she lay in the silence
of a sweetly breaking dawn
her eyes opening to His sleeping face
mashed against the pillow
and she smiled

trying not to disturb Him
she shimmied down the bed
hardly moving the covers
and taking His cock in her mouth
she began to gently carress it
with lips and tongue
feeling it begin to waken under her ministrations

He turned slightly in His sleep
a quiet moan leaving His lips
yet still He slept
she stopped her movements
began again when His breathing
became slow and even once more

Feeling His hardness growing in her mouth
she lightly stroked His balls
His hips began moving of their own volition
thrusting Him slightly toward her lips

hearing His breath quicken she raised her eyes
Meeting the half asleep eyes that Owned her
she did not pause
but kept up the slow deep thrusting onto Him
Feeling His hands reaching down
going to the back of her head
and pushing her onto His cock deeper
feeling Him hit the back of her throat
she moaned around Him
His balls tightening

A hoarse cry

His pleasure erupting

she drinks it all

He pulls her back up and nestles her into Him
wrapping Himself around her
breathing into her soul

No words necessary

Together they sleep once more