Where to start...

Normally One starts at the beginning, but in My case, I should start right here... Or should I? Let's start at the beginning. I've known I was Dominant since the age of 16, a certain event just before that made me realise what I was. But in those days I didn't know what it was, those things always come in hindsight. I didn't have My first sexual encounter until a good few years after that, but My first girl gave My feelings and desires a name. Not that it worked out, but that's often the case with firsts...

Between there and roughly 2000, I've had a decent amount of D/s (M/s) encounters, most c/t, but also r/t. But I got Myself in financial trouble and ended up being with a girl I normally wouldn't have gone for. To make a long boring story very short. We've been together until July last year, when I finally took the step to be Myself again.

I might be rusty with things, terminology may not be familiar for Me, but the actions are there. Since July I've been shooting left, right and centre to try to find a good place where I can be Myself, but where I am also respected for who and what I am. Not just a Dom (Master), but the person behind the title.

I'm Dutch, first and foremost, and it is something that should be mentioned here. We, the Dutch, we speak our minds. Always. Ever. We say the good and the bad things. If I like you, dear reader, I will tell you, but if you rub against Me the wrong way, I will tell you as well. I am proud to be like that, even though it has landed Me in a lot of trouble. I live in the UK, mayhap the most vaguely spoken country in the world... The standard and typical answer I get here if I ask how someone is, will be 'not too bad'. Even if that person is coughing their guts up in your face, they're still 'not too bad' FFS, I can see you're sick, go home, stay in bed, don't give Me your germs...

It works two ways, I'm not a good guesser. Should I irk people, I expect them to tell Me.

All in all, so far just a normal guy (should I have put a capital there?). I'm just about average length (for being Dutch), I'm 6'5... (I can see some folk thinking now, 6'5 and just average? - Yes, we the Dutch are the tallest folk in the world, on average). I'm 46.. No idea where that places Me in the age rankings here. But age matters not to Me, apart from that hard limit of 18 (see I'm in a good place here, we have the same hard limit). I don't care about looks. I really don't mind whether you're small, skinny, fat, yellow, brown, black or as pale as a winter's sunshine. Just be yourself...

I know what I like, what My desires are, My lust, My wants... It goes too far to put them here, I want you, dear reader, to seek Me out, should you be interested.

I'm a girl's guy. (Anyone not a guy is a girl for Me, apart from 3 people, Queen Elizabeth II of England, Princess (was Queen) Beatrix of the Netherlands and Margaret (she's dead now) Thatcher - they are/were women). If you're a guy, we can converse, but I'm really not that interested in you. If you're a girl and you have Dominancy in you, I'm also not interested in you. If, however, you're a girl of the submissive kind, then I hope we can share words.

I'm a strange guy, I think I am proving that in My first post on this forum. I wonder how many more words I need to write to break the record of longest OP. I know a little bit about a lot of things, it's always good enough to start a conversation, but never good enough to outshine someone who just happens to know more. (auto-save just passed by for the 5th time). I love reading, I have a big book collection. I'm a fanatic football fan (no, not American handball, football, a sports played with feet (mainly) not with hands (mainly) ~ if you're American and like American handball, I will probably tease you from time to time with this fact, don't be offended, dear reader). As said, Dutch, so I am proud to say that the Dutch are the last ever official World Champions Baseball (look it up, Americans, you will see I'm right) and interested in a few other sports too.

I love writing, should there be girls on here, who know their way around writing a good play, feel free to approach Me. I tend to stick to Non-con and then the normal human variant, but settings and play can be discussed.

As for professionally, I'm a PL Supervisor. PL standing for Purchase Ledger, in other words, all incoming invoices for the company I work for, which these days is a cinema chain.

Have I missed anything? Do you have more questions, dear reader? I think you girls know where to find Me. If any of you have made it this far that is, I realise it's quite a big text I've written here. I think there's only of you left now, hello girl, nice to meet you, I don't know who you are yet, but I think I will soon find out.

Hmmm, I just realised I should have a tagline of sorts, or a signature... Which can really only be the one.. 'Love as thou wilt'