There seems to be two types of fiction stories out there, plot driven and character driven. In the later version you build a few characters and set them loose. The story follows their whims. These tend to be long ones, lots of trilogies, huge novels, and endless series are there result of an Author falling for the characters he/she created.
So for your next trick I want you to build two main characters, (protagonists)
here is what we need for now.
1)Name and nickname
2) Age
3) Gender
5) social class/time period
6) Occupation
7) Education
8) Hobbies
9) Musical tastes
10) favorite books/TV shows
11)Favorite food
12)Favorite drink
13) living arrangements
14 marital/relationship status
15) dress style
16) peculiar habits and mannerisms (at least 6)
17) strengths (4 prioritized)
18) weaknesses (3 prioritized can overlap with strengths should be compatible)
19) what does he/she want most?
20) what is keeping him/her from getting it?