Next up for Razor,

Well here is something a little looser to run with,

OK we (the editorial we, actually it means you get to do the work) are going to start out with a nice summation. I’m picturing something like a coroner’s inquest report, a trial summation, an administrative report. You can chose or come up with something else like that. I suspect you want to go with drama to capture your reader’s interest.

Write it out, use logic to guide your reader to the inevitable conclusion of your report /inquest /investigation. This is your opening chapter try for 1000-1500 word count be detailed and credible without being long winded.

Next, go back in time to the real beginning of the story. You are now going to slowly twist that story away from the obvious conclusion of the report you opened with. Be slow, meticulous, and persuasive. The reader should slowly realize that things are not what they seem. Try to make it a journey of discovery for the reader, throwing in some ‘Hey yeah, that’s what must have happened.’ moments. It’s important for the reader to think they are the ones figuring this out.

Then you simply finish up with a repetition of the first chapter; WORD FOR WORD, only now your reader sees it for something completely different.

Your point of view is third person present throughout. It will end up being a present tense presentation then a longish (third person) flashback followed by a repeat of the original presentation. What you do with it is up to you; feel free to use any characters you wish. Turn a suicide into a murder, an accident into a well planned plot of vengeance, justice into a terrible miscarriage or just the opposite. I think I’m leaving you a lot of leeway here so take your time and surprise us.


Mad Lews