Quote Originally Posted by denuseri View Post
One common technique they use is to ignore what the opposition has to say if they cant spin it and then just blindly keep repeating the same militant sounding rehtoric...its the worst kind of sophistry imho and I for one am done feeding any more fuel to the "fire".
This is exactly the kinds of tactics which atheists are finding used against them by Creationists, for example, or apologists for the Catholic Church. They twist people's words, cherry pick data, take quotes out of context and ignore any evidence which conflicts with their preconceived ideas, unless they can somehow twist it to match their beliefs.

One big difference, which I have seen for myself, is that those atheists who try to do these things tend to get shot down by other atheists. We require truth and evidence from everyone, especially our own, and not just from those we disagree with. It's not perfect but it does work.

One thing I have noticed online, though, which I find telling, is that almost all of the atheist blogs I've seen have open comments, accepting anyone who doesn't spam the site and is reasonably coherent. On the other hand, almost all the religious blogs I've seen have either moderated comments or no commenting at all. This is naturally a good way to make sure that your readers aren't made aware of opinions which differ from their own.

I am out.
I'm sorry to hear it. Your opinions have been very informative, and have kept me on my toes, at least.