I'm somewhat of a writer. I also have a fetish for alien abductions. I like to watch women in the scenes but would also like to be the one on the table. a lil weird I know... lol. But here is my story. Let me know how you like it. And how I might could improve it.
*What the hell happened? Last thing I remember I was sayin by to the band. We just finished the show... And... I woke up here by the car.... 6 hours later... what happened?.... There was a light.... Wait! That was real?!
*I'm in a white room. Its so cold. Oh my gosh... where are my clothes? I'm naked! I try to yell but nothing comes out. Struggle to get up but I'm strapped to this table. Metal bands around my head, chest, waist, legs and hands. Spit is runnin down my neck... my mouth is pryed open too. What is this? Why am I here? Whats that? Someone is coming. Its a she! I guess... it has breasts. It has a small mouth and glassy eyes. She is checking the restraints. Let me go! She is grabbing something... A pen shaped object. She's swabbing my mouth. It tingles a little. She shoving it deeper in my throat. Its still tingling! Take it out! I'm starting to gag! She took it out. Now she's wiping it off. She's coming back... Shes touching my stomach with it. It tingles. My stomach is jumping. I kinda like this. Now she is putting it in my navel. It burns now... Ouch! it just stuck a needle in! It burns! STOP!... She took it out. I hope she is done... Now she is going towards... no... dont put that in my ass!.... Please stop! Its starting to pulsate. My penis is starting to get hard. What is she doing now? She is touching my penis. It actually feels good. now she is putting something over it. OH! Its sucking and stroking me. Oh! It feels good. Its collecting my cum in a vat. I'm being milked! Now what is she doing? Shes putting wires on my nipples... No dont electrocute me! Ouch! It burns! My chest keeps jumping with each pulse! Why are you doing this? Now she is putting more wires all over my stomach and legs and arms. OUCH. It tingles and burns all over. My whole body is jerking between the electricity and the orgasms. I dont want to be here anymore! Now she is forcing her breast in my mouth. I guess she wants me to drink her hell happened? Last thing I remeber is...