants as I told you."

Charlotte let her skirts down and stood before the avid viewers. She knew in her
mind that this would be the final humiliation. If they forced her to submit to
this she would be completely broken. Summonsing up all her courage Charlotte
stammered ""

"Charlie!" Maria rapped out. Charlotte saw Charlie emerge from the shadows at
the back of the club, and quaked inside when he roared "Do as your fucking
told."  She knew at that moment that she would never break free of these two
men. There was no question that she would disobey him.

Despairingly Charlotte released her tight bladder and felt the hot urine soaking
between her legs. Closing her eyes to the guests Charlotte stood with her legs
apart straining her tight black skirt. She heard the splashing of her pee as it
hit the floor between her feet.

"Stop for a moment" commanded Maria. "I want you to show us all what a dirty
little bitch you are. Pull your skirt up now."

Charlotte glanced down, and was relieved to see that her urine had not spread
much of a stain on the expensive skirt. Bending down she took hold of the hem of
her skirt, and pulled it up her legs to her waist.

She glanced down and saw that the liquid had made her panties translucent. You
could clearly see her hairy cunt swollen against the thin white material.

"Right" ordered Maria. "Start again."

Now looking down at herself, Charlotte released her bladder again. She watched
as she saw the liquid gush against the thin lacy nylon of her knickers, the
force of which flooded the leg bands and poured down to the stage, the rest
streaming down her hose covered legs.

One of the men in the audience had taken out his large penis and Charlotte
looked at it and experiencing a sickening ache to fondle and suck it. She was
truly hooked.

Then followed one of the most debauched, yet thrilling acts that Charlotte would
ever have dreamed of.

Whilst Maria stripped her of her jacket and blouse again, pulling her knickers
down to her knees and even taking off her small gossamer brassiere, leaving her
naked apart from her delicate petticoat, Mark had taken out his penis and had
sat himself on the edge of the small stage.

Maria instructed Charlotte to sit on his penis, allowing it to penetrate her

Settling herself with some difficulty into this position, her high heel barely
making contact with the floor, Charlotte then was told to open her vagina to
allow one of the other men to insert his cock.

Panting in the middle of this human sandwich, Charlotte felt herself reaching an
enormous climax. She turned her head sideways and gasped as she was presented
with another male member. She took hold of the stiff flesh and stuffed it into
her hot mouth, lubricating it as she gagged on the size.

Then Charlotte became aware that Maria had captured her left hand and was
encouraging her to raise her skirt up. Pulling upwards on Maria's skirts,
Charlotte felt the silky texture of her knickers. Plunging her hand inside the
waistband she discovered the smooth, shaven flesh surrounding Maria's wet hole.
Charlotte inserted two fingers inside Maria, and worked them frantically in and

During the course of this another man had taken Charlotte's right hand and
encouraged her to masturbate him.

It was the ultimate orgy. Charlotte was being used by the whole group.

The evening then passed in an orgasmic frenzy for Charlotte. One after the
other, using and abusing her. She felt no sense of outrage as she was
participating with frantic eagerness, Seeking out one humiliation after another.

It must have been about half past two in the morning when the last of the
company departed.

Charlotte stood in front of Charlie. She was practically naked, her delicate
petticoat torn and stained, her knickers still trapped damply at her knees under
her suspenders, and her make-up smeared with the sticky seed from various men,
who had forced their members into her mouth.

Her own sexual systems were still throbbing urgently, her small tender breasts,
bared on either side of her thin petticoat straps, were aching to be squeezed
and caressed, and her vagina flowing freely with her own and others juices, was
still unsatisfied.

She was therefore strangely elated when Charlie planned yet another humiliation
for her.

"Right you fucking bitch. Refusing to piss for the customers will cost you. You
will do anything your fucking told you high class cunt."

He told Charlotte that she would be made to walk back to the flat in the state
she was in.

Charlotte set off on the cold dark streets and alleys with Rick as her
sheep-dog, chivvying her along with a riding crop he kept discretely at the side
of his trousers, occasionally flicking at her bare legs. She could only take
small steps, haltered as she was by her panties.

There seemed to be no one about the streets at that time of the morning, which
was perhaps a good thing as it was a clear moonlit night, and at one stage for
his own amusement, Rick made Charlotte haul  her tattered petticoat up to the
undersides of her breasts, baring her black bushy patch of pubic hair framed by
her milky white tummy. He idly flicked at her bare bottom from time to time as
she stumbled along till they finally reached the flat.

Still having no idea of the location or area of the city they were in, Charlotte
fell into an exhausted and restless sleep, having first been handcuffed again
and stripped of her remaining clothes, and given the makeshift sanitary napkin

To be Continued...

Chapter Two.

Three or four weeks passed. The Rt. Hon Charlotte Spencer had lost all sense of
time. Whilst Charlie seemed to be carrying on negotiations to secure a ransom
for Charlotte, he also took her to the small club several times to favour paying
'friends'. They  used her in the most depraved ways one could imagine.

She still spent most of her time handcuffed and naked in the flat. Her only
concession to modesty was the thong that she was allowed. Even that had given
way to an economy on sanitary napkins. Charlotte now used another nylon stocking
knotted to the one used as a belt. This resulted in the second stocking working
its way into the lips of her vagina and emphasizing her wet hairy slit, rather
than covering it. From time to time Charlie invited other shady characters to
the flat. He made Charlotte stand beside them whilst they prodded and poked at
it. This gave her a lascivious pleasure from which they derived much amusement .

Charlotte examined her vagina one day whilst Rick and Charlie were out of the
flat. Laying on her back she held a mirror between her legs and saw that, when
she pulled the nylon away from her wet slit, it remained gaping open, pouting
almost as her deep pink clitoris seemed to throb in the center of the sticky hot
moistness. She was fascinated by her insatiable sexual needs and the way they
were changing her body.

Then the day  finally arrived that Charlotte had been waiting for with mixed

Charlie came into the flat in an exultant mood. "Your brother's got the money.
He's at the club right now. He won't let us know how to fucking get hold of it
till he sees you."  He paused expectantly and eyed Charlotte up and down. "How
do you feel about that?. In fact how do you feel about your precious brother?."

The last was said in a tone of hidden menace that made Charlotte glance at him

She was in her usual state of undress, high heeled sandals and her improvised
thong. She was pulling at the center stocking that passed between her legs
distractedly. She knew that this seemed to please him, puffing out the lips of
her sex for his gratification. Charlotte had never heard of the "Stockholm
syndrome", or the much publicized Pattie Hearst case. If she had she might have
recognized her own reliance upon Charlie and Rick now.

"I don't want to go back Charlie" she wailed. "What will I do for my pills?.
What will they think of me the way I am?."

Charlie viewed this reaction with some degree of satisfaction. He had her just
as he wanted her.

"Do you love your brother Charlotte?" he persisted. "We want the money but we
have to persuade him not to take you home don't we?."

Charlotte nodded reluctantly. She had always loved Dave her elder brother, but
had held him somewhat in awe as they were growing up. The times when they were
really close had been in their early teenage years when the two of them were
inseparable, sharing their most guarded secrets of burgeoning adulthood.

"We'll get you all pretty to see him" Charlie went on. "Then you must try and
persuade him to let you stay here won't you?."

Charlie didn't have to paint a picture for Charlotte. She knew what he expected
of her as she went and showered, Rick meanwhile, bringing in her clothes and

When she was dressed Charlie and Rick drove her to the familiar club. The
evening was just drawing in as Charlotte steeled herself for this further

She had carefully chosen her wardrobe, an expensive number of Larry's in pastel
pink, complimenting her peach based make-up and artfully arranged hair.
Charlotte always knew when she was looking her best and she knew she looked
stunning for this meeting.

Arriving at the club Charlotte uncrossed her nylon covered legs and alighted
from the car.

"Remember bitch. Get the fucking location of the money otherwise he's dead." 
This last said very flatly by Charlie.

Inside the club they allowed her to go into the office to confront her brother.
Charlotte entered the small office and, putting her finger to her lips, silently
locked the door behind her. There was a low sound of piped music coming from the
concealed speakers, affording them a degree of privacy. Charlotte knew it was a
nonsense as Charlie had told her there were hidden video camera's recording the

Within minutes David had told Charlotte where the ransom money was waiting for
the two kidnappers, such was his relief at finding Charlotte safe. Charlotte
knew that Charlie, watching the video, would be on his way to collect it, so she
got down to the business of convincing David that she wished to remain with her

"So you see David darling, I can't go back to Mummy and Daddy. I have to stay

David had the same idea as Charlotte as to their whereabouts, having been
blindfolded before being brought to the club. He stared at Charlotte in
disbelief as she outlined her objections.

He noticed uncomfortably that Charlotte was slowly opening and closing her legs
as she sat in front of him, holding his hands and lightly caressing them. He had
always loved his sister but she now seemed a different woman from the little
girl that he'd known, more assured and sexual. Despite himself, David felt
himself being drawn into a sensual web Charlotte seemed to be weaving.

Leaning over and lingeringly kissing him full on the lips, Charlotte whispered
into David's ear. "Do you remember how we used to tell each other all our
lascivious thoughts when we were young David?. Yours were always better than
mine sweetheart. I always loved you for them shared thoughts."

As she murmured to him Charlotte was lightly caressing the inside of his thighs
through his tailored slacks. She knew that David was becoming aroused and trying
desperately to control his feelings. She continued leaning intimately into him,
willing him to feel the depth of her desire.

David couldn't take his eyes away from Charlotte's legs. Her skirt had slipped
up past the top of her nylons, baring her white thighs framed by her suspenders
arrowing up to the 'V' of her powder blue panties. He couldn't believe he could
feel so intensely aroused by this ravishing creature that was his sister. He
could smell the sweetness of her breath mingled with the subtle fragrance of her
perfume, making him ache with craving.

Charlotte had now taken his right hand and was guiding it up her exposed thighs
to her vulva. He felt the pliant touch of her nylon panties, barely covering her
soft womanliness.

"David" she breathed. "They have given us a couple of hours. Why don't we play
through some of the thoughts we exchanged when we were teenagers?."

David could only nod dumbly as Charlotte went on, "Why don't you take off your
clothes. I'll pull my knickers down my knees and we'll dance together."

For some inexplicable reason David found this idea wildly sensual, and started
fumbling with his clothing before Charlotte had hardly finished her sentence.

He was just stepping out of his briefs, when he saw Charlotte stand up and take
the hem of her skirt in her hands. He watched entranced as Charlotte tugged her
skirt up her silken legs, clearing her panties to her waist. She fumbled with
the waistband  and, with a feminine wriggle of her hips, slid the delicate
undergarment down to her knees. They remained trapped there, caught under her

Unbending, Charlotte coyly kept her hands crossed over her pubic area.

"Let me see" David managed to croak out. "Please Charlotte. Let me see it."

"What David?. What do you want to see?. Do you want to see your sisters pussy?.
Do you want to look at my naughty bits?." 

All the while Charlotte was slowly caressing herself. She knew she had him in
the palms of her hands.

Flattening her hands on her stomach, Charlotte pulled aside her fingers baring
her vagina surrounded by thick black pubic hair. Her vulva had swollen over the
weeks, now rising out of her hairs and pouting like a partially peeled orange.
David saw that her slit was clearly showing and glistening with moistness. He
felt himself hardening as Charlotte pulled him close  and started to dance
sensually with him.

She was kissing him voluptuously as he felt his hard penis nudging her hot
sticky love mound, her high heels just bringing her up to his level.

"I've got to put it in Charlotte" he gasped. "Please let me fuck you."

Drawing her head back and looking at him demurely Charlotte whispered "Oh yes
David. Put your cock inside me. I want to feel it inside me."

Raising herself slightly, she took hold of his member and slid it into her hot
lubricated love passage.

Clinging to David's neck, Charlotte swayed around the office with him, deeply
kissing him repeatedly as he felt himself building to an uncontrollable climax.

Pumping his semen into her, David gasped and groaned as he felt himself drain.
Charlotte was giving little screams and crying as she allowed her brothers come
to flood her body.

After he had withdrawn from her, David sank down on a settee positioned against
the office wall. Charlotte left her panties round her knees, but allowed her
skirt to drop down and cover them.

She sat down by David and took his penis, covered in her juices, into her mouth.
Working assiduously with her tongue she suckled on his manhood till he felt
himself ejaculate heavily into her enveloping lips.

Charlotte conserved David's sperm in her mouth and stroked his hair as he fell
into a satiated sleep.

Getting quietly to her feet, Charlotte let herself out of the office.

Down in the club Charlie was delighted, having picked up the money earlier, and
returning to witness the brother and sister's debauchery.

Making Charlotte stand in front of them he ordered her to raise her skirt. Still
safeguarding David's juices in her mouth, Charlotte mutely raised her skirt.

Rick and Charlie admired the cool way that she exposed the vulnerable area,
David's semen still spilling down her bare thighs.

Charlie dug out Charlotte's mirror and lipstick from her handbag and said
mockingly, "Freshen your fucking lips up bitch. It's all smudged."

Opening her legs to retain her skirt in the raised position, Charlotte took the
compact and lipstick. She saw Charlie was watching her intently as she opened
her mouth to apply the lip rouge. She tasted David's semen coating her tongue
and teeth as she applied the make-up, and glanced in the mirror to look at the
white sticky substance in her mouth.

"You dirty slut" snapped Charlie. "Bloody swallow it will you."  Charlotte ran
her tongue over her beautifully even white teeth and dutifully swallowed the

Whilst Charlie and Rick opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the successful
culmination of their illicit activities, Charlotte made certain  that she would
be staying with them on her own terms.

"You see Charlie. I want it to be on a subservient basis. I'll earn my keep.
I'll keep prostituting myself for you both at the club."

"What the fucking hell do you mean, subservient?."  he asked, nonplused.

Charlotte explained in simple terms how she now felt an unexplained, but
constant need for dominance and humiliation. "I can be so nice to you both if
you'll go along with that" she pleaded winningly. Charlie readily agreed.

Charlie was as good as his word.

Still making Charlotte parade around the flat naked apart from her thong, he
insisted on her urinating in front of them, occasionally making her thrust her
fingers into herself whilst in mid-flow.

She was expected to do all the housework for the two men, and was subjected to
the intermittent beating for the slightest disobedience. Rick  was a stickler
for cleanliness,  making Charlotte shower twice a day. Charlotte hand washed her
improvised thongs every day, having about a dozen by now.

This was just what Charlotte had desired. The masochistic thrill these daily
degradation's gave her were a powerful aphrodisiac to her. She was also rewarded
with the ration of pills, occasionally supplemented with direct injections into
her willing vein.

One evening, two or three weeks later, Rick came storming back to the flat and
told Charlotte "God... I've got some fucking shitty news. Charlie, the low down
bastard, has fucked off with all the money. That leaves me, and you, without a
fucking penny. I'll kill the little cunt if I ever see him again!"

Charlotte sat, shocked and agitated, as she slowly digested the news... Rick
went on...

"To begin with we need some fucking cash. At least that bastard's gone overseas,
that leaves me with this place and the club. I'm going to make you walk the
streets tonight. You'll find out what it's like to whore around like the rest of
the cheap hookers. You'll have to get us some working capital."  He told her he
would have to get her looking the part, and set about preparing her.

Rick's biggest worry seemed to be her recognizable appearance, her beautiful
face being a regular feature on the front of 'Vogue', 'Elle' and all the other
high fashion mag's. Although he knew that her brother had been blackmailed into
trying to put her parent's mind at rest, there would more than likely still be
police alert's out for her. He knew if he were a parent, he wouldn't accept the
fact that his daughter was living the lifestyle that Charlotte had chosen, and
her parents had the money and influence to make nasty things happen to Rick.

At one stage he even considered extracting one or two front teeth. Charlotte,
after shuddering at the thought of dentistry, masochistically developed a
certain desire for this new degradation. She even went so far as to plead for
it. "Please Rick. Take the front ones out at least. It would make me look like a
common slut-whore."

Loosing his temper with her strange needs he stormed at her, "Don't even think
of it bitch. Who the hell would pay good money for a toothless old whore.
No..... We'll just have to disguise you as much as possible." 

Later that evening, her heart pounding with secret excitement, Charlotte allowed
him to wash her hair and apply a peroxide dye that he had purchased.

While waiting for it to take, a towel wrapped round her hair, Charlotte
permitted him to shave away all her thick pubic hair. Surveying the result, 
Charlotte thrilled the sight of her naked hole, thrusting forward and pouting
invitingly. Her two thick labial lips wet and glistening.

Not allowing Charlotte to see the results of his ministrations till he had
finished, Rick  rinsed and dried her hair.

When she looked in the mirror Charlotte was shocked to see how it altered her
appearance. Her beautiful jet black hair was now a, cheap, bleached platinum
white. She combed and styled it into an artfully arranged chignon.

Rick had been down to the sex shop below, and had come up with some cheap
clothing and perfume that Charlotte could wear. It was no use wearing anything
of  Larry's, as it would be a dead giveaway.

The next thing he set about changing was her face. Not allowing Charlotte to see
his ministrations till they were finished,  he started to carefully apply some
cheap cosmetics to her lovely face.

When he was finished he handed Charlotte a mirror. Surveying herself Charlotte
was astonished at the transformation. She was more that a little turned on also.
Looking back at her from the mirror was a beautiful, cheap tart.

Rick had painted her normally fresh face like a hooker's, with a deep pancake
make-up. Around her eyes he had applied a deep green eye shadow, finished off
with long false eye-lashes. Her cheeks were highlighted in a startling red
rouge, with two side-pieces of her peroxided hair sweeping over her cheeks. A
full stop was put on the whole effect by a cheap bright red lipstick that
emphasized her perfect white teeth when she smiled. Her own parents wouldn't
recognize this slut if they passed her in the street.

Charlotte enthusiastically put on some strong smelling cheap perfume whilst Rick
sorted out her clothes.

Rick chose a flimsy pair of see through panties and matching bra. Over these he
had selected an inexpensive looking, skin tight red dress. Her dress was so
thin, that Charlotte had to wear a delicate petticoat to ensure the line of the
dress was uninterrupted. The ensemble was completed with a diminutive suspender
belt securing a pair of black nylons.

Rick had obtained a pair of black high heeled shoes, way above the height that
Charlotte normally wore. She teetered around the flat in these, unused to the
height, whilst admiring the effect in the full length mirror.

Charlotte had learnt to coarsen her accent, from the upper class 'Sloany' type
she was raised with, to a profane pseudo-cockney. She used this most of the time
as she knew that it went down well with Rick.

"Are you sure I've got to wear fucking knickers. Wouldn't I be better off

"You'll wear what I fucking say" he snapped, still raging inside at how Charlie
had landed them in this mess.. "I know the fucking streets and what the punters
go for. You're going to have to attract a lot of customers to dig us out of this

Charlotte submissively went along with what Rick said.

He took her from the flat to a seedy looking area near a disused subway station.
The territory looked well covered by veteran prostitutes, but Rick told her not
to worry about them. "A friend of mine runs them and knows about us" he
explained tersely.

Rick told Charlotte that he was going to make her first 'trick' a learning
experience. He led her into the disused subway and down a couple of inoperable

As Charlotte's eyes became used to the gloom, she could see that the labyrinth
was inhabited by a bunch of wino's.

Leading her across to a slumped figure, Rick  said  "See if you can turn this
bastard on. You're going to meet  some right oddballs whoring. If you can deal
with this, things can only improve."

Charlotte looked at the human wreckage in disgust, "You want me to fuck him or
just have him come?"  she inquired tentatively. "I'll do whatever you want me to
do Rick."

"Just get the fucker interested first of all" said Rick curiously.

 Charlotte squatted in front of the derelict. Prodding him disdainfully with her
scarlet nailed forefinger she said, "Hey cunt. Wake up. Do you want a piece of
this?."  she had learnt a lot of streetwise talk since being with Rick and

She saw his eyes open and separated her legs, allowing him to look up her dress.

With a sudden movement that took Charlotte by surprise, he made a drunken lunge
at her crotch. Charlotte found herself abruptly sat on her behind,  her knees
bent and legs parted.

The bum's filthy hand was clawing at the leg-band of her panties. Quickly, to
avoid him ripping or soiling them, Charlotte drew her leg-band to one side
baring her glistening distended cleft to him.

He drove his filthy fingers into Charlotte's cunt with an audible squelching
sound, as she carefully, and fastidiously undid his ripped jeans.

Charlotte discovered that he wore no such thing as underclothes as his rising
penis sprang into view. She took hold of it and gently started to masturbate
him, as he plunged his fingers in and out of her wet slit.

Slowly comprehension of what was happening to him seemed to penetrate his drink
sodden mind. "Fucking suck it you cunt" he slurred out.

"Don't you want to fuck me first?" murmured Charlotte, trying to put off that
distasteful task till later.

"Fucking suck it" he said again.

Charlotte hitched her dress further up and rose to a squatting position again.
With her skirt rucked up, the man took the opportunity to pull her panties down
over her backside, and down to her knees.

Leaning over him Charlotte took his swollen dirty cock into her mouth and
started to suck at it. God, it smelled something awful and flipped Charlotte's
stomach over in disgust.

She had hardly drawn his dick in when it seemed to explode sticky semen into her
hot mouth. He slumped back into his drugged doze, no doubt attributing the whole
experience to alcoholic hallucinations, his fingers withdrawing limply from her
streaming cunt.

Now thoroughly turned on by this debasing encounter, Charlotte dragged up her
transparent knickers and shakily followed Rick up the escalator stairs to the

The night seemed to pass in an unsatisfactory series of brief sexual encounters.
All of the sexual acts took place out of doors, some in a side ally and some in
shop doorways.

Towards the end of the night, Charlotte dispensed with her dress, bra and
panties to parade the streets in just her flimsy petticoat, stockings and
high-heels. She had lost count of the number of men she had serviced, but Rick
seemed well pleased with the money.

Returning to the flat, she fell into a fitful sleep on the thin mattress placed
on the floor that Rick had provided for her.

Charlotte enacted this scenario night after night for the next few weeks.
Sometimes she would get badly beaten by the punters, till Rick stepped in to
prevent her getting murdered. Charlotte felt some resentment at times by his
protective attitude, as she achieved her most intense sexual gratification from
these violent encounters.

She had taken to fingering herself most of the time around the flat. It was a
sure way for her to achieve sexual release. Rick eyed her with amusement as she
gasped and groaned her way through these sessions. He also took his own
gratification from her, making her bend over and talk dirty about herself during
his swift sex act.

She discovered there were many strange things that turned men on.

She had built up something of a reputation as a 'Water Sports' specialist. One
client used to bring all his own equipment.

It started early one night when he pulled up opposite Charlotte and asked her
about her specialty. Confirming her particular field of study the punter, named
Tom, asked to see her pimp. Motioning Rick over from his car, Charlotte watched
as they came to some agreement. Tom then took Charlotte to a local public house.
Pulling up in the car park, he produced a package from the glove compartment and
said, "Put them on in the toilets and join me at the bar sweetheart."

Charlotte, intrigued by his use of a kind endearment, opened the package in the
ladies and discovered to her shock, a pair of incontinence pants.

Unsure whether or not to take off her own lace sided French knickers, she
eventually donned the pants over her own, undoing her stockings from her
suspenders and refastening them over the top. Luckily she was wearing a tight
pink skirt and blouse that night, so the pants didn't show through.

Joining Tom at the bar, Charlotte noticed she was getting a few glares from the
'respectable' women in the bar. It was obvious to them that Charlotte was a
cheap whore. From her tight flashy clothes and tawdry make-up, to her peroxided
hair that was now growing out black at the roots.

Charlotte allowed herself some inner amusement. If these peasants knew who she
was, they'd be falling over to ingratiate themselves with her. Tom bought her
pints of lager, not her style.

"Drink up darling" he muttered in her ear. "No going to the ladies to urinate.
From now on you'll do it in your pants."

Nothing really surprised Charlotte by now. She decided to remain standing at the
bar in view of this request.

She was OK for the first hour, drinking and talking and occasionally dancing
with Tom on the small karaoke dance floor.

Then Charlotte whispered into his ear "I have to pee now Tom."

They were once more stood at the bar. Tom spoke very softly to Charlotte "Go
ahead. I want you to tell me what your feeling."

"I'm just about to start" Charlotte whispered. "I can feel it streaming out of
my cunt."

Tony was looking at her intently as she underwent this strange experience.

 "My knickers are soaked and I've hardly started."  She felt the plastic of the
incontinence pants tighten as they filled with her liquid.

"It's up past the top of my slit now. I hope these knickers hold, there's a

"They will. They're designed to take several pisses."

Feeling her already tight skirt straining, Charlotte slowly finished peeing. The
pants were filled to the waist with her warm urine.

She told Tom that she had finished and he took her onto the small dance floor.
Holding her tight against him, he grasped at her bottom. Charlotte gasped as he
pulled her in. She thought the pants would burst.

Several times after that Charlotte had cause to urinate, telling Tom each time.
Her skirt was now visibly bulging when they finally left the pub.

Tom and Charlotte walked back to her 'pitch'. The discomfort around her loins
adding to her sensuous feelings.

Under a lamp in the alley where she conducted her business, Tom had Charlotte
stand spotlighted by the streetlight, and told her to haul up her skirt.

With some difficulty, Charlotte tugged her skirt up over the bulging pants, to
settle it around her waist.

Tom studied her. He was aware that she was a whore, but there was something
different about Charlotte. Underneath the cheap make-up and badly peroxided hair
he could see that she was a beautiful woman of some quality.

At his request she obligingly undid her garter snaps and untied the legs of the
pants. Her pee started to stream down her legs, seeping under the elasticized
leg-bands. Charlotte hooked her scarlet fingernails under each one, and pulled
them free of her thighs. They emptied down her  legs in a rush.

Charlotte stepped out of the plastic pants, her silk knickers wet through and
clinging to her.

Pulling them down to her ankles she bared herself for his inspection, her shaven
vagina aired.

Seeing that Tom was unsure what to do next Charlotte said. "Why don't you take
your prick out Tom?. I'll stick my fingers in my cunt for you and you can have a
fucking good wank. Would you like that?."

Tom dismissed the fleeting thought that she was different. She was obviously as
big a slut as he had first taken her for.

The weeks passed into months as Charlotte saw her twentieth birthday come and

She was the only prostitute in London who had the temerity to walk her beat
naked. She had lost all feelings of modesty and shame, and had a growing craving
to cheapen herself more and more. It was like a drug.

Her masochistic urge for punishment had also developed to the extent that she
couldn't control herself.

Waiting for Rick to come home, she would bend over in front of him and pull her
skirts up, begging him to beat her.

"Please Rick" she would sob. "Hit me. Make me scream."  All the while she would
finger her wet and willing cunt, a habit she could not break.

Then came the day that she knew would arrive. Charlotte discovered that she was
two months pregnant.

For another four months Rick still employed her on the streets, till she
couldn't hide the fact of her pregnancy anymore.

To be continued...

Chapter Three.

Rick stopped Charlotte one evening as she was getting ready to go out and cruise
the streets. She had taken to wearing cheap jersey dresses now to disguise her
grotesquely swelling stomach.

"Take off your fucking clothes quick yuo high-class slu!" he snarled at Lady

Thinking that he was after a quick screw, Charlotte swiftly removed her
clothing. She posed in front of him wearing just a pair of high heels, stockings
and garter-belt, her  fat gut swelling unselfconciously out in front of her.

"God... Just fucking look at you, you fat bitch!" he commented, disgust apparent
in the tone of his voice. "Lady fucking Charlotte Spencer!. More like Lady
fucking fat gut. You look absolutely fucking repulsive" 

Charlotte would never quite get used to the derogatory names that Rick called
her. With tears pricking her eyes, she turned to view herself in the full length
mirror. She saw her white belly sticking out in front of her like a small
balloon. She automatically tried to suck it in but Rick was on to her.

"Let it go" he said. "Just relax for the moment. There are people who enjoy
pregnant women. You'll have to suit them while I'm away."

"Away? Where are you fucking going?" queried a startled and foul mouthed
Charlotte. She could now turn on and off, the cut glass enunciation, but she
knew that Rick preferred her acquired street-slut accent as it amused him to see
how far he'd dragged her down.

"I'm going over to Europe to see about getting you to making some porn movies,
there's a whole heap of money in that. You'll be OK. Do you know who gave us
your movements on the morning we captured you? Well, it was your one of your
Daddy's maids and that fucking husband of hers, the one who works in the
stables. They ratted you out... Haw. Well now they've agreed to keep you while
I'm gone. You'll be staying with them..."

Charlotte was taken aback by this news. She had always treated her maid, Rita
Price, with a patronising indifference, and no one knew better than Charlotte
herself, how she had got along with Rita's husband Roy. She had almost sacked
him on one or two occasions. He was a stableman for her father, and a lazy
bastard at that.

"But they must fucking rally hate me" she said tremulously. "Why have they
agreed to take me in?."

"Don't worry. They fucking hate you alright. They plan to make your life a
fucking misery. That should suit you right down to the ground You little pain
slut. I'll see to it they get a good supply of your fucking pills and other
fucking stuff to dole out to you if you're a good girl... My God... Just look at
the state of yourself."  Rick added, indicated the mirror.

Charlotte turned sideways. Now she had relaxed, she saw with horror that her
stomach stuck out in an uneven, half-rounded paunch. Her thin garter straps
dropped down to the fastenings on her stockings, just above her knees. She could
see a large space between them and her thighs, her abdomen pushing them out and
away from her body.

Charlotte still shaved her vagina and she glanced down at herself. She noticed,
that in her slackened state, she could only see her tummy bloating out. The one
time Lady and International model perceived with distaste her belly button
protruding grotesquely outwards like a small thumb, a thing it had never done
before. God... What a difference from the svelte like, and sophisticated career
model she once was. Now she looked like what she was fast becoming, a cheap,
pregnant, and nasty little slut. Her classical features were plastered with
cheap make-up, and her peroxided hair hung lankly down on either side.

Transferring her attention to her aching breasts, she discovered they had
started to droop and sag to either side. They ached slightly, and the aureoles
surrounding her small distended nipples had darkened and enlarged. Taking her
tender breasts in her hands she detected small drops of milky moisture oozing
out. Charlotte had started lactating.

Two weeks later Rick took Charlotte to the Price's house. Ironically they lived
in a tied bungalow on her fathers estate. Both Charlotte and Rick were confident
she would not be recognised now in her slut-mode.

"They're going to get you one or two 'specialised' jobs while your pregnant. In
between jobs they want you as their maid."  Rick had allowed Charlotte a small
suitcase into which had been packed a cheap maid's uniform and a few other cheap
clothes for Charlotte.

Pulling up outside the Price household, Rick rang the bell.

"Well now. Look what we have here. Little Miss Bossy herself."  This was the
less than encouraging greeting from Rita.

"Well... come on through to the bedroom and get the maid's uniform on. We'll
find out how you like the boot being on the other foot."

"If you hadn't been brought here by Rick, I would never have recognised you." 
Rita went on when Charlotte had re-emerged from the bedroom dressed in the
maid's outfit.

Anticipating her advancing pregnancy, Rick had bought her a large size. He had
taken his leave by now.

Charlotte stood in front of her former employees. She was by now huge in her
pregnant state, her belly swelling out in front of her, tightening the black
rayon material across her enormous paunch.

She wore a white maid's hat, secured with hair grips to her bleached hair. Her
make-up was still applied as thickly as ever as she teetered on her black high
heels for their inspection. She wore the regulation black stockings, and white
frilly apron. The dress and the apron were short, barely covering her knickers
and the tops of her black stockings.

"From now on you will refer to me as 'M'lady', and you'll call Mr Price 'Sir'.
You'll get your ration of happy pills from me. We'll get along just fine if you
do as your fucking told!" Rita said with relish. 

Rita then had Charlotte parade up and down in front of her husband, more as an
exercise of her power over her.

"Look Roy" she said, raising Charlotte's dress up at the front. "This is what
you used to lust after you dirty bastard."

Rita hooked her fingers round the waistband of Charlotte's cheap white cotton
panties, tugging them down off her belly. "Look at Miss Virgin's wet cunt Roy"
she murmured, now thoroughly enjoying herself. "This is what you would have
preferred to me" she said, dipping her fingers into Charlotte's large hot cleft,
the juices pouring out of Charlotte  as she gasped and quivered.

Charlotte moaned as she felt Rita's fingers manipulating inside her. She
trembled at the knees and her ungainly stomach heaved up and down to Rita's

Pulling out her sticky fingers, Rita held them to Charlotte's red lips. Rita
could still see Charlotte's  beauty under the cheap make-up and it wrenched at

She made Charlotte lick the juices off her fingers. "Did you like that you
fucking cheap cow?"   she enquired sweetly.

"Oh yes M'lady. Please give me some more" Charlotte dutifully replied.

"Tell lover-boy Roy here just what you are now" Rita went on.

"I'm a fucking slut now M'lady. I've become the cheapest hooker in London. If
your husband fancied me before, he can fuck me any time he wants now."

This angered Rita and she screamed at Charlotte "Bend over you cunt."

Charlotte had to part her legs slightly to allow her paunch to settle against
her thighs. Grabbing her nylon clad ankles Charlotte felt Rita peel her knickers
off the cheeks of her backside. Looking between her legs she saw Rita grab one
of Roy's horsewhips from above the mantelpiece.

She screamed as she felt the first cutting blow as Rita flayed at her quivering
bare bottom.

Tears were streaming down Charlotte's face when Rita, exhausted, finally

"Now you can ask Roy if he wants to look at it." Snapped Rita, sitting down in a

Sobbing profusely Charlotte gasped "Do you want to look at my bottom sir?."  She
shuffled around to present her huge, throbbing bare bottom to him.

Through tear filled eyes she saw Roy inspecting the damage with a smile of
satisfaction on his face.

"Do you want to look at my cunt?" she panted, reaching round and gingerly
pulling apart the lips of her vagina. She watched as he took out his penis, it
was huge and straining.

"Beg me to fuck you bitch" he said tersely.

"Ooh yes please sir. Will you fuck me. Please put your cock inside me sir" she
moaned. She could feel her moistness running down her inner thighs in

Roy inserted his penis and slapped in and out of Charlotte, causing her intense
pleasurable pain on each thrust.

Finally pumping his semen into her, causing her to scream out in ecstasy, Roy
withdrew his flaccid member and vindictively slapped Charlotte on the rump.

"Get dressed now" ordered Rita. "You can clean this place from top to bottom,
and then make us all something to eat."

"Do you mind if I take my knickers off M'lady. I have a lot of pain on my
bottom" Charlotte asked timidly.

"Certainly fucking not" snapped Rita. "What do you think this is. A fucking
nudist camp?. You'll have to leave them lowered if you can't stand a bit of

Leaving her panties down around her knees away from her smarting posterior,
Charlotte tugged her small skirts into place and proceeded with the cleaning.

After an exhausting day, Charlotte was allowed to crawl into the cot bed they
had provided for her, and fall into a fitful sleep.

So the days and weeks passed at the Price's. They had Charlotte carry out the
most demeaning tasks, taking a savage delight in her inferior position. She was
sexually abused on a daily basis. Willingly allowing them to take whatever
liberties they wished with her. One afternoon they called her into the living
room. They were entertaining a stranger who they called Ted. He had a video
camera set up and ready.

"This is her Ted" said Rita gloatingly. "She's the genuine article. A one
hundred percent aristocrat, ready to do your bidding. Take off your clothes

"Yes M'lady" sighed Charlotte meekly, untying her frilly apron and draping it
over the arm of the sofa.

She unbuttoned her maid's dress and stepped out of it. All the while Ted was
filming her discomposure. She then unclipped the cheap white brassiere and
slipped it off, baring her growing breasts to his lens. Her breasts were now
very sensitive, sagging down each side of her rib cage, her enlarged nipples
swollen and moist.

Charlotte hooked her fingers into the waistband of her cotton panties, sliding
them down her stocking clad legs and stepping out of them. She had by now
stopped shaving, and her pubic hair had grown back twice as thick and bushy, her
sensitive labial lips thrusting through the growth. Finally she removed her
shoes, black stockings and garter belt, displaying herself in front of the video
camera completely naked.

Ted made her squeeze her pendulous breasts, causing the milk to spray in several
jets from each one.

He then had her put on her high heels and move awkwardly about the room, her
huge paunch making her appear top heavy.

"Does she do this outdoors?" he enquired, as if she wasn't present.

"Well this is her father's estate so we don't want her recognised, although I
certainly wouldn't know her by now. Still, we can't take any chances. You can
take her to the stables though. There's only my husband there so it should be

Making Charlotte don one of Rita's raincoats, they went to the stables. The
thoroughly cowed Charlotte could feel the bulk of her tummy and breasts bursting
against the fabric of the coat.

Arriving outside the stables, and making sure the coast was clear, Rita stripped
the raincoat off Charlotte and had her parading her naked pregnant body in front
of her fathers stables. Ted requested that she spread the lips of her vagina for
his camera, this Charlotte obligingly did.

"Shall I pee for him M'lady?" she asked an astonished Rita. Rita being
un-aquatinted with Charlotte's reputation for "Water Sports."

"Carry on" replied Rita laughing.

Charlotte bent at the knees, thrusting her enormous abdomen forward, and
proceeded to urinate onto the ground. Ted was busily filming her uninhibited

At the end of the session, Rita considered it safe enough for Charlotte to walk
back to the bungalow in her state of undress.

Charlotte walked ahead of them, allowing Ted to continue his filming of her
wobbling behind whilst she frantically fingered herself under her rising belly.

When they reached the bungalow she was audibly squelching between her legs...

A couple of days later, Rita ordered her to put on the only set of "The house of
Lawrence" lingerie, that she had brought with her in the suitcase.

It was a beautiful set of pale green panties, bra and garter-belt. Charlotte
donned them with great difficulty, the flimsy brassiere barely containing her
now full, pendulous tits. The delicate knickers refusing to pull up any further
than the top of her vagina, and the garters tight across her huge swollen

Standing she looked with despair at her distended pink abdomen, flopping down to
hide her knickers.

Rita had her force on one of her tight stretch dresses and don a pair of high
heels that were  ridiculously tall. She then gave Charlotte specific
instructions as to how she wanted her to behave that evening.

When the evening arrived Charlotte discovered she was hostess to the whole of
Ted's video club. She was made to parade hugely up and down in front of them in
this outfit whilst the eight or nine of them filmed her.

Standing Charlotte in front of them all Rita snapped, "Pull up the fucking skirt

Charlotte took the hem of the dress and skinned it up her legs and over her
gigantic belly, to rest on the top of it under her breasts.

They happily filmed her tottering about in this state as Charlotte fondled her
swelling white stomach. She was gasping now as her sensitive tummy reacted to
each touch. Her trembling fingers lightly entered the top of her panties.
Bending slightly at the knees, Charlotte allowed her fingers to brush her
burning clitoris. She suppressed a scream as her insides seemed to explode.

Charlotte put her other hand inside her panties. It made her appear to be
carrying a huge white parcel in front of her.

Sensing Rita behind her, she allowed her to pull her dress off over her head,
squeezing her milk filled breasts as she did so.

Now down to her thin bra, panties and nylons Charlotte presented an erotic
sight. Her fragile  knickers forced down low on her hips due to her bulk,
revealed the valley of her bottom at the rear. It was now impossible for
Charlotte to kneel as her tummy was too large, so she bent over and slid her
pale green panties off the cheeks of her bottom. She turned to the men and
presented her bare rear to them, pulling apart the sides to bare her tight
puckered anus to them.

Licking the middle finger of her right hand, Charlotte slid it round to the hole
of her ass and carefully inserted it. She posed stooped over in front of the
men, thrusting her finger in and out of her tight hole. Her face was flushed red
from her efforts as she gasped and panted, her knees trembling with her

"And there you have it gentlemen" said Rita gloatingly. "The cream of the
aristocracy and world-wide top model. Standing in front of you with her knickers
pulled down, shoving her finger in her ass, and her big fat belly dangling down.
Where could you get better value for money?."

Charlotte flushed an even brighter red when she heard this, but she continued
with her labours.

"Right you bitch. Down on your back" ordered Rita. Charlotte started to withdraw
her finger till Rita said sharply. "Who told you to take your finger out of your
ass?. You'll keep it in till told otherwise."

Pushing her finger deep inside her anus Charlotte rose. One breast had come free
from its lacy cup and was hanging down outside it, milky liquid seeping from the
large brown  nipple.

She felt that her knickers had slipped down at the front baring her wet vagina,
so she turned to the men to let them see and video it, her belly thrust out
obscenely in front of her.

Rita was indicating the carpet so Charlotte eased herself down onto it, keeping
her finger thrust firmly up her bottom.

Lying on her back with her knees up Charlotte resembled a large, white beached
whale. Her other breast had now escaped from her bra, and they drooped down
either side of her rib cage.

"What did I tell you to ask them?" enquired Rita brightly, rather like a

In a small voice Charlotte said in her best cut glass, Slogan Ranger accent, "I
would like you all to wank over my big fat belly."

Needing no encouragement now, they proceeded in groups of two or three to
masturbate over her. Charlotte encouraged them, kissing them gently on their
lips and penis's till a large deposit of semen spread stickle over her swelling

Remembering her instructions from Rita, Charlotte massaged her stomach with her
left hand, her sticky fingers slicking over her ugly protruding belly button,
and smearing the liquid down to her gaping hairy cunt.

When she had finished. she opened her legs wide for them all to see and
photograph her debauched state. Her distended slit was running with their
juices, and the large mound of her belly glistened with semen. Her tits hung
slackly on either side of her body seeping milky fluid. Charlotte still had her
finger working frantically in and out of her tight rear orifice, as she clenched
her even white teeth with the effort of achieving an orgasm.

It was probably the most decadent sight they had ever seen...

Rita arrived at the conclusion that no one would recognise Charlotte in her
present stage. Quite a few of the workers on the estate had now seen Charlotte
without any recognition. She therefore allowed Charlotte to go out from time to

She used this to her own advantage, sending Charlotte to the supermarket for the
weeks shopping and other errands.

Rita had used some of the money she had received from the video club to purchase
a thin, cheap maternity dress. With an old pair of Rite's flip-flops, Charlotte
blended in with the single mothers from the poorer part of the local council

Charlotte had become so enslaved by Rita that she found herself falling in love
with her. She had fallen in lust with Rita's cruelty, and the barbarous little
refinements that she thought up for her.

Rita took still photographs of Charlotte naked one morning. She made her sit
cross-legged on a glass topped coffee table in Buddha fashion, her swollen white
belly thrusting out in front of her and her face caked with make-up.

"Lift your fat gut up you cunt" she shouted at the frightened Charlotte. "I want
to get some shots of your greasy slit and that lard-barrel's hiding it."

Charlotte tearfully reached down and put her arms round her big belly. It was an
effort to bend now due to her size, and she had to make an effort to heave her
large tummy upwards, revealing her wet, gaping hole.

She peered down at Rita who was busy clicking away with her camera, getting as
many shots of Charlotte's hairy hole and lower belly as she could. Charlotte
noticed that Rita had spread plastic covering on the floor. More 'water sports'
she concluded.

Rita had changed the still camera for her own video camera. "Right you high
class slut. I want you to start pissing, and I want you to describe how it feels
being such a dirty bitch."

Charlotte had now become used to Rita's little quirks and she strained her
bladder. She looked down, having to move her belly to one side to see her cunt.
She reached in with her fingers, and pulled her bushy pubic hair to one side so
Rita could get a good look.

"I'm going to pull my slit open now M'lady "reported Charlotte dutifully. "I can
feel the piss coming. There it is. It feels so hot against my ankles. My God
M'lady , I'm a fucking dirty cunt. I need fucking punishing for this."  On and
on went Charlotte. She was quite used to these routines by now was thrilled
every time she merited punishment.

Towards the end of her pregnancy Rita said she was putting her out on the
streets again.

Charlotte was surprised when Rita prepared her carefully for this new
humiliation. She generally liked Charlotte to look like a complete slut, but
this time she had Charlotte prepare carefully. She even peroxided Charlotte's
hair personally, getting rid of the dark roots and styling it into Charlotte's
smart chignon.

Leaving Charlotte to have a hot shower and apply her make-up, instructing her to
'Look like a lady, even if your not fucking one now', Rita went to get something
for her to wear.

Rita had to settle for Larry's largest size lingerie, high heels and stockings
and an expensive sheath dress. Sheer devilment had made her choose the dress.
Rita cut a large hole in the front of the £5000 garment. She made Charlotte pull
it on, allowing her swelling tummy to project hugely out of the hole, bisected
by the thin garter belt.

Charlotte inspected herself in the mirror. She looked perfect apart from the
huge white mound jutting out from her dress. In Charlotte's now debauched state
of mind, her immense bare belly made her feel more erotic than ever.

Rita had her patrol her old area. Charlotte had a surprising number of
customers, due to her pregnancy and the unusual nature of her services. She now
went in for "water sports" as a standard part of her business.

The clients, attracted by the huge bulk sprouting lewdly from the front of her
sheath dress, would take Charlotte down the alley by a street light where she
would pull the dress up over her fat belly, push her knickers down to her
ankles, squat and hold her bulk up with both hands whilst spraying the pavement
with her pee. Charlotte delighted in debasing herself in this fashion.

One evening she was waddling obscenely up and down in front of a client, skirt
tugged up to the undersides of her breasts and her knickers round her ankles,
when a large black car drew up by the side of her.

"Lady Spencer" a refined, quiet voice enquired.

Charlotte went across to the vehicle, her belly jutting out in front of her. She
recognised with some trepidation the family solicitor. Through information from
her brother and work by a private detective agency, her solicitor had tracked
her down.

The news he imparted to Charlotte was shocking. It seemed that her mother,
father and brother had been killed in a plane accident on their way back from

Lady Charlotte Spencer collapsed onto the pavement in shock, and proceeded to
miscarry her unborn child...

To be continued...

Chapter Four.

Three weeks passed as Charlotte made a slow recovery in hospital. She had bled
profusely for two weeks and then, to the doctors amazement, she'd completely
dried up. Charlotte could only put it down to the tablets she had been taking.

She'd grieved deeply and bitterly for her lost parents and brother, the funeral
taking place whilst she was hospitalized. It seemed her father, Lord Harold
Spencer, having had the situation of his daughter explained to him by her
brother, had gone to the States to employ the services of a professional who
dealt with people who's minds had been screwed up, so she also felt a deep sense
of guilt about that too. Slowly though, the gnawing need for the drugs she'd
been addicted to, drove all other thoughts from her mind.

At Charlotte's whining insistence, the head sister sent for Rita, who Charlotte
described as her personal maidservant.

When Rita arrived Charlotte had already signed herself out of hospital against
medical advice.

"Oh M'lady" Charlotte sobbed. "I've got to have some of my stuff... tablets... a
needle... anything!!! Please, please, pleeeaaassse... Ooooh... What have you
done to m... me? It's been driving me round the fucking bend."

Rita was gratified that Charlotte was still under her influence.

"Less of the M'lady in front of other people" she hissed nervously. "Cut out the
language too you fucking slut. Act like the lady you once were whilst you're in

"Sorry M'lady." Charlotte wailed desperately, washing down the four tablets Rita
had taken from her handbag. "My cunt's been on fire these last two days. I need
a real good fucking badly."

Rita ignored Charlotte's terrible syntax, (a lapse she would never have been
found guilty of before her misfortune), and regarded Charlotte calculatingly as
she dressed. Her hair was back to its normal beautiful light brown colour, and
her waistline was almost down to what it had been previously. There was a slight
provocative rising of her tummy as it flared down to her pubis but she looked
perfect. The real difference lay in her breasts. They were now medium to large,
and drooping, swelled with milk and painful for Charlotte. Rita could see the
thin tracery of veins causing tenderness and distention of her once small pink
nipples. Charlotte's nipples were now stiffened and surrounded by large brown
aureoles, seeping milk that the nurses had Charlotte express every few hours.

Charlotte dressed herself in a smart black mourning costume, black high heels
and sheer black stockings. Her pale features were offset by crimson lipstick and
a chic veiled black hat. Rita thought she looked more beautiful than ever.

"My, my" she murmured. "We'll have to have you barefoot and pregnant again as
soon as possible won't we you cocky bitch?."

"Yes M'lady. Anything that pleases you." Charlotte would do anything to please
Rita, who held a Svengali like influence over her.

When they reached Spencer House, the ancestral home, the head steward had the
domestic staff waiting to greet their new mistress.

After acquainting herself once more with the staff old and new, Charlotte
summonsed the butler into her fathers old games room.

"I just want you to be quite certain who is giving the orders from now on"
Charlotte informed him. "I'll be giving the orders as far as the staff are
concerned, but the ultimate authority will come from Rita here."

He appeared dumbfounded so Rita said, "Do you have any problems with that?. It
could work to your advantage you know Williams. I know that you've fancied
'Lady' Charlotte for two or three years, isn't that so Williams?."

Not wanting to commit himself, Williams maintained a tactful and embarrassed
silence. Lady Charlotte Spencer blushed uncontrollably, looking nervously around
the large games-room at her gawping staff. 

"I know it's a fact because I've seen you leering at her" Rita went on. "Tell
her what you'd like to see. Tell her you want to see her underclothes Williams.
Go on, don't be frightened. I'll let you indulge your fantasies. I'm the final
authority. She'll do as you say. We're the Masters now!"

Williams, hardly daring to believe it, ventured, "W... Would you show me your
underclothing M'lady?." He'd always shown little imagination or poetic

Charlotte was aware that Rita was trying to establish her authority straight
away with the key personnel in the household.

"What do you want to see Williams?." she asked meekly and nervously. "Would you
like me to show you m... my knickers, or perhaps you'd prefer to look at my

Williams couldn't believe he was hearing this. This was the lady who gave no one
under her own station in life a second glance. She now stood in front of him,
immaculate in her black mourning costume, the veil of her small black hat
shading her smooth, white forehead.

"Possibly you'd allow me to see your breasts M'lady" Williams said hesitantly,
but still with a halting deference.

"Certainly Williams" muttered Charlotte wretchedly, but politely, unbuttoning
her jacket as if this was an everyday occurrence. She slipped it off and
Williams felt a stirring in his trousers as Charlotte revealed the white lacy
top of her petticoat. Charlotte inserted her slim hand into the top of the silky
garment and pulled out her left breast. It popped into Williams startled view,
large and white, tipped with a hard moist nipple jutting out from a large brown
aureole. Lady Charlotte pulled out her other breast and allowed them both to sag
down on top of her petticoat.

She stood tantalizingly in front of Williams with her bared breasts drooping
down, her heart beating fast making her naked breasts pulsate slightly.

Her whole staff just stood there in shocked silence.

"Go on then" snapped Rita. "Show them. Jiggle them about a bit and let him see."

Knowing what Rita had on her mind, Charlotte delicately took her breasts in both
hands and gently moved them up and down. Her very touch made them respond,
opaque lactic fluid seeping from her stiffened nipples. She jutted them forward
and bounced them up and down faster and faster.

"Stop" commanded Rita.

Charlotte dropped her hands away from them and they flopped down onto the silk
of her petticoat, liquid pulsing out steadily from each one and making large
damp patches on the white silk of her slip.

"So you see. 'Lady' Charlotte has been naughty while she's been away. She didn't
get those milk filled tits riding horses."

Rita enjoyed his confusion as she went on, "Tell him what a naughty girl you've
been 'Lady' Charlotte. Let him know how easy you are now. I think you should be
spanked for being so wicked don't you?."

Charlotte dropped her eyes. "Yes M'lady" the amazed butler heard her say. "I
should be spanked hard. Do you want me to bend over M'lady?"

"Well Williams?. What do you want 'Lady' Charlotte to do?. Do you want her
across your knee, or bent across a chair while you beat her?. It's up to you."

"Would you mind bending over M'lady" Williams said hesitantly, never a one for
rash moves that might jeopardize his career at a later date.

Charlotte then swayed across to him and bent over, bracing her legs apart and
thrusting her tight skirted shapely bottom out for him.

She saw her bared breasts swing out in front of her, seeping liquid as they
seemed to throb with constraint. Charlotte longed for Williams to squeeze them
and express the milk inside. Rita had told Charlotte she would have to suckle
her own breasts to keep the supply plentiful. The devious woman could see a
market for Lady Charlotte's lactation, one that she intended to 'milk' for all
she could get out of it, no pun intended.

Lady Charlotte grasped and held onto her well turned ankles while Williams
tapped weakly on her drum tight skirt.

"Harder Williams", snapped Rita. "'Lady' Charlotte wants to scream with pain,
don't you darling?."

"Yes" begged Charlotte. "Do you want me to pull up my skirt Williams?" she went
on, tugging her skirt up her nylon covered legs and settling it around her

Williams stared at the expensive white silk panties covering her rear. He felt a
stirring in his trousers as he slapped harder at his mistresses tender rump.

"Ask him if he wants you to take your knickers down 'Lady' Charlotte", purred
Rita, thoroughly enjoying her discomfiture.

"Shall I pull my panties down Williams?" Charlotte said in a faltering voice.
She moistened her dried lips as she prepared to bare everything in front of her
watching servants.

Taking hold of the waistband of her panties Charlotte tugged them down to her
knees. Her garter snaps were securing her stockings just above her knees,
trapping the knickers against her thighs and baring her white bottom for
everyone to admire.

"That's what you'll do every time you come into this house from now on.", Rita
said with satisfaction. "You'll pull your knickers down to your knees every time
you're indoors and make yourself fully available for everyone. Williams, you'll
brief all the staff to see she complies with that. Now tell Williams how you
want him to make you scream?."

Charlotte's muffled sobbing voice issued out from under her as she instructed
him. "Slap m... me hard Williams. Make me scream."

Williams was now fully aroused. He looked at Lady Spencer's naked white bottom
that she was presenting to him. Hardly daring to ask he ventured, "Would M'lady
perhaps... a'hem... let me see your... er... well... between your legs

Charlotte bent her knees and pushed them outwards as far as the restricting
knickers would allow. In this awkward position she tilted her behind upwards as
far as she could. She then placed her hands on either side of her bottom,
pulling apart the cheeks and permitting Williams to see the small puckered
opening of her anus, her pink wet vaginal cleft flaring out beneath it.

Williams caught his breath at the sight. The untouchable mistress. The
aristocratic Lady of the house. International model and socialite bending over
in front of him, a mere servant, offering him a view of herself he would never
have dreamed of.

 "Well get on with it Williams" came her muffled voice. "You can see my vagina.
Just hurt me, now."

Williams laid about Lady Charlotte's bottom with a will, his rough hand
thrilling at the feel of her soft skin as he slapped her time after time.

After two dozen or more blows, delivered with force, Williams registered that
Lady Charlotte was weeping from the pain he was inflicting. He paused and looked
at her once white bottom. It was bright red with livid marks brought up by his
punishment. Lady Charlotte's legs were trembling uncontrollably as she fought to
keep the cheeks of her bottom opened for him.

Williams could see large patches of damp appearing on the light coloured carpet
in front of her. When he looked he saw that her breasts were gushing fluid, each
one spurting out a copious amount of milk that Charlotte couldn't control. Even
as he looked Williams could see her Ladyship's elegant fingers edge in to her
seeping cleft and begin fingering herself frantically, gasping and weeping as
she unashamedly debased herself.

"That'll do for now Williams" ordered Rita.

Charlotte straightened up panting and tearful, and reached down to pull up her

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?", snapped Rita. "I distinctly
told you not to have your knickers up indoors didn't I?. Your Charlotte the
Harlot from now on, understand?."

Charlotte nodded in abject humiliation. She stood in front of the two servants
with her skirts raised and her panties down to her knees. Charlotte could feel
moisture running from her bare shaved vagina and down the inside of her thighs,
as she gazed hungrily at the bulge in the her butlers trousers.

Her lower abdomen was again shaved clean, the result of the ministrations of the
nurses in the hospital. Williams drank in the sight of her wet pink slit
pulsating with craving, her labia and clitoris standing out, glistening with
sticky fluid. He never dreamt that he would see Lady Charlotte like this and he
felt his penis straining.

Lady Charlotte presented a very erotic sight. Her now large naked breasts were
settled on top of her white silk slip, sagging to either side and copiously
weeping milk onto her petticoat. Her long shapely legs encased in black nylons
emphasized the naked juncture shining with moisture.

Charlotte still had the chic black hat seated incongruously on her head, the
half veil accentuating her beautiful pale features. Williams ached to push his
hard cock inside her.

Rita, smiling wickedly at the two men, purred "Come here "Lady" Spencer."

Williams looked at Rita. She was herself a stunning looking woman. Her short
black hair framed a beautiful pale face, crimson lipstick emphasizing her full
pouting lips. She was smartly dressed in lilac coloured costume suit, white
sling-back high heels and white blouse.

Charlotte stood submissively in front of Rita whilst Rita raked her long scarlet
fingernails lightly and sensuously down Charlotte's shaved pubis.

Williams saw Charlotte tremble uncontrollably at Rita's touch. He became more
aroused as Lady Charlotte began to groan, pushing her vagina out to Rita's
stroking fingers.

"Oh, you'd be surprised at what 'Lady' Charlotte can do with this part of her
anatomy" Rita said silkily, suddenly thrusting her middle finger deep into the
wet cleft.

Charlotte gasped and clutched her breasts with passion as her legs buckled and
quivered, her hips thrusting against Rita's hand demandingly.

"Wouldn't you love me do the same 'Lady' Charlotte?" Rita whispered in
Charlotte's ear. She was now aroused herself as she added, "How would you like
me to pull my skirt up and push my knickers down?. I'll allow you to tell me
what you want me to do. You can use your usual foul language."

Charlotte couldn't believe she had heard Rita correctly. Was this the same cruel
taskmaster of these past few months?.

Williams listened in amazement as Lady Spencer's refined voice spewed out the
foulest gutter talk.

"Ooh yes" Charlotte gasped. "Get your fucking skirt up and lets see your fucking

"That's more like the Charlotte we've come to know and love" said Rita, placing
her hands on each of her thighs and edging her pale slim skirt up her beautiful
nylon covered legs.

Rita's skirt came to rest around her trim waist, revealing a pair of pale blue
silk French knickers trimmed with darker blue lace.

"Now get those fucking knickers down you fucking whore" Charlotte said urgently.
"Lets see if you can fucking stand to humiliate yourself in front of others as
I've had to do." Her voice was trembling with a mixture of anger and desire.

"Certainly M'lady" said Rita in a mocking voice, as she hooked her thumbs round
the elastic waistband of her panties.

She eased them down off her hips, trapping them like Charlotte's between the
fastenings of her garter snaps and her thighs.

Williams gazed with craving at the two beautiful half-naked women. Rita had
exposed a vaginal area that was covered with thick black pubic hair.

"Right you fucking whore" gritted Charlotte, who had placed one of her fathers
highly polished brass spittoons on the snooker table. "Fucking get on the table
and show Williams how you can piss into that. I want you to spread your cunt
wide so he can see it."

Excited at her own display, but mentally vowing that Charlotte would be made to
pay for her presumption, Rita climbed with some difficulty onto the green table.
She found it rather difficult, her upper thighs somewhat restricted by her
lowered panties.

Having gained position on the table top, Rita straddled the spittoon. Lowering
herself to a half squat she faced Williams and parted the pink lips of her
vagina with her long scarlet tipped fingers.

He watched with eager fascination as Rita pulled apart the moist shining gash
and licked her red lips. A look of concentration covered her lovely face as
water began to stream out of her slit.

Rita peed copiously into the spittoon, pulling her cunt wider and wider for them
both to see.

Finishing off she rose from her squatting position and said to Charlotte, "Just
one more order M'lady and then its back to normal. Understood."

Charlotte nodded and said, "Let Williams see your fucking tits. Comes to that
let me see your fucking tits. I've not seen nothing of you since we've known one
another you selfish cunt."

Rita unbuttoned her lilac coloured jacket and shrugged it off her creamy
shoulders. She then unbuttoned her blouse, letting it drop to reveal a delicate
blue brassiere. Unhooking the bra Rita slid the thin straps down her arms to
bare two small pink tipped breasts. She presented a sensual display for the two

"Right" she snapped. "You've had your day in court for awhile. Now put your
clothing in order you slut, Williams can see all you've got."

Rita picked up her clothing and proceeded to dress, prompting Charlotte to
adjust the top of her clothing and don her jacket again. Keeping Rita's
instructions in mind, she merely pulled her skirt down to cover her lowered

"I'm expecting that bastard Rick back any day now. He's found out about how
you've inherited the whole shebang and he's coming back as fast as his fucking
legs can carry him. Till he gets back you'll still jump to any tune either
myself or Williams sings out right."

"Yes M'lady" Charlotte replied meekly. She'd noticed that there'd been no sign
of Rita's husband for weeks. Charlotte decided to let sleeping dogs lie and,
with Rita's permission, readied herself to go shopping for new clothes that
would fit her that afternoon.

 Completing her shopping spree that afternoon, Lady Charlotte Spencer went
through the front door, into the large reception hall and looked nervously

There was no sign of any of the staff but Williams, who hovered politely by the
pantry door.

After she had instructed him to off-load her shopping from the car he said,
"There is a gentleman to see you M'lady. He's waiting in the study for you."

Charlotte dismissed Williams and made to go into the study till she heard a
polite cough. She looked round and found Williams looking at her meaningfully.

Flushing Charlotte nervously took the hem of her skirt in her hands and, looking
round to see if anyone else was watching, drew it up her legs to her waist. Half
turning away from Williams, she pushed her white nylon panties down off her hips
and quickly pulled her skirt down over them.

"I don't think that's acceptable M'lady" said Williams in a deferential tone. "I
think they should be down at your knees as before."

Glaring with humiliation at the upstart butler, Charlotte hiked her skirt up
again and, defiantly faced him as she slid her knickers down to the trapped
position by her knees.

"Well Williams?. Does this pass muster?" she asked icily.

"I think so M'lady. The gentleman who is waiting to see you is your fathers
solicitor, and he also wishes to see me. Rita thinks it would be prudent if,
during the course of our conversation, you could display your dishabille."
Williams looked at Charlotte carefully.

"Right Williams. I'm certain that you'll ensure I carry out Rita's instructions
to the bloody letter" gritted Charlotte, suddenly hating William's as she led
the way into the study and greeted the solicitor.

Charlotte sat opposite the solicitor who identified himself as Mr. John Wood, of
'Charles Wood and Sons Ltd.'

Williams seated himself unobtrusively to one side as Wood took a sheaf of papers
from his briefcase.

"Well Mr. Wood. Where does all this leave me legally?" inquired Charlotte,
crossing her ankles carefully.

"Call me John, M'lady. It seems, being the only surviving relative you'll
inherit the estates, monies and all other properties apart from a few small
bequests to the people on this list. I have taken the liberty to invite them
here this evening. Mr. Williams here has been granted a sum of five thousand
pounds and a small pension. There are other small bequests to some of the other

Charlotte pulled her shapely legs up and to one side as she took the list from
John, noting that Williams was watching her closely.

"They should be arriving shortly so perhaps we should prepare to receive guests"
Charlotte said reading the list.

Then she deliberately allowed her skirt to ride back in front of John. The
ribbed pattern of her stockings and the white nylon of her panties were revealed
to him.

John watched Lady Charlotte carefully as she perused the list. She idly stroked
her knee, plucking at the crotch of her lowered panties as she read.

Suddenly, she put the list down and looked him directly in the face. With great
deliberation Charlotte slid the calf of her crossed leg up the knee of her other
leg, her stockings rubbing together with a hissing sound.

John watched impassively as Charlotte's white upper thighs were revealed past
the gaping leg band of her knickers.

Finally resting her ankle on her knee Charlotte presented him with a long clear
view of her naked crotch.

John Wood stared calmly and quite impassively at Charlotte's shaved bare vagina,
as if the bereaved acted like this every day.              

"If your intent on showing me your vagina M'lady, why don't you go the whole hog
and spread your legs over the arms of the chair?" he suggested gently. It would
appear that Mr. Wood had been fully acquainted with Charlotte's recent past

Charlotte flushed as she caught the slight, approving nod of Williams head.
Uncomfortably, she undid the garter snap on her crossed leg. She then pushed her
long fingers into the waistband of her knickers and slipped them off one leg,
leaving them trapped on the other side.

Looking a little unsteadily at the solicitor, she draped her legs on either side
of the chair, which opened the moist slit of her cunt about two and a half
inches across.

John noticed that her inner labia was distended like two folded over leaves
which were wet and glistening.

She was breathing deeply and heavily now, aware of John's cool gaze probing her
throbbing bare slit.

"Don't you think its time to prepare for the... er... guests coming M'lady?"
came Williams even voice.

The spell broken, the blushing Charlotte lowered her legs to the floor and
brushed her skirt down...

To be continued...

Chapter Five.

Charlotte was very particular in her choice of wardrobe for the meeting. She'd
been to the shops and bought items she would never have acquired before her
transformation and narcotic dependency. She was glaringly different. Her choice
of underwear, and exotic clothing underlined this.

Williams had enhanced her sexual tension, giving her a double issue of tablets,
which left Lady Spencer feeling an aching desire for release and ultimate
debasement. Her obsessions had long passed the craving for just sexual
intercourse. They now ran darker, and much, much deeper.

Rita had given Charlotte precise instructions for the evening. Keeping these in
mind she slipped on a new pair of brief white satin panties, and artfully pulled
them up to her waist this time, allowing them to cup her sex between her legs.
Charlotte noticed that her well-used vagina now stood out in relief against the
satin material, each labial lip moistly outlined against the shiny surface.

Charlotte had purchased a few dozen packets of nylon stocking's that were two
sizes too small. This was quite deliberate to allow her to suspend her knickers
about knee high when she pulled them down.

Charlotte had dressed in a black chiffon blouse that fastened at the neck and
clung tastefully to her slim arms. She'd neglected to wear a brassiere, having
instead a heavy white silk shift that prevented her breasts from showing through
the transparent garment. 

Charlotte slipped on her elegant black high heels, smoothing the hem of her slim
black skirt over the conflicting shiny white of the petticoat. The skirt had a
fashionable "high line" waist that caught just under her pendulous breasts and
swelled teasingly out over her slightly swelling stomach.

Pausing briefly in front of the mirror to check her make-up, Charlotte noted
with gratified complacency that she looked more beautiful than ever. Her
exquisite features were pale with strong emphasis on her eyes and voluptuous

Satisfied with her appearance, Charlotte walked slowly and carefully down the
steep steps and into the receiving room. She noted that all the people that were
on the bequests list were present, possibly two dozen families...

She seated herself between Mr. Wood the solicitor and a demure Rita and faced
the assembled guests, prudently crossing her shapely calves and allowing her
legs to rest to one side. She saw with a sudden thrill that the eyes of most of
the men and even some of their wives were admiring them.

John Wood read out all the bequests whilst Charlotte sat in silence, surveying
her obvious admirers in the audience. Most of the assembled group had never seen
the world famous model and heiress in the flesh and were held spellbound by her
aristocratic beauty.

After the reading of the will, Williams opened the small bar at the rear of the
large reception room and started serving drinks. Soft piped music filled the
background as Charlotte started mixing with the guests in her 'Lady of the
Manor' fashion.

She enchanted them. Her expensive perfume enveloping them as she softly talked
to them one by one. Whilst discussing the future of his smallholding with one of
the farmers on the estate, a man called Paul Hunt; Charlotte noticed his obvious
state of arousal.

'It looks like Mr. Hunt is ready to hunt... ready to hunt my cunt' thought
Charlotte, glancing at Mr. Hunt's bulging trousers.

 Charlotte, following Rita's instructions, unobtrusively reached over to the
bulge and gently caressed it.

Hunt visibly started, glancing swiftly round the room to ensure they were not
being observed. Charlotte looked steadily at him as she continued her
manipulations, not giving a damn if everyone was watching.

She unzipped Hunt's trousers and slipped her soft hand inside. Paul was now both
physically excited and nervous. Charlotte had now pulled the front of his briefs
down and was rubbing her cool fingers up and down his bared penis. He backed
imperceptibly out of view of the room into a door recess containing a large
potted plant. Charlotte moved relentlessly with him, jerking the large member
clear of his trousers. Paul couldn't believe it.

Lady Spencer looked devastatingly beautiful and coolly collected as she teased
his throbbing prick. Each time he neared a climax she seemed to sense it and
withdrew her hand till he calmed down, chattering softly all the time in her
clear modulated voice.

"Gorgeous isn't she?" a soft woman's voice said in his ear.

Paul jumped, and turned his head quickly in the direction of the voice. He
didn't recognize the attractive woman who now stood shielding Lady Spencer and
himself from the rest of the guests.

"Would you like to see more of her?" Rita went on in a relentless urging tone,
anxious to demonstrate her power over her formally domineering employer. Then,
without waiting for a reply, Rita nodded imperiously to Charlotte. Paul watched
in disbelief as Lady Spencer pulled the front of her chic black skirt up her
lovely legs.

"What do you think of her then Mr. Hunt?" inquired Rita sweetly. "Quite the
little street tart isn't she?"

Lady Spencer had now raised her skirt up to the underside of her breasts,
gathering her white underskirt up as she went. He gaped at her panties drawn up
tight against the outlined slit of her vagina. It seemed to be visibly pulsating
through the thin satin.

"Would you like "Lady Spencer" to pull down the front of her knickers for you
Paul?" whispered Rita suggestively.

Paul could hardly answer her as she leaned past Charlotte and opened the door
behind her. Pushing the door open Rita eased Charlotte and Paul into the library
behind. Closing it on the other guests Rita took charge.

"Right slut" she snapped, to Paul's amazement. "Pull the front of your knickers
down and show Paul your cunt. DO IT NOW!"

Submissively Charlotte obeyed her, tugging the waistband of her panties down
over her lower belly to bare her shaven pubis and swollen slit.

Charlotte presented a delightfully provocative sight to Paul.

Lady Spencer again reached out and gently clasped his stiff penis, slowly
caressing it as she drew his lower body closer to hers.

"Don't put it inside her" Rita instructed tersely. "M'lady Charlotte will take
care of you till you come into her knickers. Then I want you to tell each of the
other men here that Lady Spencer awaits their pleasure in the library. Have you
got that Mr. Hunt?"

Nodding mutely Paul felt Lady Spencer's grasp on his member tighten gently as
she rubbed the tip up and down the distended lips of her vagina. Paul finally
felt himself explode, as huge amounts of sperm drenched the inside of Lady
Spencer's panties and naked cunt. He reeled unsteadily from the library to
inform the other tenant farmers and male legatees that they were required in the
library. One after another they entered the library, each one spending about
five minutes a time in there, and then coming out with a dazed look on their

In the library, Rita made sure that each visit didn't end in a coupling. The
last three men were instructed to come into Lady Spencer's mouth.

"Retain it in your mouth slut!" instructed Rita after the first man of the last
three expended his seed over her tongue and teeth.

Charlotte did this with some difficulty while the next two pumped sperm into her
eager mouth, trying with unwillingness not to swallow.

When the last man left the library Rita had Charlotte draw her panties up over
the enormous amount of sticky sperm that had seeped down over her cleft and
gathered in the 'V' of the tops of her legs.

Charlotte glanced mutely down to see that her satin panties contained the
glutinous deposits with no leakage.

Maintaining her hold of the remaining semen in her mouth, Charlotte allowed the
purring Rita to painstakingly refresh the lipstick on her closed lips before
being led by the hand through the door past the assembled company, to one of the
smaller reception rooms on the other side of the hallway.

"There's someone here to see you Charlotte," she said, opening the door. "Pull
your skirt up again and let him see your cunt."

Reaching down and pulling up her skirt, Charlotte entered the room. She stopped
short in mute surprise when she saw who stood there. It was Rick. His hulking,
panther like body dominated the room as usual.

"Well. Well." He murmured, eyeing Charlotte up and down appreciatively. "You
look a fucking sight better than he last time I saw you Charlotte."

Rick looked directly and meaningfully at Charlotte's exposed satin panties.
Knowing what Rick wanted Charlotte eased the knickers down off her hips,
allowing Rick to see the opaque sticky white fluid surrounding her aching cleft.

"Open your mouth bitch. Show Rick what a filthy cow you've been" Rita goaded.

Charlotte slowly opened her mouth. Rick peered at Charlotte's flawless face. He
made her pull back her carmined lips from her white teeth as if he were
examining a horse.

Charlotte tentatively stuck the tip of her tongue out. It was covered with
sperm, as were her teeth. "My God" Rick shouted. "You fucking filthy cow.
Fucking swallow it NOW."

Slowly running the glistening come over her beautiful lips, Charlotte nervously
began to swallow the copious amounts of spunk deposited in her mouth.

"Your ready for another dose of humiliation you bitch. Get a shower and put some
fresh underwear on. We're going out tonight."

Charlotte prepared herself with equal degrees of fear and excitement. Rick could
think up the most degrading yet sexually stimulating diversions. She had no idea
that Rita had plans to get her out from underfoot now that the details of the
will had been settled. She'd got her hands onto what she was after, and what she
planned for Charlotte, would cause the once aristocratic bitch, to really hit
rock bottom.

Rita almost creamed herself in delight...

Charlotte readied herself, slipping on a new pair of lacy white panties to
replace the soiled satin pair and retaining the rest of her expensive wardrobe,
over which she slipped a smart black costume blazer. After dosing Charlotte an
injection into her well used veins, and treble the measure of tablets, Rick and
Rita took the Range Rover and the three proceeded to the much frequented, and
sleazy area of the East End that Charlotte now knew very well.

They pulled into a car park near the familiar subway station that Charlotte had
served her apprenticeship as a prostitute.

Rick ordered Charlotte down to the shut down area of the station once more,
stipulating that he wanted her to exchange items of her own clothing, for the
equivalent items from the down and outs.

"It seems your still determined to act the slut so you'll dress the part," he
instructed. "You'll be staying here for a few days and I'll be coming down to
give you your "fix," and take an ongoing video of you for a continental
pornographic television channel."

Listening with growing horror and trepidation, Charlotte entered the underground
and down the broken escalator to the collection of bums and dropouts that
gathered there nightly for shelter and a place to get a little uneasy sleep.

Rick explained to this group of deadbeats what he wanted of them, and how
Charlotte was ready to accommodate their wishes.

"Now's your chance to gain some decent clothes" he went on. "The Lady Charlotte
is dressed in the height of fashion. Feel free to choose whatever takes your
fancy," he encouraged a group of rather dirty looking teenage "New Age" girls.
He'd unpacked the video camera and had started to film the scene.

With anxiety Charlotte watched as this unkempt group approached her, eyeing her
up and down and taking stock of her fashionable clothes as if they were in a
clothing shop and she were the mannequin.

One particularly dishevelled young woman tugged the hem of Charlotte's skirt up
her elegant legs to her waist. Charlotte stood revealed in her chic white
panties, her vagina faintly exposed through the fragile lace and framed by the
thin straps of her garters running down her white thighs to secure her wispy
nylons. She teetered on her high heels as she shivered with the cold.

"I want the fucking knickers you rich bitch," the girl demanded.

"That's OK" Rick allowed. "Just remember that you have to exchange your own
clothing with the Lady Charlotte."

Charlotte saw with revulsion that the girl had taken off a filthy pair of
tattered panties. She had to take a stand, and absolutely refused to don them
till they were washed.

Rick allowed Charlotte quickly to wash the off-white panties in the dirty
urinals, using the green liquid hand soap and wringing them out as best she

Standing in front of the group once more she pulled down the exclusive "House of
Lawrence" knickers, hurriedly pulling on the torn damp cotton briefs she'd just
washed. She contrived to shield herself from them, managing to conceal her
swollen sexual organs. Charlotte settled the cheap panties around her waist.
They were very badly ripped, and laundering had made them worse, the material
coming away from the waistband on one hip. The one sided bartering for her
clothes went on, systematically transforming Charlotte into a ragged looking

At one stage, when she took off her heavy silk petticoat baring her unsupported
breasts, one of the women offered her grubby brassiere in exchange for the
garter-belt and stockings. Rick nodded curtly at this and Charlotte gave the
scruffy looking female these items and, with some distaste and difficulty, put
the bra on. It was on the small side and ripped at the sides allowing
Charlotte's large sagging tits to push out each side, milk squeezing out as she
tried to push them back in.

At the end of the conversion Rick made her stand in the middle of the group of
misfits whilst he videoed the scene.

Charlotte presented an entirely different sight from the sophisticated, elegant
upper class lady that had walked into the station. She stood with her head down,
a dirty yellow cardigan over a cheap threadbare blouse, a skimpy and faded
paisley patterned skirt barely covering her nether regions. It was cinched at
her waist with a tatty black plastic belt.

She was bare legged and wearing a pair of scuffed chunky heeled black shoes. The
soles had broken away from the uppers and were roughly repaired with crude cord.
Luckily they were in Charlotte's size. Her downtrodden appearance was
startlingly contradicted by her beautifully made up face and fashionable glossy
hair swept into a chic off the face style. She was visibly trembling with cold
in the scant clothes.

"Right you bitch! You tried to hide your assets from these people so now you'll
fucking show them. Get your fucking knickers down and pull the skirt up as far
as it'll go."

As Rick busied himself with the camera Charlotte wriggled the damp knickers down
to her knees. As everyone watched she pulled the short tight skirt over her soft
slightly swelling belly, hauling it up to her waist.

"Higher you cow" Rick demanded. "Up to your tits. Then fucking show them how
obscene you can get."

Frantically Charlotte tugged at the cheap material, pulling it over her lower
rib cage to rest just under her lactating breasts itching in the trashy
brassiere. Spreading her legs wide Charlotte stood almost completely naked for
them, her distended cunt glistening as she dropped one hand to it and pulled it
apart with two fingers.

As she frenziedly fingered herself one of the females murmured, "God this kinky
stuff really turns her on."

Gasping and groaning Charlotte thrust two fingers in and out of her wet slit.
She was making audible sucking, smacking sounds with her manipulations as she
jutted her lower body out to the onlookers.

"Right you can stop now you horny bitch." As Charlotte adjusted her clothes Rick
addressed the group. "Who's the number one honcho around here?"

A particularly dirty looking man stepped forward. He appeared to be of
indeterminate age and must have been the last in line when they were handing out
good looks. He identified himself as just Joe, and Rick took him to one side,
giving him a list of instructions and a bottle of pills with some money.

They talked for a few minutes before Rick turned to Charlotte and said, "I'm
leaving you with these people for a few days. You'll learn how to be the
cheapest whore in town from the grass roots.  You'll jump around for Joe here in
the meantime. He's got your tablets and you'll do as you're fucking well told.
I've told him what to do if you don't."

"Noooo Rick sir!" wailed Charlotte. "Don't leave me here with this lot
pleeeease" she begged tearfully. "Oh please take me back home."

Sobbing and crying Charlotte watched as Rick and Rita went up escalator stairs,
leaving her alone with the vagrants.

Rick didn't return for the first six days. They were like a nightmare for Lady
Spencer. Begging on street corners during the day and dossing down in the
underground station at night. To keep warm she found it necessary to sleep with
the group, all the members cruelly grasping and prodding her most tender parts
every night.

When Rick did return Lady Charlotte presented an entirely different sight. Rick
couldn't believe it at first. How fast she'd gone downhill... He looked at her
with a certain amount of propriety pride... 

She was slumped against a wall in a graceless position and looked absolutely
filthy. Someone in the group had even taken the dreadful clothing that she had
exchanged her own clothes for. She was now wearing a shapeless ragged black
dress that appeared to be much too large for her and came down to mid-calf. As
Rick stood over her, he could see down the front of the dress, which gaped away
from her body. Charlotte had even been relieved of the decrepit brassiere
exposing her large sagging breasts flopping down, the loose dress gaping and
allowing anyone to see.

At that moment one of the "New Age" girls approached Charlotte with a baby
wrapped in a soiled shawl.

"Time for his milk you pampered bitch" the young woman said with disdain,
depositing the child on Charlotte's lap. Rick started the video camera again.

Wearily Charlotte reached into the top of her dress and freed her right bosom.
Settling the drooping breast on top of her dress Charlotte introduced the
child's eagerly sucking mouth to her large brown nipple. The child clamped onto
it like a limpet, suckling noisily.

"Pleeeease take me back home now Rick sir" beseeched Charlotte. "I'm being
fucked numerous times a night, and I'm also being used as a wet nurse by these
awful girls who seem to have a countless amount of brats. My tits are getting to
be fucking shapeless and ugly with all this abuse. Pleeeease let me come home.

Rick squatted in front of her.

"Listen "Lady" Spencer" he said seriously. "You wanted to continue with the
"pills and punishment" routine. You can pull out any time you want. Now you tell
me if you want me to take you home and end our arrangement, or we carry on as we
are. It's up to you?"

Knowing that she couldn't ever voluntarily break away from Rick's control, her
narcotic dependency and masochistic craving preventing this step, Charlotte
tiredly murmured. "Yes sir. I'll stay here as long as you want." She yanked the
child away from the large leaking nipple and pulled out her other sagging

Before transferring the greedy infant to the dripping brown nipple Charlotte
gently squeezed her bust. Several jets of milk sprayed out from the
protuberance, dampening her hand.

"As long as these little cunts keep fucking feeding I'm never going to dry up!"
she muttered viciously.

"Talking about cunts" said Rick, looking pointedly at Charlotte's lower body.
"Lets see my property."

Charlotte drew the hem of her dilapidated dress over her bent knees, allowing it
to fall into her lap whilst still feeding the baby.

Rick could see that Charlotte was still wearing the threadbare off-white panties
she'd been given the week previously. She also revealed she was now wearing a
pair of dirty old boots secured with string.

Charlotte reached round her right leg with her free hand, the once long stylish
fingernails now broken and dirt filled. She grasped the leg of her scruffy
knickers and pulled them to one side.

Rick saw that pubic hair was growing back over Charlotte's mound, but what
caught his attention most was the utter filthy state her cleft was in. This was
so unlike the fastidious Lady Spencer that he was prompted to ask what had
caused it.

"I'll show you what caused it," said a male voice from behind him.

 Rick turned and saw that Joe had joined them.

"You told me we could use her any way we wanted" Joe went on. "Well we've all
used her. I've used her in my own way. You want me to show you?" The last was
said with a knowing leer and a wink.

Curious now, Rick watched as Joe took off his filthy jeans. He had no underwear
on and Rick caught sight of the largest penis he'd ever seen standing up proud
from Joe's scrotum.

Charlotte was looking fearfully at Joe as he ordered. "Knickers down you fucking

Reaching behind her with her free hand Charlotte seemed to know the routine. She
eased the filthy knickers off her behind and pulled them down to her knees,
never ceasing to let the infant suck at her breast.

Cradling the child in her left arm, Charlotte knelt and pulled the dress up over
her dirt-streaked bottom. Bending over, she supported herself with one arm
whilst still suckling the greedy infant in the other.

Meanwhile Joe had pulled out two old cans from a corner in the wall.

"No such thing as fucking skin cream down here" he grated, dipping his fingers
into one can and taking out what appeared to be engine grease.

Joe applied this concoction to his prick and rubbed it up and down its length.
He then ladled what looked like used engine oil from the other vessel and
anointed his straining member with it.

With weary patience Charlotte waited for him as he lined his grease covered cock
up and then rammed it viciously into her.

Rick could see that Charlotte had lost none of her uncontrollable lust as Joe
thrust in and out.

"Oh. Ooh, Ooooh HUMPPPHHH... Uh... Uh... Uh... Uh... Uh... " she whimpered and
gasped as Joe came to a climax.

Withdrawing his now clean shaft from Charlotte, Joe made her turn and squat
again. Her dress still around her waist Charlotte opened her legs wide to
display her oil-covered cunt. Still cradling the baby she gingerly wiped the
excess of black oil from her slit, some of the thick liquid still escaping from
her pulsating cleft. Throughout this sexual congress Charlotte had never paused
in feeding the infant.

She now eased the frayed panties back up her thighs and pulled them into place
around her waist.

Rick was impressed despite himself. He let Joe know that he was satisfied with
the way that Charlotte was being treated and gave him some more tablets and
money before leaving them.

Charlotte watched him depart with a sinking heart. She'd noticed he'd given Joe
enough to last seven or eight weeks...

Chapter Six.

The next few months passed strangely for Charlotte. It should have been hell on
earth for anyone, never mind a person brought up as genteelly as Charlotte had
been. The plain fact was, the more debased that Charlotte became, the more she
took a stomach lurching and perverse satisfaction from it. The more depraved the
act, the greater thrill she procured.

Charlotte kept herself and the few clothes she had as clean as she could in the
defective toilets on the subway. Her main worry was preventing herself from
smelling rankly, as a lot of the other inhabitants of the underground did. Rick
hadn't even left her a razor with which to shave her armpits and although she
managed to wash under her arms, a profuse amount of black hair was growing under
them to Charlotte's disgust.  Rick had also instructed Charlotte to allow her
pubic hair to grow again, which it was doing in abundance.

Charlotte was generally a fastidious little creature, but she couldn't do
anything about her poor broken fingernails and the dirt that seemed to embed
itself underneath them, as there was nothing resembling a manicure set
available. Charlotte also had the same problem with her feet, trying her best to
keep them as clean as she could but never entirely succeeding.

Her main worry were her breasts that were becoming more pendulous every week.
There were upwards of two-dozen infants with young mothers in the group. At
least seventeen of these girls availed themselves of Charlotte's "Wet Nurse"
service, their own milk having dried up due to the inadequate diet. This had the
result of Charlotte having permanently wet and sore nipples. Her breasts, being
unsupported by a brassiere, drooped down on either side of her rib cage, the
aureoles surrounding her distended nipples were large and dark brown. Charlotte
tearfully recalled her modelling days when they had been small and firm, tipped
with small captivating pink nipples. Joe was fond of making her stand in front
of the others with her breasts bared. He'd flip first one then the other up,
watching them flop back down onto her rib cage lactating profusely with each
movement. She felt soooo ashamed as they all jeered and laughed at her.

Joe had taken to having Charlotte go out begging with one of the infants clamped
firmly onto her leaking breast. He thought that she would make more sympathy
money that way.

One awful evening he was with Charlotte, plus one child, begging in Covent
Garden Market. They were catching the opera crowd emerging. Suddenly Charlotte
spotted with horror, someone she knew. He was emerging from the opera house
dressed in an evening suit. It was a gentleman named Nigel White, a would-be old
suitor of Charlotte's.

Charlotte made the mistake of making it obvious she knew him and Joe jumped on
it in a flash.

The man she'd seen used to pay Charlotte a lot of attention three years
previously, obviously head over heels in love with her. Charlotte, in her turn,
had treated Nigel like dirt, using him as a faithful dogs-body much to the
amusement of their other friends.

She compounded the mistake of allowing Joe to see she recognised Nigel by
hurriedly explaining how she'd treated him.

"This is just fucking great you stuck-up bitch" exclaimed Joe, his eyes gleaming
avidly as he contemplated on this great new way to punish the unfortunate girl.
"I want you to get him to fuck you now. I don't care how you do it but you
will... and serve you fucking right!" he added with malicious, childish spite.
Low in life Joe had fallen, but as long as one of his so called betters was
getting theirs, Joe was happy...

Charlotte fearfully approached Nigel. She shuffled up to him in the oversized
boots, the baby noisily slurping from her bared right breast.

It all felt so unreal and macabre to poor Charlotte. This was an individual that
she had previously held in contempt. He'd tried to pay court to her and she'd
treated him abominably, never once giving any thought to his feelings. She would
now do anything to get him to fuck her.

He looked loftily at her approach, obviously prepared to dismiss this piece of
human vermin as soon as he could.

"Nigel" Charlotte said in a small nervous voice.

He started as he found himself addressed by his name by this dirty looking
creature in front of him. Assessing the woman anew he showed no sign of
recognition as he took in her state. She was a filthy slut that was for certain.
Greasy lank hair framing a dirt streaked face. A long black type of smock dress
hung down to mid calf with her dirty legs and feet barely contained in a scuffed
pair of lace-less boots. The woman had the temerity to have a shapeless drooping
boob out in public, feeding a not too clean looking brat. The hand that she was
clutching the infant with was unclean with fingernails that were black and
bitten down to the quick. These people had no sense of decency whatsoever.

"N... Nigel" Charlotte hesitantly tried once again. "Don't you recognise me?
I... It's me, Charlotte?... Charlotte Spencer?"

Nigel did a double take. Now that the creature had mentioned the fragrant
Charlotte's name he vaguely recognised her voice. What seemed to him to lend
support to this creature's statement was the strange tales he'd been hearing
lately about the Lady Spencer.

He peered more closely at this piece of human wreckage, trying not to come too
close. No!!. It was impossible that this piece of human detritus could be the
aristocratic and beautiful young lady he'd loved and desired for so long. Still,
there was something about her that commanded his attention.

"Down here" he snapped suddenly, indicating a dimly lit lane off the market

Charlotte followed Nigel meekly as he led the way. The child had finished
feeding and had gone to sleep but Charlotte hadn't bothered to adjust her dress,
her exposed leaking tit hanging free for him, and all the other opera goers to
see. They hurried past her as if she was going to transmit some highly catching
sexual disease to them.

When they were out of sight of the few people still trickling out of the opera
house Nigel turned to Charlotte and ordered her to turn around and pull her
dress up.

Knowing what he was going to look for Charlotte obeyed, revealing the worn
shabby panties that barely covered her posterior.

"If you are whom you say you are, you know what I'm looking for don't you?" he
said, his silver topped dress cane pushing at the right leg of her panties.
Wordlessly Charlotte pulled the leg band to one side revealing her right

Nigel had once spotted an unusual birthmark when they were swimming and had even
made comment on it. It was a small mole in the shape of a heart and the
surprised Nigel now found himself stating at this self same birth mark.

'How the hell has Charlotte got herself into this state' he wondered, no doubt
now that this was who she was.

"GOOD GOD CHARLOTTE... What on earth are you doing here, and how have you got
yourself into that filthy condition?" he said, his hand going automatically to
his wallet. "Do you want some money?."

"N...No Nigel" stammered Charlotte, blushing with shame and looking up the dark
lane at Joe approaching. She handed Joe the sleeping infant. "Joe here had
ordered me to get you to have s... sexual intercourse with me. Please do it to
me Nigel" Charlotte begged. "He'll punish me if you don't."

Charlotte waited fearfully as Nigel looked at this dirty whore who had the
temerity to ask such a question. He then thought of a way in which to revenge
himself for the many times that she'd rejected him.

"Take off all your clothes Charlotte!" he commanded, looking hard at her and
Joe, a superior sneer spoiling his well pampered features.

Charlotte obeyed him hastily, dropping the loose black dress and pushing the
shabby knickers off her legs. She had nothing else on apart from the old boots
which Nigel looked at pointedly.

She stepped out of them and stood in front of Nigel completely bare, her large
flaccid breasts hanging loosely down and her wet cunt hardly visible through a
large tangled thatch of black pubic hair. Nigel relished the sight. Lady
Charlotte Spencer the arrogant bitch was absolutely nude on a London
thoroughfare at his orders.

Slowly looking her up and down Nigel smiled and said, "Thank you for that
Charlotte... and goodbye." With that he turned and strolled away, leaving the
poor girl forlornly standing there naked and shivering with cold and fright,
tears of shame slipping down her wan cheeks.

Joe found a way to punish Charlotte right away. When they returned to the
underground he had her remove the few clothes that she wore including her

Although it was mid-winter, the population of the closed down underground
station had managed to by-pass the closed electrical systems. The whole area
that they inhabited was therefore comfortably heated and lit.

Completely naked Charlotte flinched as Joe dug out a large, grease stained mans
vest and flung it at her.

"That's all your going to have to wear from now on you fucking bitch" he said,
instructing her to don the dirty garment. "You'll just busy yourself with
feeding the fucking kids from now on. That's all your damned good for."

Charlotte put the filthy garment on and sank down in a squatting position, her
back against the wall, and her knees bent up in front of her face as she wept
silently. Charlotte was by now the true masochist, taking a strange erotic
delight in her misery.

When Rick came on his next visit some two weeks later to re-supply Joe with
Charlotte's tablets and a small amount of money, he was shocked by the totally
degrading transformation of the Rt. Hon Lady.

He found her sitting on the floor deep inside the complex, her back against the
wall and a none too clean infant in her arms. The child was noisily suckling on
Charlotte's flaccid right breast, his small grubby fingers dug into the
substantially plump sides of Charlotte's bosom as he kneaded her tit to force
the milk out.

Charlotte was still clothed in only the soiled vest. She'd pulled her breast out
of the large armhole of the garment to feed the child. Rick saw that the vest
barely covered her hairy vulva, her dirt stained legs stretched out underneath
it. Charlotte's feet were filthy through being denied any protective footwear.

Although Charlotte was only nineteen, her age could hardly be determined by
looking at her. Her once beautiful hair hung lankly down, framing her wan face.
Dark shadows surrounded her eyes, accentuating the waif like appearance. Through
living a troglodyte existence in the underground Charlotte's skin had taken on a
translucent pallor, throwing the dark eye shadows and other smudges into sharp

Rick could clearly see thin blue veins under the skin of Charlotte's exposed
breast as the baby sucked ravenously on her stiff brown nipple. She took the
child away from his food source and placed him on her shoulder to rub his back.
Rick saw the large patches of black hair under each arm as she gently patted the
baby's back. He thought the hair looked obscenely erotic against Charlotte's
ivory skin.

One of the girls had seen that Charlotte had finished feeding the child and took
him away.

"Rita said we'd have to have you barefoot and pregnant again as soon as
possible. Well I can see the barefoot side, but where's the other half?" said
Rick softly.

"Who the hell do you think is going to fuck me looking like this?" Charlotte
muttered bitterly. "Not even these poor bastards want anything like I've become.
I've got to stick my fingers into myself three or four times a day to stay sane.
Ooh Rick!. Can't you do something about it darling?."

Assuring Charlotte that he would address the problem that very day, Rick turned
to go when she stopped him. 

Making sure that they were private Charlotte whispered to cajolingly to Rick.

"Sweetie... Could you tell Joe about these?" she said archly, indicating a
number of small iron rings in the wall. "If you could buy a pair of handcuffs
these would be the ideal things to restrain me with."

Rick stared. This was the first time that the Lady Charlotte Spencer had
acknowledged her aching masochism, let alone made any requests pertinent to it.

"Leave it to me" he said briefly, slipping away. Rita seemed hell bent on
constantly punishing Charlotte, and Rick was only too happy to go along with her
twisted desires, as long as he could live the life of Riley back at Spencer

Two hours later he was back in company with a small dark Italian looking
gentleman carrying a large case. After first having a quiet word with Joe and
handing him a small parcel, Rick introduced the Italian as a "Beautician",
(Someone who had cost a good deal of Charlotte's money to buy his silence).

He was, however, good at his job. Rick explained to Charlotte that in order to
attract some of the "New Age" youths he'd instructed the Italian to restore her
naturally beautiful features to their former loveliness.

"There you pretty little slut. Maybe someone will fancy you now, once he's
finished with you. I've told him not to touch anything below the neck. He'll
come down here once a week till you've fallen pregnant. I've seen Joe about the
other matter so you'd better behave yourself from now on."

Charlotte let the Italian perform a two-hour makeover in the dingy ladies
toilet, determined that he'd carry on with the same treatments even after she
was pregnant, (a state she knew she'd have to succumb to before too long. It was
all part of the humiliation game that Rita was playing with unhealthy enthusiasm 
as far as Charlotte was concerned).

When Rick left Charlotte forlornly surveyed herself in the full-length mirror in
the toilet. She was both heartened and dismayed by what she saw. She'd lost none
of her natural beauty. Her now shiny long black hair had been shampooed and
tinted a light brown. The Italian expert had arranged it in the style Charlotte
favoured, an elegant chignon with long artfully waved strands framing her
attractive features. Charlotte's natural beauty had been enhanced by the
Italian's unerring touch, her light blue eyes thrown into sharp relief by the
dark green eye shadow and black mascara. The whiteness of Charlotte's perfect
teeth was strikingly shown off by the sluttish crimson gloss lipstick he'd used.
He'd left Charlotte a small amount of cosmetics for her on Rick's instructions.

The whole of the Italian's efforts shockingly contrasted the unkempt appearance
of the rest of her. Her dirt besmeared arms and legs and her scarcely covered
torso bespoke grinding poverty as opposed to her fashionable features. 'At least
this'll maybe interest these undersexed tramps' she thought, as Joe approach
with the parcel in his hand that Rick had given him.

He led the unresisting Charlotte across to the wall that the iron rings were
secured to. Looking to find the highest set, Joe produced two brand new sets of
handcuffs from the parcel.

"You asked for this don't forget" he grated, securing Charlotte's hands in one
set of cuffs and locking the other set through the ring to fasten Charlotte's
arms against the wall.

The attaching ring was very high almost forcing Charlotte onto her toes, her
arms elevated above her head. Her now flawless features were incongruously
framed by her tethered upraised arms, large thickets of black hair sprouting
under each arm. The off-white insubstantial vest was pulled up in front by her
raised shoulders, exposing another large bush of black hair surrounding her wet
raw vagina.

The change in Charlotte wrought a change in the attitude of several of the
younger men in the underground complex.

Systematically during the night Charlotte was violated by a number of the
youths, each thrusting their unwashed bodies against her straining torso and
pumping their semen into her eager weeping cleft.

It must've been three in the morning when an event occurred that even nauseated
the debauched girl. One or two of the New Age people had been idly watching
Charlotte's debasement. When it became clear that no one else was going to fuck
Charlotte that night they drifted off leaving just one girl and her large
Alsatian dog.

The girl obtained the keys to Charlotte's handcuffs and released her from the
high ring, re-chaining her to one of the lower ones that allowed her to sit,
albeit her aching arms still extended above her head.

"Squat bitch" the girl suddenly rapped out.

The Rt. Hon Charlotte Spencer struggled up to her filthy bare feet, squatting in
front of the girl with her legs wide open. She saw that the girl's attention was
drawn between her legs and glanced down at herself. Her gaping hairy slit was
slowly oozing semen pumped into her in the previous few hours.

Charlotte watched in alarm as the girl led the dog in between her legs and
encouraged it to examine Charlotte's dripping cunt.

She felt herself shudder with revulsion and sick fervour as the dog started to
lick the thick juices sliding out of her hairy vagina, her sexual metabolism
kicking into high gear as the dog became more excited, snuffling and tonguing
the sticky thick black hair matting Charlotte's slit.

The girl meanwhile had pulled Charlotte's well used leaking tits out at each
side of the dirty vest and was spraying milk from each one down onto the dog.

Charlotte almost fainted as the excited animal suddenly placed its forepaws on
her shoulders and moved its now stiff penis up against her glistening proffered
vulva. Whilst hunting in the past she'd seen excited foxhounds trying to shag
peoples legs but she'd no idea that canines would actually enter a human vagina.

This the Alsatian proceeded to do. She felt the dog's sticky member between her
labial lips rubbing up and down her slippery cunt and stabbing time and again at
the weeping cleft. Sobbing at her total loss of control Charlotte unwillingly
felt herself actually thrusting against the dogs long thin penis, frustrated by
her inability to use her shackled hands.

At last she shuddered with a depraved sense of rapture as the animal
successfully  thrust his hot slimy flesh deep into her. Whimpering with craving,
the Rt. Hon Lady Spencer curled her dirty bare toes as she buckled up and down
in an unholy rhythm with the hound.

The dog trembled as it pushed up against the quivering Lady Charlotte. She could
feel its hot semen spraying her insides as she mouthed in time with the jerking
of the brute, her vaginal muscles clenching as she fought to prevent the dog
from withdrawing.

"More...more... more... Oh... Oh... Uh... Uh... Ugh... Arrrggghhh!"

Sick with desire for this unnatural coupling to continue, Charlotte pushed the
slick, slimy tube of her cunt down onto the dogs spurting prick, feeling the
large knot swelling inside her. She was crying and gasping for more as the
animal's member finally slipped out of her throbbing vagina. Charlotte almost
screamed when the sated hound nuzzled his wet nose into her slit and licked the
leaking juices away.

"Remember that your fucking Ladyship when you get back to that fucking pile you
call home. Prince here can smell a bitch on heat two hundred yards away. That's
all you'll ever be. A rutting bitch on heat."

The girl tethered the dog and left Charlotte whimpering and sobbing, half
standing in her naked wretchedness with her small frantic hands rubbing at her
hairy genitalia, and her drooping breasts sagging out of the armholes on either
side of the dirty undershirt weeping milk. The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer
had found another low to luxuriously wallow in.

During the next few weeks Charlotte did indeed become pregnant again. She
accepted the fact with a lethargic fatalism. She didn't want the child and would
let Rick know as soon as she saw him. She did, however, derive a peculiar
enjoyment in her degradation.

When Rick next visited Charlotte he was astonished how fast her belly was
growing. Though only in the first few weeks of pregnancy she looked to be about
five or six months gone. He concluded that it must be the conditions and diet in
which she was living. She'd not been allowed any other form of clothing apart
from the ragged dirty vest, riding up over her swelling stomach.

The itinerant crowd had made her breast feed dozens of babies a day, causing her
overflowing tits to remain enlarged and painful to the touch. Due to suckling
such a large amount of infants and not being supported by a brassiere they
drooped down even further, sagging in an unsightly fashion either side of her
scapula. Her nipples were large and dark brown, surrounded by large brown
aureoles and were now permanently stiffened with use and unfulfilled sexual

Charlotte's pubic area was now a mass of black hair, her labial lips and
clitoris hugely swelling from the centre of this bush. Her arm were shackled
above her head and Rick saw that her pubic hair was matched by large amounts of
black hair under each arm. The Italian hadn't been to her for nearly a week
leaving Charlotte's hair hanging in a filthy unkempt manner.

In an effort to cover the almost translucent pallor of her beautiful face
Charlotte had applied an unnecessary amount of make-up, her green eye shadow
deep and startling and the dark red gloss lipstick overriding the perfect
contours of her lips. The whole effect made Charlotte appear a gorgeous, filthy

Rick told Charlotte that her estates were in the process of changing over the
old staff for new personnel. It had been opened to the public. When this process
was completed Charlotte would be allowed back to the manor. He instructed her to
start to re-grow her broken fingernails and look after her appearance more
before he came for her.

"You'll discover it's the first time that the estates have ever made a profit
when you get home" he explained. "We've even opened a Safari Park."

Charlotte nodded disinterestedly, her own concerns being much more immediate...

To be continued...

Chapter Seven.

In fact it was six months and several visits later that Rick came to take
Charlotte back home. In all this time Charlotte had never been allowed to dress
in anything but the long suffering undershirt, by now riding well up over her
grotesquely protruding belly and failing miserably to conceal her constantly
spurting tits.

It was an early warm May morning when Rick brought a Range-Rover for Charlotte.
Making her walk out of the subway station for the first time in months, Rick
insisted she walked to the vehicle with just the vest to cover her nakedness.
This didn't bother Charlotte at all, as she was quite indifferent by this time
to embarrassment. The only thing Charlotte asked of him, was to bring the
Alsatian Prince with them. (The girl who owned him had found him unmanageable
since the event with Charlotte, and had given him to her). Luckily there were
few people around at that time of a morning as Charlotte waddled barefoot and
practically naked to the vehicle. It was a different story when they reached the
gates of Charlotte's estate.

Rick had Charlotte get out of the vehicle and walk the good three miles to the
main house, leaving the Range-Rover to take the dog to the stables. Holding her
big white bulging tummy up with both hands the Rt. Hon Lady trailed down the
estate paths, passing along the way a host of new faces who stared with
amusement at the fat semi-naked disproportionate figure of their new employer
being made to shamefully promenade past them by Rick.

They stopped several times to allow Rick to give instructions to several Safari
Park employees. At these stops Charlotte stood silently, her head held down
meekly as the men discussed their business. One of the staff couldn't take his
eyes off Charlotte's groin and the huge thatch of black pubic hair that now
reached up to her protruding belly button. God... what a sight... strangely
sexual in a really 'in your face' way.

"Fucking sight isn't she Lee?" enquired Rick pleasantly, prodding Charlotte
forward to sway her white naked tummy in front of Lee. "This breeding bitch is
just about under eight months gone. Do you want to check her out?" Rick asked,
as he told Charlotte in a casual aside, that Lee was in charge of breeding the
animals in the Safari Park.

Lee stared at the large bulk of Charlotte's stomach presented for him.

"Feel it if you like Lee" Rick went on. "That's OK isn't it 'M'lady'? Tell Lee
you'd like him to examine you."

"Please feel my tummy if you like Lee" said Charlotte in a small voice. "You'll
want to check on the estates breeding animals, and I suppose I'm one. It's been
still for a few days!" she said, referring to her own imminent contribution to
the animals of the estate. She thrust her fat white belly out to his hands, her
knees trembling as he stroked her taut flesh and hairy underbelly.

Lee, who could hardly believe this bovine bitch, was his employer, decided to
see how far he could push her. "Empty your bladder would you M'lady and I'll
feel the uterus."

Without hesitation the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte placed her feet apart and released
her bladder in front of the men, her hot pee pouring out from the swollen slit
between her legs and splashing into a growing puddle on the grass. This is what
she wanted she gloried, her fat frame literarily trembling with shame... To be
treated as part of the livestock in this contemptuous fashion.

When Charlotte dribbled to a stop, the last drops trickling down her inner
thighs, Lee ordered her on her back.

Charlotte eased herself to the grass and lay in front of them both, her large
white swollen stomach sticking up in the air like a beached whale. Rick looked
on with amusement as she was made to open her legs as wide as she could.

She felt both of Lee's hands on either side of her cunt as he roughly pulled her
lips apart.

"Uh... uh" gasped Charlotte as he inserted his fingers into her vagina. Her
gasping turned into a stifled scream as he thrust up viciously, inserting his
whole hand into her tender slit and forcing it up till he could feel Charlotte's
womb. She immediately had a huge climax, staring at Lee with bovine acceptance.

After feeling around inside her, causing Charlotte to weep with pain, he
withdrew and ordered her to her feet.

Charlotte stood up shakily as he said casually. "Not the first litter she's
dropped", looking at her weeping breasts quivering inside the skimpy under-vest.
"OK lets see the udders."

Allowing the shoulder bands of her under-vest to slip off Charlotte revealed her
long sagging breasts, the under-vest coming to rest on top of her heaving
swelling gut.

"Go ahead M'lady," urged Lee. "Milk yourself and let's see how fruitful you are
in the milk department."

Obediently Lady Charlotte hefted her left breast in her left hand, spraying a
dozen jets of milk from her stiff brown nipple. With her right hand she lifted
the other tit to her mouth and sucked away greedily, feeling the hot milk hit
the back of her throat as she swallowed.

"She's a thoroughbred, but you can crossbreed her with any of the livestock" put
in Rick, confirming to Charlotte that he knew about herself and the hound. She'd
never repeated the event but had found herself longing to do so from time to

"Is that a fact M'lady?" queried Lee, his interest aroused. "You'll let some of
my stock fuck you?"

"Y... Yes" quavered Charlotte. "As l... long as the p... prick's not too large
for me."

"Well, well" murmured Lee. "We'll have to try that when you've dropped this

With that Rick had Charlotte adjust her under-vest as they proceeded on to the
house. Entering through the main doors Charlotte saw that the whole of the staff
had been replaced apart from William's the butler, and of course Rita. They were
all assembled on the hallway awaiting them and Rick introduced her.

"This is your mistress the Right Honourable Lady Charlotte Spencer. As you can
all see she's been well fucked and I expect you all to see she's been well
fucked again. She's yours to play with as you want her. There's plenty of kinky
clothes and no end of cosmetics and soaps for you to pamper the poor brainless
darling with. The only thing it doesn't interfere with, is the breast feeding
which she'll carry out daily."

Charlotte gathered from Rick's further instructions, that five or six of the
staff's wives, and an equal number of the female staff were new parents and had
signed a contract allowing Charlotte to suckle their offspring. Rick was
determined it seemed to keep Charlotte's breasts pendulous and milking.

It seemed that Rita had been one of the new mothers in Charlotte's absence and
she took Charlotte through to her luxuriously appointed room to give her all her
cast off maternity clothes. Roy seemed to be nowhere in the picture and
Charlotte gathered he'd left Rita, finally disgusted with her strange, sexual

Charlotte could have kissed Rita when she told her that the first thing on the
agenda was a hot bath and shampoo.

It took three baths and three showers before Charlotte was completely clean,
Rita tutting over her beautiful long but broken finger nails, and crooned with
delight at the thick black hair that had sprouted under Charlotte's elegant
white arms.

She paid particular attention to the bushy black thatches and also to Lady
Charlotte's huge mass of pubic hair, shampooing them several times and
blow-drying them. She finished her ministrations by applying some kind of cream,
which, she assured Charlotte, would encourage a strong fast growth.

When Rita had finished drying the naked Lady Charlotte down she led her through
to her sumptuous bedroom to sort through the cast off maternity clothing she'd
given her.

"I bought a lot of new clothes before I was sent down into the subway" ventured
Lady Charlotte timidly.

"Do you think you'll fit into them now you fat cow" snapped Rita, proving that
she'd lost none of her waspish ways. "I've had a lot of these altered to suit
your mental age you childish little slut." Rita had been sorting through a pile
of silk and cotton knickers that looked as if they'd been made for a baby
elephant. She opted for a bright blue silk pair that she threw at Charlotte.
"Put these on" she ordered.

Lady Charlotte pulled the voluminous panties up her legs, settling them around
the middle of her large stomach.

"Cover yourself up you naughty girl" Rita said cloyingly. "Get that ugly belly
button hidden. It's sticking right out!."

Charlotte despondently looked down at her ever-growing belly and could see that
Rita was correct. Her naval had pushed itself out and was sticking forward like
a small thumb. Charlotte had seen similar belly buttons on newsreels of the
hungry in various Middle Eastern countries. She hurriedly lugged the waistband
of what seemed like acres of silk knicker material up over her bloated white
tummy, covering the small distorted lump up.

Looking at a sideways view of herself in the wardrobe mirror Charlotte was
shocked at how fast and large her belly had grown. Her protuberance jutted out
obscenely in front of her, now covered by the outsized blue silk knickers. They
had no style apart from having little loose legs at each side that were trimmed
with white lace. Lady Charlotte's long pendulous breasts fell slackly either
side and actually rested on top of the waistband of the knickers, so far did
they pull up over her fat belly.

Rita had produced a large flowery dress from the pile of discards and helped
Lady Charlotte to tug it over her head and settle it down around her hips. It
was very short, allowing the lace trimmed edges of Charlotte's panties to peep
out under the hem. Rita told Lady Charlotte to do up the eight or nine buttons
to the top. The dress had a very old fashioned neckline, a simple round opening,
again trimmed with lace. The lace edged sleeves were quarter length with
juvenile shoulder puffs. Rita ordered Lady Charlotte to sit on the bed. She then
gave her a long and very professional manicure, pedicure and foot massage,
finishing by making Charlotte don a pair of white lace trimmed ankle socks with
soft black leather loafers. She then fussed about Charlotte's face and hair,
applying face creams, rouge and face powder and curling her long black hair.
Rita ended by carefully brushing Charlotte's lips with a gloss lipstick and
dabbing a small amount of cologne on either side of her white neck and kissing
the damp little patches.

"See what a pretty little girl I've made you" Rita gushed enthusiastically.

Charlotte just loved Rita talking to her in this maternal and patronising
manner. For a number of months, without her realising it, Charlotte had become
more and more open to suggestion. It was as though her mind was being
restructured in an almost hypnotic fashion. She could be made to feel any way
they wished her almost instantly. At the moment Charlotte fell into the little
girl mode quite naturally without even pausing to think it odd. It never
occurred to Charlotte to feel slighted or hurt when she was called "brainless"
or "empty headed" which happened frequently.

The Rt. Hon Charlotte Spencer surveyed the end result in the full length mirror.
'My God! How very "Shirley Temple." Rita had painted Charlotte's full soft lips
in a twenties 'cupid's bow' style. She'd left the eyes natural and her skin pale
but had applied heavy cheek rouge in a " Walt Disney Sleeping Beauty" fashion.
Her normally sophisticated hair style had been replaced with ringlets framing
her pretty face. Rita had caught them up on either side with two large blue

Wearing the ankle socks and loafers on her bare white legs Lady Charlotte looked
like an overgrown pretty little girl, although a very fat one with the short
dress pushed out in front of her by her swelling tummy. Her large milk filled
tits were hidden by the dress as they lay flat against Charlotte's lower rib
cage, the jutting belly keeping the line of the dress flat from her stomach to
the neckline.

Deciding that she'd establish the way things were going to be from now on, Rita
thought she'd have a bit of fun at Charlotte's expense as well.

"That's what I've instructed the new staff M'lady " she said mockingly. "They
all think you've been away in hospital. They think, quite rightly, you've gone a
bit soft in the head and you've reverted to your second childhood.  They've been
told that's the way they've got to treat you. I've also told them that. apart
from your baby feeding tasks, you're there for their convenience and not the
other way around. Do you understand what I'm saying Lady Spencer?."

Casting her eyes down submissively Charlotte said meekly, "Yes M'lady."

"You'd better cut out the M'lady stuff as well" Rita said musingly. "I've let
them know you've fixated on me as a mother figure. I suppose if you're going to
call me anything it'd better be Mummy."

"Yes Mummy" said Charlotte obediently, trying the title out on her tongue and
liking it. So much better than Rita's mocking "M'lady."

"Well Charlotte. I'm certain were all going to get along fine as long as you
behave yourself" Rita said firmly. "If you're naughty Mummy will have to spank
you. I may even make you wear that grubby old under-vest for a few days so just
keep that in mind!."

"That's all right Mummy. I'll be a good little girl" said Charlotte, almost
lisping in her eagerness to please. "I don't want to get all dirty like that

"Now Charlotte" Rita went on softly. "I know them tablets make you feel playful,
so I want you to feel free to play with your twopence whenever and wherever you

"Twopence?" Charlotte frowned. "What's that Mummy?."

"You know Charlotte" Rita went on. "You must want to diddle with yourself? FRIG
yourself off? Well I'm just telling you that you can do it any time you want. I
won't think you're being naughty wherever you want do it in the house."

Comprehension dawned for Charlotte. Rita wanted her to masturbate herself at
unplanned moments in the manor, probably in front of the staff too.

"Can I do it now Mummy?" she said eagerly, feeling a swift animal rush at the
naughty thought.

"You can do it while were taking your new clothes to your room" said Rita
sweetly, gathering the pile of clothes in her arms and ushering Charlotte
through the door.

Walking awkwardly through the corridors at Rita's side, Charlotte slipped her
fingers into the leg-band of her knickers, feeling the crinkly pubic hair that
surrounded her newly oiled slit. Frantically rubbing this sensitive area
Charlotte gasped and panted as she jogged along with Rita who'd pause
occasionally to issue instructions to various members of the staff, leaving a
self-conscious Charlotte standing in front of the servant making glutinous
noises as she fiddled with herself.

Rita showed Charlotte the room she'd allocated her. Whilst not the main bedroom,
which Rita had allocated for her own use, it was one of the larger guest rooms.
It was the redecoration that staggered Charlotte.

It was done out as a larger than life nursery. Charlotte's bed was a huge
bassinet with pink fluffy accessories. There was even a large pink teddy bear on
the pillow and a musical mobile dangling from the wickerwork arch.

The furniture was painted in bright contrasting pastel colours and had been
designed larger than the normal bedroom suite, dwarfing Charlotte. There was
quite a large array of little girl's toys and dolls lying studiedly about the

To complete the effect the walls had been papered with pink wallpaper that had
designs of golliwogs and teddy bears and other babyish paraphernalia running
throughout, which was continued into the frilly curtains.

"You see my dear" purred Rita. "You're going to be part of the paying
attractions here from now on. I thought the money spent on "the nursery" would
be money well spent. Why, we've even got a nurse for you and, guess what?. He
was one of your biggest fans when you were a model."

Rita called out and a tall blonde man dressed in a male nurses uniform walked
into the room and looked adoringly at Charlotte. "My, my. Doesn't she look a
picture then" he cooed in an almost homosexual fashion, looking Charlotte up and
down with his deep set mesmeric eyes.

After introducing the nurse as Dave, Rita stashed Charlotte's clothes into
various large drawers and left the nursery instructing Charlotte to 'Be a good
little girl for David and do everything she was told'.

Charlotte stood silently in front of Dave, her hands clasped in front of her and
her eyes downcast.

"How many months then?" he suddenly enquired. "Almost time at a rough guess."

"E... Eight sir" stammered Charlotte. "At least I think so."

"Bloody Hell. What are you giving birth to?. An elephant?" said Dave good
humouredly, instructing Charlotte to pull up the front of her short dress.

She pulled her dress up over the huge mound and stood in front of Dave in a
docile manner, the hem of the dress up to her chin and her fat belly bulging out

After telling Charlotte that he was a genuine State Registered Nurse, Dave
surveyed the large expanse of blue silk that faced him.

"You know" he said fervently. "I can't tell you what a big admirer of yours I
am. Now here you are waiting for me to pull down your knickers. You don't mind
me pulling your knickers down do you Lady Charlotte?."

"N... no. Not at sir" stammered the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer, uncertain of
how to address Dave. "I'd like you to pull my knickers down for you sir. I...
I'm a bit worried I must admit... I haven't felt the baby kick for a few days

Alerted by this revelation, Dave knelt down in front of her and slid the blue
silk off Charlotte's huge mound. Pulling them down to the top of her thighs he
exclaimed, "My God. Where did all this hair come from?." The lower belly of this
goddess that he'd worshipped when her elegant photographs graced all the worlds
top magazines, was absolutely covered with black coarse pubic hair.

Charlotte looked down at her bare hirsute tummy. Although she had some
difficulty in catching sight of her lower stomach under the paunch, she could
see that the pubic bristles were now approaching her ugly protuberant navel.

She squirmed with a hot flush of pleasure as Dave's hands gently felt her pubic
area. "P... pull my knickers further down sir. I can spread my legs for you
then" Charlotte gasped.

Dave knew the value of frustrating someone in Charlotte's obvious state of
arousal. He slowly stroked and caressed the springy pubic hair till Charlotte
was weeping with thwarted desire.

As he felt at the area he noticed that Charlotte was correct when she said there
was no movement.

Taking out a stethoscope Dave listened carefully to Charlotte's belly as she
sobbed with hunger.

"Have you had any miscarriages at all?" he suddenly inquired. When Charlotte
nodded silently, unable to speak such was her craving, he went on. "I'm afraid
you're going to have another one. The foetus isn't viable I'm afraid. In fact I
rather think that any future pregnancies will lead to the same result."

Charlotte couldn't care less about the baby, or any further babies. She'd merely
got herself impregnated to fulfil her craving for debasement.

"OK" Dave said after his examination. "Let's see the rest. I can see your dying
to show me."

Charlotte dropped the hem of her dress and quickly unbuttoned the front of it
with trembling fingers. Heaving it down her fat body along with the voluminous
panties, she let them drop to the floor and stood in front of Dave naked apart
from her little white socks and shoes.

He looked at the sight he'd been dying to see since he'd cut out his first
photograph of Charlotte from a glossy quality magazine.

She stood immensely submissive in front of Dave. He noticed the huge bushes of
black hair under each of her armpits and the sagging wet breasts. What a
difference from the gorgeous woman that he recalled from her modelling days.
Dave knew he'd have to induce the birth before Charlotte became ill.

Dave led Charlotte, still naked, down the stairs and through the main hall into
the kitchen. The kitchen staff all turned to look curiously at their new
mistress as Dave brought her in. She revelled in their piercing glances,
thrusting her huge bare belly and breasts out for them all to see.

"My, my. Doesn't she look a massive fat lump then?" remarked the cook, a large
woman herself. "And just look at all that hair and the way her titties sag down
like that. It looks like your kid's going to be well fed with that aristocratic
milk Anne."

The last remark was addressed to one of the maids who was looking at Charlotte's
leaking tits with propriety interest.

Meanwhile Dave was telling Rita what he'd found wrong with Charlotte.

"That's OK" said Rita, shrugging indifferently. "We'll get that fucking quack in
tonight that we used before."

Ordering Charlotte up to her new room and instructing her to prepare herself for
a visit from the doctor, Rita picked up the telephone...

To be continued...

Chapter Eight.

That night passed like a nightmare for Lady Charlotte Spencer. The doctor didn't
even shave her for the stillbirth delivery. When he'd gone Charlotte lay in an
agony of pain, bleeding copiously with Dave fussing about her during the night.

The following day Charlotte lay on top of the bassinet completely drained and
still bleeding strongly. Dave solved the bleeding problem by despatching one of
the staff to a local chemist to purchase some adult incontinence diapers. These
Charlotte wore for the next two or three weeks, she lost all sense of time, till
the bleeding abated.

During this time, in her weakened state, Dave would lull her to sleep with his
hypnotic eyes, crooning baby talk to her and making her feel totally protected
and childlike.

What he did was to plant autosuggestions in her mind that he and Rita would use
to good effect when Charlotte was somewhat recovered.

It must have been about three weeks after the event that Dave and Rita
considered Lady Charlotte was fit enough to bathe and resume whatever demeaning
and humiliating tasks they had in mind for her. Charlotte's illness however
hadn't prevented them from making her feed several babies each day whilst she
was recovering. Lady Charlotte however couldn't take anything more solid than a
kind of reinforced goats milk.

It was during this time that Rita called in a specialist in skin conditions. As
well as her scalp he administered local injections under Lady Charlotte's arms
and pubic area, the doctor then implanted what he described as dermal papilla
cells. "It's quite new and experimental," he explained. "The cells should
trigger the skin into producing hair follicles. I'm quite grateful for the
opportunity to try out my new process on this lady. You should find her hair, if
not checked, will re-grow to its normal length in a matter of two weeks."

Rita thanked the doctor with a self-satisfied smirk.

Two days later the doctor returned. He checked on the scalp and pubic areas and
seemed satisfied. Then, on Rita's instructions, he conducted some microsurgery
on Charlotte's breasts. Using this technique he sucked out a large amount of
subcutaneous fat from her breasts, leaving them still producing milk but drained
flat and a little scrawny. Rita was well satisfied with the doctor's work.

One evening whilst they were bathing her, Charlotte heard them talking quite
openly about her present mental condition.

"How much control do you think you've gained then David?" Rita was asking him

"Absolutely complete" was his definite answer. "I can regress her back to the
very day she was born if I want. She'll go any time of day or night that I wish

"Good" replied Rita. "I want her back to about three or four month old. The only
thing is, I want her to be able to understand us and what we say to her but I
want all the other baby traits, incontinence and helplessness et-cetera. Do you
think that's possible?"

Charlotte didn't even feel it happen to her. She suddenly felt warm and
comfortable as she lost the use of her legs and slid slowly down into the warm
water. She knew she'd nothing to fear, as Mummy's man friend caught and
supported her as she gurgled and squealed with delight, splashing her parted
bent legs in the bath water mischievously. She loved bath time and the slippery
soapy hands of her Mummy making her lovely and clean.

Rita saw the transformation with her own eyes yet still couldn't believe it.
Lady Charlotte had immediately regressed and adopted the classic baby posture,
lying on her back in the water with her legs and arms bent and wide. She was
even curling her toes and fingers inwards in an infantile fashion. Her face lost
any look of intelligence and slipped very naturally into a look of innocent glee
at being pampered.

Both Rita and Dave were very pleased that after the stillbirth Charlotte's
lovely body showed no stretch marks, her waist returning to more or less normal
and her hirsute tummy just a little plumper.  Her large breasts had lost a lot
of their size, now reduced to small sized sac's that flopped somewhat loosely on
each side. The only thing that Charlotte hadn't lost was the large brown
aureoles surrounding her jutting leaking nipples. This was made even more
evident due to her breasts smallness, a good part of the mounds now covered by
the overlarge aureoles.

"I've got something lined up that's finally going to make some money for us
personally. The estates are still too tied up in her name for us to have made
anything up till now. This puts quite a new light on things. However I'm afraid
that the hair will have to go all over, but that should be OK as she should now
have accelerated hair growth since that small operation."

"You mean you want me to shave all her hair off?" asked Dave, who'd just
finished shampooing it.

"We'd better," said Rita thoughtfully. "Its going to be messy enough at times,
now we've got a big baby on our hands without making work for ourselves. I
intend to leave her in this state for quite awhile to get her behaviour patterns
as natural as I can."

With an ease brought about by a good few years of nursing, Dave shaved Lady
Charlotte's pubic area and armpits clean of the long black hair. Directing his
attention to her head he checked again with Rita. "You reckon it's really
necessary to have this off? It's really gorgeous."

"As I said. She grows it at a hell of a rate now and she'd look a peculiar baby
with it. Just leave a small top-knot and by the time she goes to the couple who
want her it'll be starting to grow again."

Without any more argument Dave sheared the longest of Charlotte's beautiful
black hair off with scissors, lathering her head and shaving the remaining
stubble leaving Lady Charlotte's head bald and naked with just a thin short
'Mohican' style left on top. Throughout his ministrations Charlotte gurgled
happily, splashing the water with her bent legs and arms but submissively
remaining still when he requested her to.

Dave lifted her out of the bath and laid her on a large bath towel. Charlotte
lay there cooing happily as he dried her off, leaving her glowing pink and
contented as she gurgled at them both.

Now she was out of the bath Rita could see how much Charlotte had really adopted
a babyish attitude. She lay on her back like a large pink frog; her legs bent
and spread apart baring her hairless genitalia that lay gaping open for them
both to view.

She had her right thumb in her mouth and was sucking at it furiously, an
indication that she was hungry. Her greatly reduced breasts were now flattened
against her, the large aureoles resembling two cork place mats against the white
of her flaccid mounds. Charlotte's newly shaven head only added to the elegance
of her pretty face.

Rita gently took Lady Charlotte's thumb from her mouth and applied a baby pink
non-smear gloss lipstick to them, accentuating the lovely cupids bow shape of
her lips. She also applied a peach foundation cream to her face, neck and bare
skull, highlighting Charlotte's high cheekbones with a deeper pink face rouge.

She lifted up Charlotte's legs and liberally shook some baby talcum powder on
her bottom and vulva before fastening on a pink adult "Pampers" diaper.

Rita had bought a whole layette that she'd had specially made for Lady
Charlotte. She pulled a towelling material pink vest over Charlotte's baldhead
and down to her waist. 'That should take care of the seepage from her tits', she

Next came a short cotton nightie, again in pink with humiliating little bunny
rabbits around the neck and short puffed sleeves. Over this she attached a pink
bib with a portrait of Bugs Bunny on the front. Rita finished the whole effect
off with pink knitted bootees and a pink babies bonnet that covered Lady
Charlotte's baldhead up and haloed her pretty face with a large brim.

"My, my, my! Doesn't she look sweet then?" crooned Rita, tickling Charlotte's
tummy and making her cheeks dimple with silent laughter. "Does she want feeding
then?" she went on, unbuttoning the front of her blouse and taking a shapely
breast out of the cup of her white brassiere.

Rita had Dave place Charlotte on her lap as Charlotte greedily and quite
contentedly sucked away at Rita's spurting nipple. "This is going to be a
selling point here," said Rita after awhile, squeezing milk out of her breast
whilst Lady Charlotte suckled at her. "Get your prick out and lets see if my
idea will take off and fly right."

Dave took out his penis and sat on the bassinet as Rita pulled the protesting
Charlotte away from her breast. Placing Charlotte down on the bed by Dave's lap
she turned Charlotte's face to his limp organ.

Dave put his hand on the back of Charlotte's head and introduced her mouth to
his penis. Charlotte eagerly took it in her mouth and greedily sucked away at it
making loud smacking noises.

As Charlotte was contentedly sucking away at this ingenious pacifier substitute
Rita explained. "I'll feed her mothers milk as much as I can. You'll prepare a
reinforced feed for her laced with her tablets and a laudanum mixture that
should keep her gratified. Its going to be about two weeks we'll have to keep
her like this till the couple can take her. They're paying a bloody great pile
of money for her so it'll be worth the trouble."

Dave listened to Rita with half his attention. His penis had hardened and was
jerking with passion as his dream girl sucked away innocently on his member. He
suddenly exploded inside and pumped semen into Charlotte's greedy mouth. She
happily swallowed the sticky sperm and had to be pulled protesting away from his
slackening organ. She was given a pacifier that Rita had bought for her and
covered with honey mixed with laudanum, which she sucked at noisily.

Dave and Rita kept the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte in this humiliating but happy
condition for two weeks. Rita only allowed Dave to bring Charlotte up to about
four years of age once a day to feed the other babies. This Charlotte did quite
contentedly; playing at Mummy's with them as though they were live dolls.

Rita meant what she'd said about Charlotte living the part down to the last
detail. Dave found himself with the unpleasant task of cleaning Charlotte when
her diapers became soiled, and the not too unpleasant job afterwards of bathing
and powdering her.

The day came when Charlotte had to be taken to the couple who'd "bought" and
paid for this world-renowned model and Lady of the Manor.

Dave brought Charlotte round to her twenty years of age for a briefing.

Lady Charlotte had showered to get rid of the pervasive 'baby' smell. It was a
mixture of talcum powder and baby oils that clung to her when she was first
brought round. She could vaguely remember the events of the last two weeks but
found them non-threatening and, in some obscure fashion, quite comforting.

While showering Charlotte found herself spontaneously achieving one after
another sexual orgasms. There had been no let up on the drugs for which
Charlotte was deeply grateful.

Joining Rita and Dave in her father's old study Lady Charlotte presented a
remarkable picture of fashionable chic and sophistication.

Dave gazed at her in frank admiration. This was the top international model that
he'd come to adore. Rita had specified that Charlotte should 'Present the goods
to the customers with style'. Charlotte had done just that, dressing in an
expensive pearl grey two piece costume with matching accessories. Charlotte's
hair was growing quite rapidly and a short fine growth now surrounded the longer

Rita had purchased a wig for the journey to the house of the couple who required
Charlotte's 'services'. It was made of real human hair in Charlotte's shade of
black. It fit perfectly framing her beautiful face. Tears had sprung to
Charlotte's eyes when she'd seen the near bald head. The wig was small
consolation for the loss.

Rita told Charlotte where they were taking her. An American couple who wanted
the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer to 'be their very own baby' for a period of

"W... what's a period of time?' quavered Charlotte.

"As long a time as they can afford you" replied Rita briskly. "There's quite a
queue of customers wanting your services. If you're worried about your tablets
or sexual gratification, you'll be visited by Dave daily and myself for the
first. As far as the second is concerned, all the customers want you for some
kind of perverted sexual pleasure so that should take care of your itch."

Dave left Lady Charlotte and Rita in the hallway, apparently going to collect
several specially made baby's layettes and other nursery accoutrements. He
arranged to meet them both at the London town house of the American couple.

Several of the new staff passed them in the hallway and stared in astonishment
when they realised that Charlotte was the self same person they'd seen arrive at
the estate only a few week ago.

Charlotte noticed a distinct air of deference from them as they edged by her.
The only person who didn't treat her with new found respect was Lee the game
warden. He eyed Lady Charlotte up and down as if she were one of his breeding
animals. "Don't forget what I have in mind for you M'lady" he said mockingly.

Charlotte flushed and cast her beautiful eyes down causing Lee to smile in a
predatory way. "You'll come around to it and I'll be ready" were his parting
words as Charlotte and Rita got into the Range Rover and drove away.

They arrived at the American couples large town house before Dave. A very pretty
woman in her early thirties invited them through to the sitting room and
introduced herself as Anne Wood. Charlotte immediately identified her husband as
being one of the self-made millionaires, (in supermarkets or something she
thought vaguely), who was always on the outside of polite society trying to buy
their way in.

This suspicion was immediately confirmed when her husband, Joe Wood, walked into
the room and greeted them heartily.

The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte suspected there was some hidden agenda here as she
came from the very society that had rejected the Wood's but she kept discretely
quiet about it, sitting opposite the Wood's, with her ankles demurely crossed
and casting her beautiful eyes down whilst Rita talked business with the 'forty
something' Joe.

"Well" Joe drawled to Charlotte eventually. "I thought that this was going to be
some kinda send up till now. Never knew the aristocracy were into such kinky

Charlotte flushed prettily and murmured something under her breath as Joe went
on to Rita. "Your sure now that this is the genuine article. Lady Charlotte will
really be our baby as long as she's with us. She won't be kinda acting or
something?" Rita assured them that this was the case and he turned once more to
Charlotte. "And how do you feel about that... er... Your Ladyship?" having the
usual American trouble dealing with the British upper classes.

"Oh... that's quite OK with me" replied Charlotte in a tiny voice, embarrassed
and unsure how to deal with him.

"And it's OK if we fiddle with you is it?" Joe went on with some incredulity. "I
mean your sex bits and all that?"

"Whatever you and your good wife want to do with Lady Spencer whilst you've got
her is OK" Rita assured them. "Show them your 'sex bits' while we're waiting for
Dave M'lady."

"Er... No need to overdo it Your Ladyship" put in Anne hurriedly. "Just let us
guys see up your skirt if you like. A sorta show of good faith if you get my

Lady Charlotte uncrossed her ankles and turned to face the Wood's. Her large
leather easy chair was slightly higher than the settee the Wood's were sat on
and she inched her trim behind to the edge of it. She then pulled the hem of her
pencil skirt just above her knees and opened her legs as wide as the tight
garment would allow.

Joe and Anne were astounded as they looked at the world famous model and
aristocrat. She sat with her skirt as tight as a drum over her thighs and
allowed them to gaze up her skirt at her exposed underwear.

As the view wasn't being blocked by the hem and Lady Charlotte's chair was
facing the main windows, Joe could see the whole way up to her pink silk
knickers. He was pleased that Charlotte wore stockings as opposed to tights, the
pink straps of the garter belt passing almost the whole length of her white
thighs to secure the nylon stockings just above her knees.

Lady Charlotte Spencer looked coolly at them as she lightly stroked the top of
her grey skirt. Imperceptibly swaying her right leg down then up again, using
the stiletto heel of her shoe as a fulcrum, Charlotte felt the leg band of her
French knickers move over.

Joe and Anne could see the 'V' line her legs made at the conjunction with her
hips. Clean shaven and glowing pinkly, the slightly swollen mound of her vulva
was bared for them, stopping just short of displaying Charlotte's vagina.

In her cool clear upper class tones the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer said.
"Does this satisfy you? I shan't make any objections to whatever you or your
good lady want to do with me. As you can see I am the 'Genuine article' as you
Americans so quaintly put it. I do assure you that you'll receive your moneys

It was then that Dave arrived, bringing with him a large assortment of parcels.

"Well Mr Wood" said Rita purposefully. "How do you want to play this? Lady
Charlotte needs to be brought to a certain state of mind or condition by David.
You can either have her dress in one of the layettes before or after she's been
regressed. Whichever way it'll have to be shortly as Lady Charlotte's due a feed
and I make it a point that she'll get mothers milk at least once a day."

Anne was immediately intrigued by this. "Perhaps you can carry out that task
before Her Ladyship is, what did you say, regressed?"

'The customer is always right' thought Rita, beckoning Charlotte across to the
settee she was occupying. Charlotte rose and made her stately way across to sit
beside Rita. Rita put her arm around Lady Charlotte and said, "I'd suggest then
that David regresses the Lady Charlotte temporarily whilst she has her feed.
Then he can bring her out to change before finally regressing her for your
pleasure. Do you agree?"

When Joe and Anne concurred, Dave walked over to Charlotte. He took her hand and
looked at her. Without any warning whatsoever Charlotte slowly let her head lie
on Rita's shoulder, curling her legs up onto the settee under her. Rita briskly
undid the buttons of her frilly blouse revealing a very fetching transparent
lime green brassiere.

Sliding her hand into one of the cups Rita pulled out a shapely breast, the
large brown nipple already hard and seeping liquid. Easing Lady Charlotte's
beautiful but dreamy face downwards, Rita cupped her breast and squeezed it
gently causing the milk to spurt onto Charlotte's crimson lips. Charlotte
instantly took the leaking bud into her mouth and began to suckle noisily,
grabbing the breast at the side with her elegant gloved hand and squeezing
almost cruelly.

It was an erotic sight to the Wood's. This elegant lady of the aristocracy
sucking greedily at Rita's breast. Charlotte's skirt rose up her legs as she
twisted to find better purchase on the mound, exposing the long expanse of white
thighs above the tops of her nylons and finally uncovering her shiny silk French
knickers as Rita pulled her round to change breasts.

When Charlotte had finished feeding, Rita cradled her head in her lap as she
covered her lipstick stained breasts. David said something in a low voice and
Charlotte sat up bemusedly and tugged her skirt to a more modest position.

Rita handed Charlotte a compact bag and instructed her to prepare herself for
the transformation.

The Lady Charlotte wiped her face clean of make-up and took out the tube of semi
permanent pale pink lipstick. After applying this and shaping her delectable
lips into a cupids bow, Charlotte applied only an expensive baby lotion to her
fresh face with a little rouge, again the semi-permanent variety, to highlight
her beautiful cheeks.

She then stood up in front of the Wood's and undid the button on the side of her
pearl grey skirt. Sliding the zipper down she slipped it off her long legs and
neatly draped it over the back of the settee. Unclipping the garter belt from
her stockings, Lady Charlotte peeled each one off her legs, kicking off her
shoes at the same time.

This done she took off her tight leather gloves before taking hold of the pink
silk knickers and slithering them down over her soft pliant tummy, modestly
covering her pubic area with one hand while she let the panties drop to the
floor and kicked them away.

Turning away from the Wood's and displaying her pretty pink behind, Lady
Charlotte reached for the adult sized Pampers' diapers that Rita had sprinkled
liberally with baby powder and attached it between her legs.

Pressing the 'Velcro' fastenings in place Charlotte turned and faced her small
audience once more. She'd omitted to wear a blouse so the bottom of her short
grey jacket formed a boundary between the sophisticated lady and the baby, the
lime green diapers bulking out her hips.

From the layette she selected a baby's smock dress in lime green satin with
little bows securing a transparent pale green over-gown that fell around the
outside in a frothy tumble. Charlotte quickly undid the buttons of her jacket
and slipped it off. Turning away again modestly she took off her rose pink
brassiere and slipped the smock over her head and let it settle down to her
diapers before turning back.

Joe Wood was pleased to see his wishes had been complied with when Lady
Charlotte peeled the tight wig from her head. Rita took a brush to Charlotte's
sparse black hair and gently brushed it into a rolling baby quiff over the crown
of her head. Charlotte then chose a green baby bonnet and secured it on her head
with a large satin bow under her chin.

Finally Rita had Lady Charlotte sit on the settee while she put a pair of green
knitted baby bootees on Charlotte's tiny feet.

"Stand up and show your new Mummy and Daddy how pretty you look" Rita commanded.

Obediently, and now totally humiliated, Charlotte stood up in front of the
Wood's. Anne marvelled at the transformation. She did indeed look like a big
baby; the baby's smock prettily billowing down to the middle of her pink diaper
and the brim of the bonnet framing her wonderfully innocent face. Lady Charlotte
now exuded a mixture of scents, her expensive perfume vying with the baby powder
and moisturisers.

Charlotte also felt the baby feeling creeping up on her as she walked up and
down at Joe's bidding while he shot a video. She put her thumb into her mouth
and began to suck furiously.

Looking at Joe with her big blue eyes she took several items out of the parcel
herself. Amongst an assortment of baby toys were several pacifiers in pastel
colours. Charlotte selected a large green one and replaced her thumb with it. 

"Come over here baby" said Rita in a mock tender voice.

Charlotte went and sat on the settee next to Rita, cuddling up to her, the
pacifier bobbing slowly up and down as Charlotte sucked away at it comfortingly.

Dave went over to them and took Lady Charlotte's hand and stared intently into
her eyes. Charlotte immediately curled up into a foetal position.

"Are there any special instructions that you want before we go?" inquired Dave.

"She will be sexually active in that state won't she?" asked Anne anxiously.
"That was the most important part of our agreement."

"Don't worry about that," laughed Rita. "She's like no baby you've ever seen
before. She's dying for it all the time. Although she's regressed to an
infantile state she understands everything you say to her. I only hope you and
your husband have the energy to cope with her demands."

"There are one or two little points. Dave and I have had Lady Charlotte in a
baby state for two weeks. During that time we've managed to get her partially
potty trained, but don't rely on that. Keep her in diapers at all times. You'll
find she'll wet them quite a lot but to avoid the other, one of you should take
Lady Charlotte to the toilet and make sure she does her business. She may
indicate that she needs to go, it sounds like she's saying "Tomtit." That's not
Cockney rhyming slang by the way, I think she's trying to say toilet. Anyway
it's up to you to see she gets there and is held over it."

"Dave and I will be in every day to check she's OK. We've left some milk
preparations in the fridge and we'll bring in fresh daily. We'll also be
expressing Lady Charlotte's own milk but feel free to do anything you want with
her tits."

Rita and Dave left the Wood's to enjoy the aristocratic girl they'd bought...

To be continued...

Chapter Nine.

Anne Wood was as thrilled as her husband Joe at the acquisition of their very
own fantasy.  The fact that the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer was a member of
the circle of society that the Wood's would dearly love to be accepted by was an
added bonus as far as Anne was concerned.

They looked at Lady Charlotte now lying beside them on the settee with a
proprietary sense of anticipation.  Charlotte cooed with delight as Joe lifted
her off the settee and placed her gently down onto the sheepskin rug. 

He found that Lady Charlotte was surprisingly light and easy to handle.  She lay
on the rug in front of them in typically infant fashion, her legs wide and knees
bent in a frog-like manner that was aided by the bulky disposable diaper between
her thighs.  Lady Charlotte's legs appeared chubbier than they were due to the
green knitted bootees that covered her shapely ankles.  She was now swaying them
up and down as she sucked away contentedly at her pacifier.

"Let's unwrap the parcel then shall we darling?" Anne said softly.  She shared
her husband's perverted and exotic sexual tastes and couldn't wait to see Lady
Charlotte naked in front of them.

Both Joe and Anne were a striking couple.  Joe was in his early forties with the
lean attraction of a self made tycoon.  His glamorous wife Anne was an ex
American television presenter and some fifteen years her husbands junior.

Anne bent over Charlotte and stroked her soft cheek, still finding it difficult
to comprehend that Charlotte was just a big baby in effect.  Lady Charlotte's
cheeks dimpled in response, her sucking forgotten for a moment as she smiled
with pleasure at Anne's caresses.

Anne's hand went to the hem of Lady Charlotte's pretty smock and pushed it up
her belly above Charlotte's diaper, the girl gurgling with delight and in danger
of losing her pacifier.  Anne then unsnapped the Velcro fastenings on each side
of the diaper and pulled the front down to expose Charlotte's gaping pink slit. 
This time Lady Charlotte was in no position or state of mind to attempt to
conceal it.

"Ooh just look at that Joe" breathed Anne in excitement.  "That's upper class
cunt, and it's all ours.  We'll have her in bed with us tonight naked.  I've
moved the cot into our room."

As she spoke Anne was trailing her long fingernails up and down the inner lips
of Lady Charlotte's vagina.  Charlotte had lost none of her craving for sex and
was responding frenziedly to the caresses, her bent and spread legs flapping
like wings as translucent juice gushed visibly out of the slit.  Rubbing an
elegant index finger in the sticky moisture Anne said.  "I want you to shove
your cock into her and lubricate it with this.  Look honey.  I'll pull my
panties down and you can push it into me afterwards."

While Anne was saying this she was easing her tight tweed skirt up her beautiful
legs.  The baby (as they'd quickly come to think of Charlotte) watched this with
a hungry wonder, feeling an instinctive sexual longing that she was powerless to
satisfy herself.  She'd lost the adult power to reason but none of the instincts
and desires that she couldn't explain.  Baby Charlotte just knew she loved this
nice lady and her husband and she craved for them to love and caress her.

Anne pulled her brief white knickers down to her ankles and sat over Charlotte
with her legs apart as though on the toilet.  She reached down and eased
Charlotte up to a sitting position.  Still bending over her she took hold of the
girl under her armpits and lifted her up.  "Just look what Uncle Joe's got for
my little precious" she crooned.  "He's got a nice big lollipop for her hasn't

Charlotte's eyes widened and the pacifier finally fell out of her pink little
rosebud mouth, highlighted by the semi-permanent pale pink lipstick.  She looked
across at 'Uncle' Joe.  He'd undone his trousers and pushed them down to his
thighs.  Sticking out of the waistband of a pair of very brief underpants there
was a funny, yet exciting lump of flesh. 

Baby Charlotte reached out for it instinctively, grasping it and bouncing up and
down in delight as she pulled her new plaything happily.

Uncle Joe took hold of Charlotte and eased her over his stiff member.  Anne's
trembling fingers lined the organ up with Charlotte's slit and Joe lowered her
onto it.  Baby Charlotte went wild with joy, gurgling and cooing as Joe eased
her up and down.

After a few minutes Uncle Joe heaved her off and poor baby Charlotte was placed
back down on the sheepskin rug as Anne kicked off her panties and assumed the
position that Charlotte had just vacated. 

She watched them curiously as they heaved up and down on each other, Anne
finally shuddering to a climax and dismounting.  It wasn't over however as the
delightful Anne squatted in front of the baby, her skirt around her waist and
her thighs akimbo.  She gently took Charlotte's head in her hands and introduced
her mouth to her wet, moist vagina.

Baby Charlotte immediately placed her mouth on Anne's clitoris and sucked
furiously, causing Anne to go into paroxysms of pleasure.

The two Americans transported themselves and the 'Infant Charlotte' through a
debauched night.  Joe outdid himself, fucking both Anne and Charlotte several

The following morning Rita and Dave arrived as promised, bringing with them a
large sturdy twin's pram with two infants belonging to the Manor's staff.

They trimmed and shaved Charlotte's quickly growing hair and Rita undid the
buttons of her blouse and suckled Charlotte.  Dave gave the Wood's some prepared
bottles and then brought Charlotte up to a level where she could feed the two
infants from the Manor.

After the feed's, Dave undressed Charlotte and made her stand in the bath whilst
he gently bathed her all over, patting her dry and liberally applying baby oils
and powder on Charlotte's tender young body.  Lady Charlotte looked down and
giggled as Dave rubbed the baby oils around her bare pubic area.

Revelling in her undressed state. Charlotte preened in front of the adults, as
she was modestly made-up by Rita and David. 

Regressing her once more, Dave was about to put on her baby clothes when Joe
stopped him.  "Leave her like that," he said.  "Anne and I want to take her out
naked.  If you'll let us have the stroller we should just about get her into it. 
We can take her round Hyde Park and up The Mall where all her classy friends
hang out."

This idea appealed to Rita tremendously.  Assisting Joe they easily managed to
sit the diminutive Charlotte into the giant sized stroller designed for twin
babies.  It was large and roomy, allowing Charlotte a surprising amount of

After Dave and Rita had left the Wood's decided they'd better put a diaper on
Lady Charlotte before taking her out.  Having done this they erected the
sunshade on the stroller, put a bonnet on Charlotte to cover her face and, with
a light flowered sheet over her otherwise naked body, they ventured out.

It was a beautiful day and Lady Charlotte was contentedly sucking a pacifier,
her long black lashes emphasising her innocent wide blue eyes.  In the foetal
baby posture that Lady Charlotte adopted when she was regressed she fit
comfortably into the carriage.

As they occasionally passed upper class acquaintances of Lady Charlotte's, the
Wood's hugged the knowledge of Lady Charlotte's naked appearance in public to
themselves as they walked down the Mall and alongside Green Park. 

Experiencing a vicarious feeling of superiority every time they saw one of Lady
Charlotte's would be admirers from the past, they furtively uncovered and gazed
at her nakedness in full view of these aristocratic ex-roue's.

Baby Charlotte giggled as Anne slipped her little finger under her diapers,
gently caressing her bald naked vagina as she gazed boldly at these frustrated
devotee's of Charlotte's.

As she was slowly stroking Charlotte's bare slit she felt a hot gush of urine
stream out of the infantile Charlotte's excited hole, soaking Anne's finger and
the disposable diaper.

"You dirty little girl" she scolded as she took off the wet diaper, leaving Lady
Charlotte naked in Green Park at midday.  "Don't you know that all your fancy
friends might see you like this darling?  Cover your little pussy while I dig
out another diaper."

The tittering girl partially covered her wet slit with her fingers, slipping one
finger inside at the same time and masturbating herself.

The baby Charlotte's pink little rosebud mouth was pursed into a little cupids
bow and a small frown of concentration ruffled her forehead as she concentrated
on pleasuring herself.  Anne lightly slapped her hand away as she dried
Charlotte's naked vulva and bottom.

"Who's a naughty little girl then?" Anne cooed over her as her fingers slipped
coolly into Lady Charlotte's willing wet slit.

Lady Charlotte chuckled and beamed with pleasure as Anne's finger dipped in and
out of her lewd bare hole with soft wet smacking sounds.

All this went on in the busy park.  No one appeared to notice although Joe and
Anne weren't bothered about it and Lady Charlotte wasn't in any position to
worry.  The only glances that were attracted to them was the curiosity of the
twin pram.

The Wood's whiled away the day in the hot sunny park, revelling in the secret
knowledge of the scantily clad and sexually available Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte
being so close to imminent discovery and exposure.

On Rita and Dave's next visit the Wood's started to specify a more specialised
service that they required from Lady Charlotte.

"That's OK," replied Rita.  "One thing though.  She'll still have to be
breast-fed.  We do have other people interested in her you know.  What exactly
is it you require?"

"We'd want her to dress as her normal self, therefore we want all her fancy
aristocratic wardrobe here.  Y'know the proper 'Lady of the Manor' fashion. 
However you'll have to get Dave to keep her mind simple.  We want her to be
thinking of nothing but sex, sex, sex.  Get Dave to put her in the frame of mind
that anything we make her do will give her an orgasm."

Rita watched while Dave did as instructed.  The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte recovered
as if out of a deep sleep.  She did, however, remember everything that had
happened to her.  She was given a simple silk dress of Anne Woods to wear till
her sumptuous wardrobe was delivered.  She had her own underwear, high-heeled
shoes and stockings.  She sat demurely on the edge of the settee as Rita bared
one of her milk filled breasts and said to her.  "Come here darling.  Its time
for your feed."

Lady Charlotte rose and settled herself on Rita's lap as she took the engorged
nipple in her rosebud lips and sucked greedily.  Charlotte made a purring sound
in the back of her throat as Rita gently caressed her nylon covered knees,
working up her legs to the white flesh at the tops of her stockings. 

When Lady Charlotte had finished she sat on Rita's lap obediently as she had the
new rules of the game explained to her.

"So you see M'lady" Rita said in a mocking tone of voice.  "You'll still do
exactly as you're told.  You'll call Joe and Anne master and mistress and enjoy
everything they ask you to do."

"Yes M'lady" said Charlotte submissively, pulling the silk dress all the way up
her legs to her waist.  She watched with hypnotised fascination as Rita slowly
and deliberately ran the sharp side of a scarlet fingernail down the white
flesh, raising an angry red welt on the tender skin.

"Yessss..."she hissed as Rita repeated the action, first on one thigh then
another.  "Hurt me" she panted.  "Hurt me hard p...please.  I want you to draw
blood M'lady.  I'm your slave."  Charlotte was now squirming with exquisite
delight as she thrust her vulva upwards to Rita's touch.

"Well" said Rita, addressing the Woods.  "Will this degree of submission and
sexual arousal do for you?"  She turned to the beautiful Charlotte once more. 
"If you're a good girl I'll even bring Prince for you.  Joe and Anne will enjoy
seeing you with Prince."

"Ooooh yes" said the Lady Charlotte excitedly.  "I'll do anything with Prince
for them."  She was rubbing the expensive silk front of her knickers,
experiencing a series of small climaxes shuddering through her entire frame. 
She couldn't seem to stop them as they went on and on giving her pleasure. 
Unable now to control herself, Lady Charlotte clawed the crotch of the white
silk panties to one side and bared her hairy vagina for them all to see.  It was
slowly weeping with her sticky juices as the mound visibly throbbed.

"Oh dear" said Anne Wood.  "We'll have to put diapers on you again.  In fact I
think we'll do that now."  Anne was relishing the fact of how total and complete
her power was over this high born icon of the present day.  She could make her
do anything without question

She made Lady Charlotte stand and strip off her wet panties.  "Now dear.  Come
over here to your mistress."

Lady Charlotte wobbled across to Anne on her unaccustomed high-heeled shoes, her
pubic area shamelessly revealed for all to see.  Lady Charlotte would have
walked casually down Oxford Street at midday in the same state had Anne ordered
her to do so.

She stood placidly in front of Anne as she put on a pink adult diaper, securing
it firmly at the sides with Velcro strips.  When the diaper was in place Anne
made her release the hem of the silk dress, allowing the full skirt to hide the
bulky diaper and making Lady Charlotte seem somewhat full hipped.

"There now.  Do you think we could test it now?  Do you want to do a wee, wee

"You can get her to move her bowels and she'll do it" interjected Rita.  "Any of
her bodily functions will feel like an orgasm to her now."

They all watched as the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte looked down at her silk covered
tummy with a small frown of concentration on her lovely forehead.  Charlotte bit
her lower lips as she released a hot stream of urine into the snug diaper.  She
closed her eyes, feeling a prolonged thrill as if she were having a permanent
sexual climax.

Joe and Anne watched in fascination as a series of panting little screams came
out of Lady Charlotte's delightful mouth and her whole body jerked and shuddered
as she urinated freely in front of them.

When Lady Charlotte had finished, Anne made her pull up the silk skirt while she
unfastened the Velcro strips at the side.  Although Charlotte was perfectly dry
on the outside of the diaper, it was soaked and steaming as Anne pulled it away
from her soft hairy lower tummy.  Charlotte looked down and could see her hot
wet labial lips were still pulsating as little thrills continued to tickle her
inner vagina.  Lady Charlotte loved displaying her bared sexual organs and she
pushed out her soaked vulva for them all to inspect.

As Rita and Dave left, Anne put a clean dry diaper on Lady Charlotte and asked
Rita to make sure that Charlotte's wardrobe was delivered that day, as they were
throwing a party that evening and Lady Charlotte was the star attraction.

After spending the day pampering Charlotte and taking delivery of the sumptuous
wardrobe and also the dog Prince, Anne supervised Charlotte's toilette.

Lady Charlotte's hair had grown at a frighteningly rapid rate due, she supposed,
to the dermal papilla cell treatment on her body and scalp.  Her hair was now
long enough to secure in an aristocratic little bob, and held in place with an
expensive diamond slide from Charlotte's extensive jewellery collection.

Anne insisted that Charlotte leave her very hirsute bodily areas unshaven.  The
hair under her arms was profuse by now, bushing out from her creamy upper arms
in a strangely sensual fashion.

Charlotte glanced down at her pubic hair with some trepidation.  She'd never
seen so much pubic hair on anyone, and by now she'd seen her fair share on naked
bodies.  It was long thick and dark and extended from her tight puckered anus,
growing abundantly under the cheeks of her bottom and spreading in a thick mane
up to her belly button.  The only underwear that would now hide it was one of
her many pairs of satin French knickers or the adult diapers, of which she now
selected a lilac diaper and Anne fastened it into place.

She next opted for a matching lilac set of garter belt and brassiere, catching a
tan pair of nylon stockings just above her knees with the garter clips.  The
stockings were two sizes too small and it took the full length of the straps to
secure the nylons.  Charlotte's beautiful legs were firmed perfectly by a pair
of white strap high-heeled sandals. 

Lady Charlotte complimented her creamy white complexion with a short white satin
evening dress that fell to her knees and plunged daringly at her breasts.  It
was secured over her delicate shoulders by two thin white straps that did
nothing to prevent her dark bushy hair from flourishing out from under her
armpits.  The whole effect was enhanced by yards of white chiffon that overlaid
the dress.

With her beautiful face flawlessly made up and wearing just a simple strand of
pearls, the fragrant Lady Charlotte greeted the evenings guests, with Joe and
Anne Wood introducing her to the mainly American visitors.  They were all men.

The guests seemed to be treating the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte with the deference
usually reserved for royalty till Anne Wood announced to the room in general. 
"You all know or have seen on television, Lady Charlotte here.  As far as Joe
and I are concerned, Lady Charlotte is here for your entertainment.  You'll find
that Lady Charlotte won't patronise you and she'll do anything for your
amusement."  To illustrate the point Anne said.  "Show our guests what you're
wearing under that skirt you fancy fucking bitch.  Haul it up and let them all
see what a dirty little slut you are."

"Yes ma'am" Lady Charlotte meekly replied, walking to the centre of the room and
taking the hem of the skirt in her hands.  This was her moment.  This was the
time she'd come to eagerly await.  The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte revelled in her
coming degradation and debasement.

She gathered her skirt up and tugged it up her nylon-covered legs, bunching it
around her waist as she displayed the lilac coloured diapers to the incredulous
audience of men.

"As you'll see" Anne went on.  "We now have to put what the British call
'nappies' on her as she constantly soils herself.  Don't you, you dirty slut?"

"Y... yes mistress" trembled Charlotte, now aching for further humiliation.

"Don't worry" Anne added, thoroughly enjoying Charlotte's shame.  "Every one of
you will be able to have your shot at seeing what a whore she really is. 
Nothing, and I repeat nothing is too bad or low for her to do.  Isn't that right

"T... that's correct M... ma'am.  I'll do anything these gentlemen require."

"That's great" one of the guests who'd been introduced as Phil said.  "I've
always wanted to kiss a Countess.  I'd especially like to kiss a Countess while
someone else is fucking her."

"I... Er... I'm not a Countess S... sir" quavered Charlotte.  "I'm just a Lady."

"You're no Lady, lady" Phil chuckled.  "Anyway.  Let's get this show on the
road.  Have you pissed in your diapers yet?"

Anne had forced Charlotte to drink several pints of water before the party and
it was now pressing urgently on Charlotte's bladder.  "N... no sir" she said. 
"Do you want me to do it now?"

Phil nodded and Lady Charlotte flattened the skirt of her dress against her
tummy and looked down at her padded front.  Spreading her legs apart, she
relaxed her full bladder and the diaper started to soak up the hot spurting
urine that gushed like a delicious stream of semen out of her vagina.

Phil leaned casually across and unsnapped one side of the diapers.  Lady
Charlotte gasped as half the diaper dropped to one side, revealing her hairy
slit furiously spraying hot steaming piss.  What didn't hit the floor was
diverted down her spread, nylon covered legs. 

Unable to stop, Lady Charlotte miserably continued to urinate on the polished
floor, a large pool gathering round her high-heeled sandals.  "Kiss me" demanded
Phil.  "Kiss me right now while you're pissing."

Lady Charlotte leaned over and pressed her carmined lips on his.  He could smell
the expensive perfume as her soft sensual mouth opened and her hot wet tongue
insinuated itself into his mouth.

Panting and gasping, Lady Charlotte led Phil's hand across to her gushing cunt. 
He could feel the hot liquid as it streamed out of her while she covered his
mouth with little wet kisses.  My God, she was red-hot was this little lady.

He drew his hand back for a moment and addressed a friend of his.  "Say Robert. 
D'you want to fuck this piece while I'm kissing her?."

Charlotte felt another pair of hands on her behind as the other side of her
diapers was released and they fell with a soggy splash into the pool beneath her
feet.  With nothing now to restrict her peeing, Lady Charlotte's urine sprayed
straight onto the floor.

Lady Charlotte kissed Phil deeply as she felt Robert's hands part the cheeks of
her bare, defenceless behind.  She was still peeing vigorously when Robert
placed his stiff penis against the tight hole of her anus and thrust it
shockingly deep into her arsehole.

After the initial shock, Lady Charlotte rained kisses on Phil's lips as Robert
thrust in and out of her violated arsehole, all the while urine poured out of
her vaginal slit like a thousand orgasms.  'Ooooh this is exquisite' she
thought, her wet legs buckling and trembling as Robert fucked her in the

When he finally came, shooting hot semen into her burning ass, Charlotte's
vagina slowly dribbled to a stop.  Robert withdrew and Lady Charlotte
straightened up. Her skirt dropped back into place and it was like the incident
had never occurred.  She walked calmly across to Anne and asked her shyly if she
wanted to put another diaper on her.

"What's the point" said Anne, nodding across at Joe who was busy mopping up
after Charlotte's last efforts.  "If that's what you're going to do you might as
well walk around bare-assed."

Lady Charlotte could feel Robert's come sliding stickily down her inside thighs
whilst her own sperm was matting the dense hair surrounding her vagina.

Their inhibitions now completely gone after that exhibition, the rest of the
guests started to state their particular fancies they wanted Charlotte to

One, an man named Ken, asked hesitantly if it was OK to take Lady Charlotte away
from the party.  "You see I'd like to try her out in some of the real rough
areas of London.  I've got a video camera and it will also transmit back to your
computer here so you can all watch."

"Sure.  That's OK darling." Anne replied breezily. "The guy's have got me here
and I want some fun out of this too."  Lady Charlotte noticed that Anne was
looking quite breathtaking in a simple black cocktail dress and crimson stole.

"Right.  I want her to put a pair of panties on.  I'll take her to some slum
area and get her screwed by some stranger.  You can all watch it here on video."

Lady Charlotte got the matching pair of lilac French knickers and fitted them
snugly over her hips.  Along with Ken she went to the hotel car park and set off
in his car.

They ended up, to Lady Charlotte's surprise, in the same area of London that
she'd prostituted herself before.

Ordering Lady Charlotte out of the vehicle, Ken phoned the party and told them
to switch on the computer.  Then, operating the video camera, he followed the
delightful girl as she walked slowly down the mean streets.  She was carrying a
simple piece of white cardboard with the message 'Please Rape Me' written on it.

It was still quite early in the evening and the streets were reasonably busy. 
It wasn't long before two black youths stopped Charlotte.

Totally ignoring Ken and the camera one of the youths squinted at the notice
board in Charlotte's trembling hands. "What's this?.  Some kind of fucking trick
Babe?." He sneered at Lady Charlotte.

"N... no," stammered the emotionally aroused girl. "This man want someone to
rape me while he films it."

The two youths looked at Ken and, just as quickly, dismissed him.

 "Right white bitch" the first one spat at her. "Only too willing to oblige. 
Down that fucking alleyway there."  He indicated a tiny alley that they hustled
Charlotte down, Ken hurrying behind with the camera.

 In the white light on the neon lamps, the youths made Lady Charlotte stand in
front of them as the spokesman said to her, "OK.  What have you got to offer
then?.  Let's see a piece of upper class cunt."

Lady Charlotte placed the cardboard to one side and took the hem of the white
skirt in her hand and pulled it up to her waist.  Beckoning the boy across, Lady
Charlotte pulled the elastic waistband of her knickers outwards and let the
youth look down at her hairy vagina.

"Wow.  I've never seen such a fucking hairy one" remarked the youth admiringly.
"You really want to be raped?" he asked. "Why don't you just co-operate and
we'll just have a nice fuck?"

"N... no" said the quailing Lady Charlotte. "He wants to see me raped."

Without any further argument, the youth took hold of the fragile silk straps of
Charlotte's dress and ripped downwards.

Lady Charlotte had dropped the skirt in the suddenness of the attack, and reeled
as the expensive dress shredded off her white body.  She stood helplessly on
front of the youths in her underwear as one of them ripped away the three or
four white silk bands that had served as a belt.

Her white breasts were heaving against the lilac satin of her scanty brassiere
as one of them approached her and viciously tore away the flimsy barrier. "Hey
look." He called out delightedly to his companion. "She's fucking milking."

True.  Lady Charlotte's small drooping breasts were freely expressing milk from
each rigid nipple, spraying out into the night air and running down her white,
heaving ribcage.  The boy who'd ripped the silk bands from her dress had been
planning to tie her hands together.  He now, however, had a better idea.

Tying two long bands to her frail wrists, he took the long trailing spare ends
and brutally bound them round the base of each leaking mound, tethering each of
them to Charlotte's hands.  The bonds were so tight that each milk filled tit
bulged out alarmingly, turning a faint blue as the circulation was cut off. 
They both sprayed out several small jets of milk with each shuddering breath
Lady Charlotte took

With her tethered in this unusual fashion they ripped off her lilac panties
leaving her practically naked in front of them.

"Bend over" demanded one of them. "Bend over and spread em."

Charlotte presented her bare behind to them and bent over from the waist,
teetering on her high heeled sandals as she felt one of them fumbling with the
cheeks of her rear and pulling them roughly apart.

She felt one of the youths enter her as the other one presented his stiff black
penis to her lips and made her take him in her mouth.  Gulping and crying, she
buckled and shuddered as they both shot their hot semen into each orifice.

Then to Lady Charlotte's horror and disgust, forced her down into the filthy
gutter. Then they both stood over her and urinated on her. The piss hit her
face, upper body and genital area, stinking and steaming as the totally degraded
Charlotte sobbed in shame and self-loathing.

When they'd completely finished they made their laughing exit.

She laid there in a foetal position, sobbing and aching with pain in her breasts
till Ken pulled her to her shaky feet.  Then, without allowing her to dress or
untying the cruel bonds, he made her walk slowly back the two or three blocks to
the parked car, filming her shame and humiliation as she stumbled naked down the
now deserted side alleys.

Halfway back to the vehicle he ordered the miserable girl to urinate as she
teetered along.  Lady Charlotte again allowed her bladder to relax and gush pee
all over the pavement she was walking on.

She was dribbling to a stop as they reached Ken's vehicle and got in.  He drove
her back to the hotel car park from where they took the private lift back to the

The first thing the now naked Anne made the unfortunate girl do when they came
into the room, was to kneel down and bend over.  Lady Charlotte knelt and
exposed her bruised and vulnerable buttocks to the assembled guests, her hands
still tied tightly to her by now insensate and leaking breasts.

The weeping girl heard Anne call for the Alsatian dog Prince.  It padded through
to the room and became immediately excited as it saw the naked Charlotte bent
over on the floor in front of him.

Sobbing brokenly, Lady Charlotte obediently opened her legs to allow the dog to
insert itó slimy member into her willing slit.

Bucking and swaying, the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte let the animal ride her as tears
flowed down her cheeks and her tethered hands opened imploringly at the sides of
her bulging blue breasts. "Ooooh... yes Prince" she sobbed. "Yessss... Fuck
me...  Fuck me...  Fuck me..." she finally screamed as she felt the hot semen
from the dog enter her.

The rest of the night first one then another of the guests made Lady Charlotte
perform sometimes unspeakable acts for them, a lot of them finally fucking her
till she ached.  Not once did the naked Anne allow Charlotte's breasts to be
released from their cruel bonds.  By the end of the night Charlotte was made to
try and get some sleep on the floor after the guests left, the biting silk
tethers allowing her little rest.

Over the next few weeks the Wood's threw three or four more such parties that
had Lady Charlotte as the star.  If it was possible to further corrupt or debase
the girl the Wood's managed to do it.

When she finally discovered that she was again pregnant the Wood's finally tired
of her, calling for Rita to come and pick her and the hound Prince up.

To be continued...

Chapter Ten.

   Lady Charlotte was made to while away the days over the next two or three
weeks. She was again allowed only the old, well washed and tattered undervest
and a pair of old high heeled strap sandals around the house, allowing all the
staff to giggle and scoff at her humiliating predicament as she displayed the
massive amount of hair that now surrounded her constantly weeping vagina.

   During this period she was instructed to leave her pubic hair, and the hair
under her arms to thicken and grow even more profusely. This it did with
alarming speed due to the dermal papilla cells implants she'd been subjected to.

   Rita inspected Charlotte's pubic hair every day. "You're going to put on the
dirtiest show of a lifetime" she said, a note of vindictiveness in her voice.
"I'm charging some top people a huge amount of money to see you degrade
yourself. My God! You must've made a lot of enemies in you're short lifetime
with that condescending attitude you used to have. They'll be wanting to see you
eat shit for the money they're paying so I expect a fucking maximum effort from
you. We also want to put this show on before you're big fat gut starts to show
with the new brat inside you."

   The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte nervously rubbed her constantly itching slit as
she listened to Rita's instructions. She'd masochistically taken to tying up her
small drooping breasts with nylon cord as the two black youths had done when
she'd been taken out to be raped and they were now viciously tied up thus,
sagging out on either side of the undervest round the inadequate armholes. Lady
Charlotte had had them like this for two days now in an effort to give her the
constant thrilling pain that seemed to inspire her to climax constantly. Rita
looked at the blue bulging mounds with some amusement. She gently reached across
and touched one near the black jutting nipple and was rewarded with an immediate
spurt of lacteal fluid that sprayed out in several small jets.

   "Come here baby" she crooned to Lady Charlotte. "Let me give you your feed.

   She released one of her own creamy breasts and cradled Charlotte's head
whilst the beautiful aristocrat suckled noisily on her plentiful milk supply.

   While Lady Charlotte was lying on her back to suckle at Rita's breasts, Rita
again reached over and started to caress Charlotte's rigid blue coloured
breasts. They were rock hard to the touch and Lady Charlotte groaned with pain
at Rita's every little stroke, her black coloured nipples spraying milk out in
savage little spurts as Rita gently stimulated them.

   Picking at the hard knots that secured the cords Rita said "I think you
should release them from time to time Charlotte sweetheart. Otherwise you may go
too far and have to have your beautiful breasts off."

   Charlotte screamed as the bindings came loose and at last allowed the blood
circulation to resume as normal.

   Both girls then watched with lust as Charlotte's tits flooded with blood and
turned from blue to almost bright red, the milk virtually flying out now and
soaking Charlotte's skimpy undervest as she gave a series of shuddering groans
and frantically fingered her burning crotch, thrusting her fingers in and out of
herself till the whole of her hand slipped inside the wet hairy hole.

   Rita wanted Charlotte to look the complete aristocrat that she was for her
planned "entertainment".

   After a hot bath and flawlessly applying her make-up, Lady Charlotte swept
her long dark hair into a chignon and secured it with the diamond slide she
always used.

   Rita had selected Lady Charlotte's wardrobe with care. She first made her
pull on a pair of pure silk, powder green French knickers with matching
brassiere. A powder green garter belt with thin straps snapped and secured
Charlotte's tan nylon stockings, again two sizes too small. A beautiful lacy,
powder green silk petticoat slipped over Lady Charlotte's head and settled like
gossamer over her perfect form. To complete the effect Lady Charlotte wore a
forest green two piece costume, the smart jacket over a see through green nylon
blouse and the tight skirt ending just below her stocking tops at her knees.

   The gathering that Rita planned consisted of people from the Rt. Hon Lady
Charlotte Spencer's class, mixed with a few top business people who'd paid to
see this as they couldn't believe that someone of Lady Charlotte's background
would subject herself to anything so demeaning.

   It was midday and Rita had taken them all out to 'Gorilla Island' situated in
the centre of a large deep lake in the middle of Charlotte's estate. Rita had
seated the guests some distance away from a large, fully mature silverback male
gorilla called Guy. He sat in the middle of a small clearing and glared at the
assembled company who were drinking and blithely passing the time of day.

   Rita and Lady Charlotte joined them. Rita had told Charlotte to mix and be
pleasant to the guests before the planned event which Charlotte was doing,
chattering demurely to one or two of the top people of her acquaintance.
Although she appeared cool and collected on the outside, Lady Charlotte could
feel the sexual tension building up inside her.

   Moving about the assembled guests Lady Charlotte came face to face with the
Game Warden, Lee Walters. "Well, well, well." He said with satisfaction. "I told
you you'd eventually end up in my court. I see you're all trussed up and ready
for the show." He looked Lady Charlotte up and down insolently. "I suppose your
stockings are down around your knees?" He sneered, cocking an enquiring eyebrow
at her.

   Lady Charlotte decided to bold it out with him. "Yes they are" she said
coolly. "And I suppose you want to see them do you?" The rest of the guests had
stopped whatever they were doing and were observing this exchange with interest.
This was what they'd paid for.

   As Lee continued to gaze boldly at the hem of her skirt, Lady Charlotte
lightly pinched the sides of it and inched it up her lovely legs about six
inches. The white flesh above the tops of her stockings came into view as Lady
Charlotte stood motionless for Lee's inspection.

   "Guy's not going to like your clothes. They only get in the way. The only
thing he likes is pure silk. It's a natural fibre. Did you wear pure silk as I
asked?" When Charlotte nodded mutely Lee ordered her to turn around. Lady
Charlotte did so and felt his rough hands on the zip of her skirt. He didn't
undo the button at the top but merely unzipped the long zip down to the bottom
revealing the shining green silk of her petticoat. She felt it slipping smoothly
up her nylons and thighs as Lee pinched it together and pulled it upwards to
display the back of her green silk knickers. "Well I'm pleased to see that Guy's
going to like something about you" he said, making her turn her back to the
audience and pull apart the long opening in her skirt to show them her silk clad

   This didn't seem to be enough for him. He ordered Lady Charlotte to unbutton
the skirt and show them all her buttocks. Trying to appear as dignified as she
could, Lady Charlotte slipped the button out of the buttonhole and pulled the
two sides apart. Bending over slightly, she delicately eased the slippery
material of her knickers down off the cheeks of her behind and bared her white
bottom for them all to see. There was a mild ripple of polite applause at this
display which made Lady Charlotte feel somewhat better as she straightened up
and readjusted her clothing.

   "I also hear that you tie your tits up for kicks. Is that right?" Lee went
remorselessly on. "You'll be doing plenty of that in the very near future. In
fact I think we'll tether you that way now. You like it don't you?"

   "Yes I like it" said Lady Charlotte, still acting the cool Lady of the Manor

   "Well then" said Lee, nodding at the brooding silent animal. "Let's get this
show on the road."

   Lady Charlotte stepped hesitantly over to the clearing as the gorilla looked
up at this female human being who'd disturbed him. He could immediately smell
that she was on heat.

   At Lee's urging Lady Charlotte nervously approached the beast, painfully
aware of the watching audience and trying to look her usual svelte self.  She
was also more than a little afraid of the beast but Guy looked at her in an
almost benevolent manner.

   "Tug your skirt up a little, waft your fragrant self around him. Let Guy get
the idea that you're receptive to him. Let him get the idea that you're... 
hum... randy as it were" Lee commanded with a false show of discretion. "You'll
get him going don't worry. The reason we picked Guy is once he gets going he'll
do it to you time after time after time. He's a real sex machine. I've seen him
do it fifty or sixty times in an afternoon."

   Lady Charlotte nervously hitched the skirt up slightly again and carefully
squatted down in front of the animal, displaying her bare white thighs above the
stocking tops. He observed her with his red rimmed eyes as she parted her nylon
clad legs and let the skirt slip back a little further up her bare thighs. The
tips of her fingers slipped lightly under the skirt and feathered over the bare
flesh to the crotch of her French knickers.

   She gave a series of small panting sounds as she smoothly slicked her
fingernails over the shot silk surface of the panties. Guy looked slightly more
interested as he picked up on her musky scent, eyeing her trembling white thighs
with curiosity.

   "Oh for Gods sake get on with it" yelled Lee. "Show him your ass. He's a
fucking animal. He's bound to know where it is." 

   Lady Charlotte obediently pulled the skirt all the way up her nylon clad legs
and bunched it up at the waist. The audience gazed at this aristocrat and famous
international model and aristocrat with incredulity. This was worth every penny
they'd paid.

   "Well go on then you fucking stupid bitch. The animal knows you're on heat.
Get the fucking beast interested in you".

   Flinching, Lady Charlotte stood up and turned her back to the ape. Hesitantly
she plucked at the waistband of her powder green silk panties and, bending over
in front of the beast she pulled them down off the soft white cheeks of her
behind leaving them gathered just below her anus.

   The beast seemed to take a little more interest when he saw Charlotte's white
bottom jutting out towards him. Lady Charlotte spread her legs as she gazed red
faced at the leering onlookers, not one of them looking her in the eye but
staring fixedly at her half covered lower tummy.

   She waited with her knickers half lowered as she felt his wet nose sniffing
round her bare bottom. While she waited she could see Lee laughing and joking
with the gathered crowd. He turned toward her and shouted, "Do you want your
breasts tied up while the beast fucks you 'Lady' Charlotte? You're free to
decide for yourself so you'd better let me know now."

   Quickly deciding, Lady Charlotte raised her voice and said, "Yes Walters. It
has to be nylon or silk cord."

   It seemed that Lee Walters had come prepared, fully anticipating Lady
Charlotte's growing masochistic desires. Her produced three or four lengths of
thin nylon curtain cord and quietly approached the bent over girl, treading
warily to avoid disturbing the by now definitely interested animal.

   "OK. Stay bent over and undo the jacket and the front of your blouse" he
instructed her quietly.

   With her legs still spread wide apart and the ape becoming more interested by
the minute, Lady Charlotte gazed steadily at the onlookers as she opened her
smart green jacket and fumbled with the buttons of the see through blouse.

   When it dropped away at the front, Charlotte's beautiful face turned up to
Lee's appealingly. "Should I take them out of my bra?" she asked helplessly,
feeling a sexual fire burning through her loins as the gorilla started to lick
her bared anus.

   On seeing Lee nod, Lady Charlotte fished inside the drooping front of her
silk petticoat and pulled first one then the other sensitive mound out of the
soft cups of her brassiere, allowing them to dangle outside the green lacy top
of her petticoat as each one started to weep milk from the distended pink

   Lady Charlotte gasped as the game warden roughly handled the soft white
mounds, looping the nylon cord around each one and drawing it tight. "Tighter,
tighter" urged the frantic trembling girl as he fastened knots at the base of
each swaying tender breast.

   She squealed as he viciously yanked the loops as tight as he could, causing
her delicious mounds to bulge alarmingly as the base was nipped in cruelly. Lee
then pulled Lady Charlotte's jacket and blouse off her creamy shoulders and
yanked them down off her arms.

   Pulling Charlotte's two arms together, he tied her delicate wrists behind her
back with another piece of cord. He finally took the spare lengths of cord
hanging down from her tethered mounds and pulled the crying girl even further
over, thrusting her almost bared bottom up for the appreciative animal to
inspect as he secured the spare cords to exposed tree roots under one of the few
trees on the island.

   Lady Charlotte's legs automatically buckled as her tortured breasts were
pulled down and away from her aching chest. Lee noticed that she could alleviate
the agony by crouching, so he looped the final piece of cord over one of the
branches of the tree and cruelly hauled her tethered arms up behind her and
secured them to the cord. This effectively placed the wretched girl between a
rock and a hard place by forcing her to remain standing bowed over.

   The guests looked at the former super-model and aristocrat with a mixture of
sadistic carnality and wonder.

   The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte was now doubled over at the waist with her smart
green skirt and petticoat rucked up around her waist. She was whimpering
brokenly as she buckled up and down against the opposing restraints.

   Fascinated, they looked at her imprisoned breasts hanging out over the gaping
petticoat top. They were slowly turning a purplish blue and the nipped in bases
were stretched downwards in a bizarre and unnatural fashion. The bulging orbs
were rock hard and her flooding rigid nipples were spraying out several
pressurised jets of milk with each movement and splashing to the ground under

   With her slim white arms pulled up and back, the large thatches of long black
hair in Lady Charlotte's armpits were immediately apparent, bushing out
abundantly in a lewd manner on either side of the long, drawn down mounds.

   Some of the group had circled round to the back and were instantly stirred up
and sexually aroused by the sight that Lady Charlotte presented them with. The
stooping girl's trembling legs were being kept apart by the increasingly amorous

   Although Guy was becoming frustrated by the powder green French knickers that
half shielded Lady Charlotte's vagina, he'd managed to pull them completely off
her bare white buttocks and down to mid-thigh where they were trapped by the
thin green suspender straps.

   As they watched, the animal gripped each white orb with his black horny paws
and jerked them apart, causing the girl to lurch upwards with a scream as she
stretched out her suffering breasts even further.

   They were rewarded by the sight of Lady Charlotte's puckered anus surrounded
by an enormous amount of long dark pubic hair that continued between her legs to
encompass her enlarged glistening dark slit. It was undulating as she
experienced a series of soft, exquisite climaxes coinciding with the savage pain
in her breasts.

   The beast was frenzied as he finally caught sight of the goal he'd been
seeking. They just had time to register the long stiff slimy member sticking out
from his matted fur before he presented it to Lady Charlotte's aching hole and
plunged it deep inside her.

   The poor girl gave an anguished groan as she looked up at some of the leading
figures in the country observing her degrading violation. "Ooooh...  Fuck me
Guy" she whimpered wretchedly, her beautiful tear streaked face wincing with
each squelching thrust. "The animal's inside me" she quavered to the onlookers.
"The animal's inside me and I want him to go on and on. I c... can't help
myself. I'll let anyone or any animal fuck me. I c... can't seem to stop

   She strained her elongated breasts even further out on the cruel bindings
till they seemed to be almost on the point of exploding.

   She felt a series of small jets squirting inside her and the gorilla quickly
withdrew. Lady Charlotte cried out in frustration and despair as her burning
cunt continued to stretch and tighten for further satisfaction.

   It wasn't even a minute before Guy re-entered her slipping in and out in
unison with her desperate buckling, as her bare backside strained against his
black hairy lower body in a despairing effort to force the animal deeper inside

   It went on and on. Lady Charlotte lost count of the number of times the beast
entered her now slimy cunt, remaining only long enough to spray semen into her
willing belly before withdrawing and repeating the process again and again.

   At one stage Lady Charlotte electrified the onlookers with a piercing scream
as the beast grabbed her fragile white shoulders and heaved her back against the
restraining bonds. They watched with sadistic awe as her breasts were pulled
away like chewing gum, stretching an almost impossible distance from her body as
the rock hard globes swelled alarmingly, preventing the bonds from slipping off.
Lady Charlotte's rigid nipples, by now almost black with the abuse, sprayed a
continuous hard jet of milk onto the ground until the animal released the hold
on her shoulders in alarm.

   Henceforth the gorilla treated Lady Charlotte with surprising gentleness,
although it didn't stop him constantly fucking her. All that Lady Charlotte
requested from time to time was water. "Water, water" she feebly implored the
first time, looking up beseechingly at the uncaring audience. Lee rewarded her
with a large drink that he obtained in a scoop he'd dipped into a rain barrel
that the apes generally used to refresh themselves with.

   After an hour or two the entertainment value seemed to wane and Lee rounded
up the guests and ushered them on to the waiting ferry. He made no attempt to
un-tether the weeping girl, merely remarking to the company that they'd return
the following day to enable them to 'Take as many photographs of the Rt. Hon
Lady Charlotte as they wished.'

   On the now deserted island, Guy continued fucking Lady Charlotte as she
sobbed and screamed with both pain and pleasure.

   After two or three hours even the indefatigable Guy seemed to tire and he
laid his great bulk down in front of the weeping girl, who found, finally, that
she needed to urinate. The huge animal watched idly as Lady Charlotte released
the contents of her bursting bladder. Lady Charlotte herself watched the hot
stream of pee as it rushed out of her hairy slit, hitting the lowered knickers
and soaking her nylon stockings on its journey to the dusty ground.

   Darkness was closing in as the bowed over girl stood helplessly watching the
pool of urine soak into the earth under her high heels. She sobbed aloud with
the pain she felt in her breasts and armpits as the savage cords dragged her
both ways.

   Guy, with a show of almost human intelligence, eased his huge bulk under the
shivering girl between the cords securing her breasts and her spread-eagled legs
as he prepared for sleep. Lady Charlotte looked at the black matted hair
directly beneath her and, after a short while, eased her aching body down to
rest on it, drawing a shuddering breath inwards as her small bruised and burning
tits made contact with the apes hairy body.

   Finally the half naked girl, slumped over the animal's torso, her skirts
raised and her knickers pulled down baring her white bottom. With that and her
secured naked breasts on full display, the poor girl fell into an uneasy sleep.


   The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte woke at the crack of dawn with the ape shifting
about restlessly below her. She felt an overwhelming desire to visit the toilet
but managed to restrain herself.

   "Well, well" drawled Lee's arrogant voice. "Awakens the sleeping beauty."

   Lady Charlotte was astonished to discover that he'd returned with almost the
full party at that time in the morning. Still, it was only the end of March and
the daylight started quite late. Luckily it was unseasonably warm so she wasn't
suffering too much from the cold, the animal's body imparting warmth to her.

   She eased her stiff body off the ape as he slid from under her and headed for
the water barrel. Teetering unsteadily on her trembling legs, her stooped
position forcing her to look at her bound breasts with horrified fascination.
They were black with bruising, the nipples standing out in stark relief and
dribbling weakly.

   "You'll want to go about your morning ablutions" said Lee, approaching her
with a wicked looking knife in his hand. He cut the cord on the branch and Lady
Charlotte almost toppled over with the unaccustomed freedom. He then repeated
the action at the roots of the tree, making no attempt to untie the cords from
either her wrists or her breasts.

   "Go on then. These gentlemen wish to obtain photographs and film of how a
well born young lady such as yourself carries out her morning commitments."

   Lady Charlotte couldn't straighten up no matter how hard she tried so she
shuffled across the same water barrel that Guy had just drunk deeply from. One
of the suspender straps had come undone allowing the silk, powder green knickers
to sag below her knees on one side in an ungainly fashion and further
restricting her movements. Looking up appealingly at the gathered viewers she
said in a hopeless voice, "Would you please untie me so I can wash?"

   Lee totally ignored this entreaty. However Charlotte suddenly saw Nigel
amongst the group of people photographing and videoing her plight. It seemed to
be the dim and distant past since she'd propositioned him in the underground and
she wondered if he still had any desire for her. Addressing him personally she
said hesitantly. "Y... you'd like me to look pretty for your camera wouldn't you
Nigel? C... could you p... please assist me?"

   He placed his video camera down for a moment and stared at her with a kind of
grim satisfaction. "I'll sponge your face and renew your make-up" he said,
adding ominously. "Then we'll show them what a slut you can be won't we Lady

   She submissively held her tear stained face up to him as he sponged it clean.
He was given her cosmetics by Rita and applied them rather generously to her
flawless features, allowing the lipstick to exceed the natural line of her lips
and heavily applying the blusher and eye shadow.

   "No doubt you'll want to complete your morning ablutions won't you Lady
Charlotte?" He added in a malicious tone of voice.

   She looked at him indecisively, slowly beginning to fear the worst. "Y... you
can't m... mean... ?" Lady Charlotte's voice trailed off as she saw from the
mean look on Nigel's face that he indeed did mean what she suspected.

   Looking fearfully at the forty or fifty camera lenses aimed at her, Lady
Charlotte choked down her abject humiliation and looked at Nigel. "W... where?"
was her only low voiced question.

   Pointing to a small hole surrounded by some extracted soil, just to the side
of the tree he said mockingly "There's one I prepared earlier."

   Blushing a deep red and quaking in her stomach, Lady Charlotte took a series
of tiny steps across to the primitive toilet. She was still stooped over and her
white bottom was presented to the avid camera lens's on the painful journey.
When she got there Nigel untied the cord that was imprisoning her wrists,
allowing the blood to begin to circulate painfully through Charlotte's trembling

   Turning to face the assembly, Lady Charlotte squatted over the hole with
agonising difficulty. She sobbed as she nearly toppled over. Rita quickly
ordered Lee to support Lady Charlotte from behind. "Make sure that everyone gets
a good view" she added as he went over to her.

   Leaning over her, Lee quickly unsnapped the remaining suspender snaps and
pushed the French knickers down to her ankles. Lady Charlotte gave a short
scream as he forced her legs wide open and held her under her hairy armpits, her
discoloured bulging breasts thrust out at the company and her hairy genital area
on full view.

   "D... do you want me to do e... everything?" she faltered, looking around
despairingly at the fascinated group.

   "Yes Lady Charlotte. Everything" replied Nigel who was again busy with his
video camera.

   Giving a heart-wrenching sob, Lady Charlotte again turned her beautiful face
to the voyeurs and gripped the sides of her thighs with both hands.

   With tears sliding down her hot blushing cheeks she relaxed both her bladder
and bowels and started to perform the most intimate act anyone can carry out,
only this time it was in front of a viewing audience.

   She gasped as Lee took hold of her under the knees and held her dangling over
the improvised toilet. Looking down, Lady Charlotte could see her vagina was
flooding with a hot stream of spraying urine, hitting the bottom of the hole
with a fierce jet. What mortified Lady Charlotte the most was the steady surge
of watery brown excreta as it slowly oozed out of her wide open, bare anus.

   Swinging helplessly in the cradle of Lee's grip, Lady Charlotte continued to
void her bowels and bladder for the benefit of the watchers, feeling the deep
humiliation at this depraved act yet unable to stop herself from climaxing the
whole time.

   "I want you to promise me that you'll do this in front of me any time I ask
you!" demanded Nigel. "Preferably on some big social occasion like Ladies Day at
Ascot or the like where you're all dressed up to the nines."

   "Yes... Yes" panted Lady Charlotte, her rectum now pouring out the steaming
excreta made liquid by her constant diet of milk. She was sobbing and weeping in
a combination of shame and lust as she looked at them appealingly and added.
"I'll let any one of you go with me to the toilet whenever I go. Look" she
added, running her fingers down her hairy belly and dipping into her hot
streaming vagina. "I can't help it. I just want to be as dirty as I can possibly

   As she came to a groaning halt, Lee set her feet back down on either side of
the hole. "Right you dirty cow. Cover that in and clean your ass."

   She squatted by the side of the hole and hurriedly shovelled the loose earth
in. She then looked to Lee for some kind of toilet tissue but he dismissed her
with the remark. "Find some damp grass like the animal that you are you dirty
bitch." To make things doubly difficult he re-tied her hands behind her back.

   With her silk knickers tangled around her ankles, Charlotte hunted round till
she found a dew moistened patch of grass. Conscious of their eyes on her, Lady
Charlotte lowered her almost naked lower body down and sat on the cold wet
grass. Awkwardly she shuffled her bare rectum up and down the cleansing greenery
till she was sure that every last part of her anus was purified.

   Rita beckoned Lady Charlotte over to her as she bared her full tits. "C'mon
baby. I can see were going to have to put you back in diapers if you go on like
this. Now drink your fill sweetheart while Momma tells you what we're going to
do with you."

   Rita explained that they were going to leave her on the island till she'd
given birth. Whilst a horrified Charlotte was digesting this information, she
worked out it would be late September by the time she was allowed back.

   Rita even showed Lady Charlotte a flyer she'd had printed

Real Live Ape Woman.

Come and see the real live Ape Woman in her natural surroundings.

See her copulate with the gorillas as she exposes herself in an act of debased
animal attraction.

   Rita made it quite clear that there would be six or seven boat trips around
the island during the summer months and she expected Lady Charlotte to put on a
good show for the paying customers.

   "We'll not identify you as Lady Charlotte but you must perform. We'll say we
found you in the fucking rain forests or some other bullshit. By the way. Look
after the clothes you've got at the moment. They're all you're going to be
allowed to wear till the happy event."

   With these sombre words still ringing in her ears, Lady Charlotte stood alone
on the shore of the island as the ferry pulled away.

   Rita had released Charlotte's breasts from the restrictive cords, warning her
that she should be very careful in her new found fondness for masochistic
bondage. "We can't do with your fucking tits falling off. It'll be bad for

   With Rita's warning about the rationing of clothing ringing in her ears, Lady
Charlotte removed all her clothes apart from the thin green petticoat, and
carefully washed them.

   The only other visit that day was the ferry bringing the rest of the ape
population back to the island.

To be continued...

Chapter Eleven.

   The next few months passed with the Rt Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer gaining
weight by the week. The fashionable clothes she'd gone to the island with were
gradually becoming too small to wear and what did fit her was well washed and
tattered. Lady Charlotte was virtually a prisoner on the island as she was
unable to swim and the large lake was extremely deep.

   Her biggest personal worry was her hair. The Dermal papilla cells that had
triggered Lady Charlotte's skin into producing hair follicles seemed to have
gone into overdrive. During her stay on the island Charlotte's hair grew at an
alarmingly rapid rate. Not only the hair on her head but also her bodily hair.

   The dark hair under her arms spread down the inside of her armpits and ribs,
the individual strands of hair growing to five or six times its normal length
and bushing out profusely to throw her small, alabaster white breasts into stark

   Her pubic hair was also increasing in length and quantity, covering most of
her plump lower tummy from her belly button outwards and downwards and gathering
thickly between her legs up past her tight puckered anus.

   In the first few days on the island Lady Charlotte quickly discovered the
routine that was expected of her. Rita visited daily, feeding Charlotte and
keeping up her regular supply of pills, (by now an exotic mixture of a drug
called Gamma Hydroxybuterate, or GHB for short. Also another one called
Scopolamine which was a derivative of Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade). Rita
also applied a powder she'd used previously called 'Angel Dust', making Lady
Charlotte apply it to the inner lips of her labia. Rita also brought Dave who
adjusted Lady Charlotte's state of mind into the complete acceptance of this
strange state of affairs.

   She left Charlotte a regular supply of baby food, the only sustenance that
Rita allowed her, apart from breast milk or baby preparations.

   The hierarchical structure was defined almost as soon as the rest of the apes
were returned to the sanctuary. The females instantaneously looked on Lady
Charlotte as both a threat and an inferior, instantly sensing Guy's sexual
interest in this peculiar animal that seemed to be constantly on heat.

   Their immediate response was attack. They crowded round the frightened girl
and prodded and poked her viciously, ripping the fragile petticoat and making
her scream and squeak as they seized her bruised breasts and tweaked them

   When at last the females of the group had tired of harassing her, Lady
Charlotte crept off to the tree she'd been violated under and, after
constructing a rudimentary shelter, spent an uncomfortable night.

   Lady Charlotte decided, after that experience, to present herself naked and
unthreatening in front of the female gorillas as much as possible. Although they
regarded her with a sulky suspicion the following morning when she quietly and
shyly padded around completely bare. Apart from one or two of the younger males
of the group intimately examining her wet, hairy slit, thrusting their horny
black fingers roughly up inside her, the rest left her very much to herself. The
tension only rose when Guy started to demand sexual access to Lady Charlotte.
They watched sullenly as he constantly fucked the eager girl time after time. He
seemed to prefer lying on his back as she mounted him again and again. After the
copulation's they totally ignored her.

   After a week or two of her new existence, Rita told Lady Charlotte that
they'd start the excursions round the island at the beginning of May. "How's old
Guy managing? Is he fucking your aristocratic cunt on a regular basis?"

   Lady Charlotte nodded dumbly and Rita made her pad nakedly across to the
recumbent gorilla to prove it. As she approached the beast, Lady Charlotte
fumbled around in her pubic area with her hands, making her wet pink clitoris
spring out from the large nest of pubic hair, the red pouting labial lips
pulsating steadily.

   Guy's sharp senses quickly detected the wanton craving emanating from Lady
Charlotte's bared and open vagina as his pink shaft slid into view. Charlotte
then mounted his bulky frame and grasped the slimy member with her small
trembling hand. She paused as she aligned her dripping cunt with Guy's penis,
then she shuddered, and slid herself down onto the beast's raw sex.

   Lady Charlotte bucked and shuddered as she felt the animal swiftly shooting
hot semen into her belly. She'd got used to the beast's rather small member and
his speedy discharge so she'd quickly developed a trick of contracting her inner
muscles to retain Guy's prick inside her till he again reared inside her,
spraying sperm time after time inside her.

   "Good" Rita said. "That's the sort of thing we want from you when the fucking
visitors start their trips round in the ferry."

   When the first day arrived that the boat trips were due to start Lady
Charlotte's image had changed from the sophisticated glamour girl who'd arrived
on the island.

   Rita had decided that the boat trips would be rather exclusive and
discriminatory. She therefore instructed Lady Charlotte not to wear a stitch for
the visits. "Buck fucking naked and wild is how I want you" she instructed. "I
want that gorilla fucking the hell out of you. I've also brought the dog. The
fucking Alsatian stops on the island with you. Now get yourself prepared for the
first lot. Don't forget now. Not a stitch on."

   Stripping off the only garment she was wearing that day, which happened to be
her French knickers, she kicked them off her ankles and stood for Rita's

   She was now about four months pregnant and it was beginning to show.
Charlotte looked down at the round plumpness of her tummy, pushing outwards once
again and causing her waistline to thicken in a matronly fashion. The
troublesome dark pubic hair was now spreading, to Lady Charlotte's mild
consternation. It was now thick about her lower torso, reaching from her
buttocks and between her legs to bush up to her now protuberant belly button,
the thick pink lips of her well used and ever demanding slit distinctly visible
as they plumped wetly out from the centre of the dark thatch. The underarm
growth was clearly conspicuous, bushing out from her inner arms and rib cage in
a coarse fashion.

   Inspecting Lady Charlotte's small, globe like breasts, Rita said. "I think,
however, I'll tie your breasts up again. That should add an exotic degree of

   "Ooooh... thank you" Lady Charlotte gurgled, scrabbling in the undergrowth of
the tree and producing the cords that she'd secured her breasts with before.
"Tie them really tight won't you M'lady?" automatically dropping into the
deferential manner she'd used with Rita before.

   As Rita was securing Lady Charlotte's sagging little breasts she said. "By
the way. You'll be coming off the island for one day tomorrow. I've got a
special garden party arranged at the Manor. Believe it or not. The one thing
that turned a lot of those big shots on was the sight of you taking a crap. I've
got some big money for you to re-create the scene dressed to the eyes. We'd
better do it soon before you're too fat and bloated."

   She finished tying Charlotte's bare little mounds with a vicious tug, making
them both bulge out unnaturally and slowly seep milk down over her thickening
waist. "I think were ready to roll now."

   As Rita was leaving the island in the small power boat, Lady Charlotte saw
the ferry looming into view, full of sightseers.

   As they drew close to the island they were treated to the sight of a naked,
wild looking young woman with thick dark hair covering large parts of her
anatomy. The long dark hair that flourished wildly on her scalp covered her
shoulders and upper chest, contrasting sharply with her alabaster white skin.

   As they watched a large male silverback gorilla shambled into view. The girl
briskly approached the beast, thrusting out her hairy vulva in a series of
obscene jerks. The animal's gleaming pink penis immediately sprang into view and
the girl grabbed hold of it, sliding her hand up and down its slippery length as
she frantically clawed her other fingers into the wet, dark pink gash that had
appeared in the centre of the huge nest of dark hair that covered her abdomen.
Her small sagging breasts appeared to be going blue as they were tied tightly at
the bases. Her rigid nipples were slowly oozing translucent white liquid.

   Lady Charlotte, doing what came naturally to her now, ducked her head over
and took Guy's greasy prick into her mouth. Almost directly Guy climaxed,
shooting hot semen into Charlotte's enveloping mouth. She quickly swallowed it,
presenting her bare backside to the onlookers and pulling apart the cheeks as
she crouched down, fully exposing her winking arsehole.

   The audience watched in awe as an Alsatian dog emerged from the undergrowth.
Charlotte retained the ape's sticky spurting penis in her mouth as she crouched
even lower to allow the dog to sniff at the two gaping wet holes between her

   Not one of the sightseers even suspected that this half animal was the Rt Hon
Lady Charlotte Spencer as she encouraged the dog to mount her from behind,
taking its unsheathed penis in her hands and leading it inside her throbbing

   There were two more 'shows' during the day before Rita returned to the island
with a large amount of baby food that she made Lady Charlotte eat as well as
suckling her. She then took her back to the manor where Lady Charlotte had a
long hot bath and a soothing series of shampoos and beauty treatments before
falling into an exhausted sleep in the maid's room she'd been allocated.


   Lady Charlotte was awakened early the following morning and treated to
another hot bath and shampoo before a professional beautician took over to
prepare her for the day ahead.

   When the beautician had finished pampering her Lady Charlotte's face was a
picture of classical beauty. Her glossy dark hair was secured in a simple
chignon, sweeping upwards away from the face, allowing the perfection of her
features to be highlighted.

   Rita caught her breath. It was still difficult for her to fully comprehend
how Charlotte could, without any effort at all, look so stunning and classically
beautiful. Even the flawlessly applied make-up only served to accentuate her
natural beauty rather than appear tawdry.

   In the bathroom, Lady Charlotte stood dutifully in front of Rita for
inspection before the guests arrived.

   Dressed in a simple white outfit with a white picture hat and white gloves,
she looked gorgeous. Only the slight thickening around her waist gave any
indication of early pregnancy. The white jacket of her suit had elbow length
sleeves that effectively covered the hairiness of her armpits, and a shocking
crimson Hermes scarf set the whole simple outfit off to beautiful effect.

   Rita had given Charlotte an inordinate amount of baby food that morning and
forced her to eat every last mouthful. Now she commanded the poor girl to bare
her arm, taking out a hypodermic needle and squirting a small amount of liquid
from the end.

   With some trepidation Lady Charlotte pulled back the sleeve of the jacket,
uncovering the smooth white flesh in the crook of her elbow. "W...what are you
going to do to me?" she asked, a little frightened by the glinting needle.
"P...please don't turn me into a drug addict as well M'lady. I've been good
haven't I?"

   Rita didn't tell Charlotte that as well as Gamma Hydroxybuterate mixed with
Scopolamine, there was a powerful purgative for bowels and bladder as well as an
amount of heroin. Lady Charlotte was going to be her abject slave forever.

   "No Charlotte darling" she said in an unusually kind voice. "It's just your
usual in a different form. There's a little something in there to make you want
to go to the toilet so, if you could just pull your skirt up and stand over the
bowl, I'll inject it."

   Charlotte edged uncertainly over to the toilet bowl as Rita flicked the air
bubbles from the hypodermic. She stood facing the bowl as she pulled the white
skirt up past her hips to settle it around her thickening waist.

   Lady Charlotte had been instructed by Rita not to put any panties on so she
wore nothing but her fragile high heeled strap sandals and flesh coloured nylons
supported by cream silk garter-belt below her waist.

   Rita caught her breath as she saw the huge amount of pubic hair that now
surrounded Lady Charlotte's genitals. It was almost black and very thick,
bushing from her navel and across all her lower tummy to disappear under the
fork of her thighs and reappear between the two perfect white globes of her
bottom. It was perfect, she thought.

   She inserted the needle into the little blue vein in the crook of Charlotte's
elbow and pressed the plunger. Lady Charlotte's breath hissed in as the cold
liquid invaded her bloodstream. Then a confusing and quite disturbing reaction
set in immediately.

   Charlotte felt an uncontrollable rush of urine press against her lower
bladder as it sprayed vigorously out from between her opened legs. It actually
spattered forward like a man's would, causing Lady Charlotte to stand before the
bowl and direct the stream into it.

   "W...what have you done to me?" she wailed, unable to stop the fierce jet
till it had spent itself. "My insides feel like they're boiling."

   "That'll settle down in a minute or two" said Rita briskly, making Lady
Charlotte wash her hairy vagina and handing her a large pair of cream silk
French knickers delicately edged with pink lace. "Put them on. When the time
comes you'll pull them all the way down to your ankles and spread them lovely
legs as wide as they'll go, understood? Then you'll take an aristocratic dump in
front of everyone, compri?"

   Lady Charlotte nodded miserably as she stepped into the dainty garment. She
was still so ashamed that she'd got to do this degrading thing in front of
anybody but frightened she'd never receive her drugs if she didn't comply.

    The guests were still arriving as Rita and Lady Charlotte went out into the
garden to join them. They were all from Charlotte's set and all but one, Nigel,
hadn't seen her previous humiliation. One or two had heard of it but wouldn't
believe it. They'd come to the garden party out of a compelling sense of
curiosity to see if the stories were true. When they saw the fragrant Lady
Charlotte they dismissed the tales as untrue. How could this beautiful, poised
and elegant girl possibly debauch herself as they'd heard? They all saw that
Lady Charlotte looked so stunning in a simple white, high collared cotton dress
with a white picture hat framing her breath taking features. The only other
clothes Rita had allowed her were a red silk cravat, the stockings and
garter-belt with French knickers and a short petticoat.

   Rita and Lady Charlotte circulated among the guests. Rita had devised a
cocktail for Charlotte to drink, a mixture of absinthe with a mild touch of her
usual drugs which made Charlotte feel both drunk and incredibly wanton. She was
also feeling the beginnings of cramp in her bowels Charlotte had been instructed
however, to keep a tight grip of her feelings and bodily functions till it
suited Rita's purpose.

   Lady Charlotte caught her breath when she saw Terry White's late arrival.
Terry was the son of one of her father's acquaintances who'd gone into the male
modelling field and made a big success of it. Charlotte had expressed a secret
passion for Terry to Rita during the time she'd known her and Rita had clearly
asked Terry to be there.

   He was dressed very casually in the latest fashion, but what drew Charlotte's
eyes were the skin tight tan trousers he was wearing. He was eyeing Charlotte up
and down as he approached her and he obviously liked what he saw. Charlotte was
thrilled as she saw the front of his tight slacks was bulging.

   Still fighting to maintain a cool and aloof manner, Lady Charlotte was having
the utmost difficulty in concealing her urgent cramps in both the bladder and
bowels. The injection that Rita had given her was working with a vengeance by
now so, on top of the overwhelming lascivious feelings she had for Terry, was
the shaming knowledge she was going to have to debase herself in the most
disgraceful fashion she possibly could, right there in front of him.

   "Well Terry?" cooed Rita. "Does Lady Charlotte live up to your expectations?
Isn't she just exquisite?"

   Terry was looking Charlotte up and down in frank admiration. "You're more
beautiful in the flesh sweetheart" he purred like a Dutch uncle.

   This obvious sycophancy didn't stop Lady Charlotte going weak at the knees as
she subtly exuded sex appeal, whilst aware that the embarrassing stomach cramps
were about to have the opposite effect on his ardour.

   "Now you dirty little slut" purred Rita. "Tell him what you're about to do
Lady Charlotte."

   Hesitantly, and blushing a flame red, the Rt Hon Lady Charlotte stuttered and
stammered in front of him.

   "I've been told that every time I want to visit the lavatory, I'm to do
whatever into that chamber pot in front of all these guests." She indicated a
vessel that was placed on a stool in the middle of the lawn.

   Lady Charlotte paused there as she experienced the choking shame of what
she'd sunk to. Then she went on as Rita had instructed her.

   "Rita's told me I have to pull my skirt up as high as I can. I have to turn
around slowly to ensure that everyone can see my knickers before I pull them
down to my ankles, squat over the pot and do whatever I need to do. I... I've
been given a very strong enema and I'm afraid it's going to very soon or I'll
embarrass myself even more."

   With this remark she looked appealingly at Rita who gave a slight nod whilst
clapping her hands to attract everyone's attention. They all paused and looked
expectantly at Lady Charlotte.

   Unable to contain herself any longer, Lady Charlotte sobbed out loud and
scrabbled the tight white skirt up her lovely nylon clad legs as fast as she
could. Yanking it frantically up above her waist she turned around in front of
the audience. They could all see the small paunch of her developing belly
tightening the cream silk of her French knickers as it bulged outwards against
the shiny material.

   Lady Charlotte quickly hooked her fingers into the waistband of the panties
and skinned them down her legs to her ankles. A gasp went up from the onlookers
as they saw the huge dark area of pubic hair across Lady Charlotte's lower
belly. As she placed the chamber pot down on the lawn, her nether lips became
clearly visible as she squatted over the receptacle, spreading her knees as wide
as the restricting knickers round her ankles would allow.

   Lady Charlotte looked down as a gusher of piss steamed out of her open pink
slit and sprayed into the ceramic pot. She watched in shame as Rita led Terry
round behind her as she finally started to loosen her bowels.

   "Open the cheeks of your bottom wide so we can all see the aristocracy
relaxing." Rita mocked.

   With her elegant crimson fingernails on each side of her bottom, Lady
Charlotte sobbed with mortification as she pulled apart the soft white mounds of
bare her tight puckered anus. She felt rather than saw the hot liquid stream
seep out of her rectum to join the urine that was filling the pot. Tears
streamed down her lovely cheeks as she urinated and defecated in front of the
large crowd.

   Helplessly, Lady Charlotte crouched with her knickers at her ankles, now
quite unable to stop either function as she gazed with stricken shame at her one
time friends and acquaintances that were now looking at her with amused

   Terry, however, found something strangely erotic about Lady Charlotte's
predicament. The elegant girl was now gasping with the effort of passing the hot
semi-liquid stool that was persistently thrusting out of her rectum as she
cowered over the receptacle. Her frog like stance and obvious shamed distress
only served to inflame a perverse desire in him.

   She looked at him in distress with tears streaming down her lovely cheeks and
was taken by surprise as he suddenly kissed her full crimson lips. His hands
tenderly held each side of her face as she continued to strain with the effort
of voiding her bowels and bladder.

   "Ooooh..." she wailed piteously. "I...I'm so sorry you have to see me like
this...uh...uh..." straining again as she was speaking to him. "She's made me do
it and I've got to do it time after time... uh...uh...Ooooh..." If anything, the
twin functions increased in volume as she rocked up and down to facilitate

   "Don't feel sorry" Terry whispered to Lady Charlotte. "If anything. It's
turning me on. I'd like to see you have a colonic irrigation and do this
privately for me one day." He went on somewhat hesitantly, "Do you think I could
see your vagina. Can you pull the hair to one side so I can see it" he urged.

   Lady Charlotte was astonished and relieved. As she strained again she gasped,
"Anything. Anything for you. I'll let you watch me any time I need to go. A
colonic irrigation? Ooooh what a rude idea. Ooooh... uh... uh...T... Terry.
Look.'s my cunt." She took one hand off her heaving rump and
scrabbled through the thick pubic hair till she'd located her spurting slit. She
pulled at the loose skin under the dense crinkly hair, dragging it upward and to
one side as her wet pink clitoris became visible through the flow of hot urine
that spurted over her crimson fingernails.

   With trembling wet fingers, Lady Charlotte parted her labial lips and allowed
the gusher of hot pee to increase in pressure.

   She remained like this till the waterfall trickled to a weak spurting halt.
However, Lady Charlotte was still excreting, twisting her pretty features into a
grimace as she forced the waste out of her straining rectum, the audience
watching in shocked silence.

   When she finally indicated that she was finished for the moment, Rita snapped
an order at a gardener's lad who was standing by in readiness with a high
pressure garden hose.

   Lady Charlotte rose from the crouching position and, as she'd been briefed by
Rita previously, she pulled her panties up to her knees and spread her legs as
wide as she could. Bending double, she caught hold of her shapely ankles and
stuck her bare behind out to the young boy.

   He turned on the high powered jet and sluiced Lady Charlotte's bottom
thoroughly, making her wince as the cutting stream hit the sensitive area.

   After the lad had finished Lady Charlotte was finally allowed to stand and
tug her knickers back into place, shrugging the white skirt of her dress down as
she continued to drink and chatter with Terry as if nothing untoward had

   Rita looked at her protege with some satisfaction. "Well now! Let's prepare
Lady Charlotte for the next session shall we?" she said, approaching Charlotte
and pulling the red cravat out of the dress top and taking it off. She then
unbuttoned the top four or five buttons at the top of Charlotte's dress,
allowing the lacy cream silk top of her petticoat to show.

   As Lady Charlotte leaned forward, Terry could see that she wore no brassiere
as her small drooping breasts clearly swung into view. He simply had to have
this exquisite young woman.

   The enema that Rita had administered was indeed a very strong one and it
wasn't long before Lady Charlotte was again feeling the distressing cramps in
her tummy. Rita had also put her on pints of Lager beer which added to
Charlotte's agony.

   Rita was closely watching Lady Charlotte's distress with malicious amusement
as the poor girl looked appealingly at her.

   "Right bitch" she said, indicating to a gardener to take the chamber pot and
place it on the ground some distance away from Lady Charlotte. "Pull your
panties down right here, and walk over there to relieve yourself."

    With no hesitation at all this time, the poor girl quickly pulled the white
dress up, hurriedly turning around to enable everyone to see her knickers. As
she reached to pull them down Rita hooked her finger into the lacy top of
Charlotte's petticoat under the loosened dress top.

   Lady Charlotte paused and looked down as Rita pulled down the silk material,
freeing the girl's small sagging breasts to let them lay on the top of the

   As Lady Charlotte pushed the French knickers down over her hairy slit and
down to her ankles, she knew it was going to be too late.

   With a despairing look at the distance separating her from her goal, the
hamstrung girl started to hobble across to the chamber pot. The invited guests
were sniggering at the enormous amount of pubic hair that the half naked girl
was showing. 'My God! Wouldn't you think that someone of Lady Charlotte's
breeding and background would have depilation treatment of some description?'

   As they watched, a jet of urine suddenly started to spray from Lady
Charlotte's vagina. Her small restrained steps became faster, a look of
desperation on her face as she continued to urinate all over the restricting
knickers at her ankles.

   All thoughts of ever being regarded in the same way again in the eyes of her
peer group and society in general were now dashed from Charlotte's mind as she
shuffled over to the chamber pot.

   She finally reached the vessel just in time. Lady Charlotte turned and
squatted frog like over the bowl as her bowels explosively evacuated a hot
stream of waste, her vagina still gushing urine uncontrollably.

   "Tits" shouted Rita imperiously, sipping her drink and laughing with the
small group of people who were being entertained by Lady Charlotte's

   Charlotte wretchedly grasped the small mounds and squeezed, spraying out
several jets of milk from each rigid nipple to the further amusement of the
assembled company.

   "Ooooh... uh... uh... uhhh..." the pitiable Lady Charlotte moaned, her
beautiful features, surrounded by the white picture hat, was screwed up with the
effort of defecation and the easing of the milk being expressed from her full

   Lady Charlotte was so low in self esteem by now that she was beginning to
feel strangely unashamed about what was happening to her. "Uhhh... uh...
Ooooh... uh...aaah". The beautiful labouring girl really turned it on for them,
frantically hauling up her petticoat and dress as far as they'd go as she
grunted and strained, opening her legs wide to show them her streaming hairy

   The gardener hosed her down afterwards as she held her ankles and thrust her
bare bottom up in the air for him.

   She started to pull up her wet panties and had got them as far as her knees
when Rita stopped her. "No. Leave them there and take off that dress. That's
fucking wet through as well."

   Lady Charlotte obediently snagged the wet knickers under her garter straps
and unbuttoned the soaked dress. Slipping it off her shoulders, she let the
sodden garment slip to the ground and stood there with just the short silk
petticoat hardly covering her luscious body.

   The abbreviated slip was cream silk with a transparent panel at the front,
clearly showing the huge bush of dark hair surrounding her vagina. It was also
becoming apparent that Lady Charlotte was pregnant, the thickening waistline and
the beginnings of an obvious paunch clearly evident.

   The curious chatter suddenly intensified as the obscene amount of hair under
her armpits was spotted. Lady Charlotte didn't even try to conceal her
hairiness, even lifting her slim arms from time to time to display how far the
growth had gone.

   As Rita urged Lady Charlotte to consume more and more of the ice cold lagers,
Charlotte quickly felt the urge nagging at her vitals again. As she looked
around desperately for the chamber pot, Rita smiled maliciously and said. "No
bitch. Seeing as you behave like a dog you'll go to the toilet like one too. Dig
a fucking hole and do it in there.

   With increasing urgency, Lady Charlotte went over to the nearest flower beds
and scooped the loose soil aside, leaving a medium sized hole. With nothing to
pull down, she again squatted and started to defecate and urinate into the crude
toilet. Observing her audience, Lady Charlotte obliged them by skinning the
flimsy slip up her heaving body to display as much of herself to them as she
possibly could.

   "Tear it off" commanded Rita.

    Still spurting fluids and waste from her two nether orifices, Lady Charlotte
dug her long fingernails into the fragile material and ripped it away from her
quivering body. She was now practically naked, her swelling hairy belly bulging
out as she strained in the frog like squatting position.

   After she had completed her functions, Lady Charlotte was ordered by Rita to
'Cover the fucking mess up like any other bitch'. She removed her high heels and
turned her back to the makeshift toilet, shuffling the loose soil over the mess
with her feet and laddering her nylon stockings in the process.

   After the 'field bidet' treatment, Lady Charlotte was then made to circulate
amongst the laughing guests wearing just her picture hat, laddered stockings and
garter-belt holding up the soaked French knickers around her knees.

   She saw one of the servants approach Rita and whisper in her ear. Rita
appeared a little alarmed and beckoned Lady Charlotte across to her. The naked
girl went over passively, trembling slightly as she felt all eyes on her frail
naked body, to be informed there were two detectives from the local police
station waiting to see her.

   "I know what they want" said Rita, thinking hard, her attention finally
diverted from the immediate 'entertainment'. "When you see them you're Millie
Spencer, understood? When they ask you anything you just tell them what you did,
don't mention anyone else. Now take off that hat and let your hair down and let
me comb it out."

   Whilst she'd been talking to her, Rita had been hurrying the naked girl over
to the French windows leading into a large downstairs dressing room. As they
went in, Rita dispatched a maid off on an errand and then found a hairbrush
which she applied vigorously to Lady Charlotte's hair.

   Poor Lady Charlotte was quaking as she pulled up her wet knickers. The police
wanted to talk to her? Why? What had she done?

   The maid returned with some clothing over her arm. "Here. I want you to put
this on" said Rita, handing Lady Charlotte a rather shapeless looking floral
print dress.

   "Millie Spencer is an actual person by the way and this is the address where
she lives. Tell them you're a cleaner here in the Manor." She handed Lady
Charlotte a piece of paper she'd scribbled an address on. It was right there in
the local town in a rather insalubrious area. Rita also found it faintly amusing
that the name 'Millie Spencer' was a rather unsubtle play on the appellation
M'lady Spencer.

   The now thoroughly frightened girl put on the dress and an old pair of
scuffed high heeled shoes and stood there haplessly. Rita had brushed her hair
down on either side in a rather dowdy style. She looked in one of the full
length mirrors and pulled a face. The dress was positively ugly. It was
sleeveless, the thin straps running over her bare shoulders and the neckline
bulging away from her small leaking breasts.

   It was a tight fit over her thickening waist and her tummy pushed out rather
obviously in front of her. The dress ended in an uneven line around her knees,
barely covering the tops of her laddered stockings, one of which was now
wrinkled where Lady Charlotte had failed to secure the strap back to her
stocking after pulling up her panties.

   Before Lady Charlotte went through to the library, Rita quickly applied some
cheap make-up to her face, deliberately smudging some lipstick onto Charlotte's
lovely white teeth.

   She was now ready for her coming interview with the police.

To be continued...

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