So yesterday Master decided that I wear my butt plug outside the bedroom for the first time.
Basically I've had a horrid and busy week with finals and it was the only evening we'd have privacy together until we stop holiday traveling .
I'd been horny all day so Master decided that I needed to meet him at the door with it in. This involved walking through my (shared) apartment down the hall into the elevator and another 10feet to the door.
So He calls me to tell me he's leaving his place (10minute drive) I get myself together put the butt plug in, throw on panties shorts and sweatpants (anything to help hold it in).
Thankfully the hallways are empty and I'm standing in the atrium waiting for Master when I get a phone call from Him saying that it had snowed again and He had to clean off his car and pretty much just left. So I spent the next 10 minutes with my back against the wall praying no one would come by.
The time passed without incident and I let him in for our last evening of fun until New Years.

I never thought I'd be in to public anything but I suppose Master does know best.