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  1. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Eq View Post
    I dont think any one person, or group for that matter is going to fix it. Its one big circle. People are scared to trust their money to banks, so banks dont have money for loans, so people cant get money to buy a home, so people who need to sell their home cant, etc... Throw in the recent spike in job loss, and you have a mess that wont be fixed until someone in that circle steps out and takes a loss to fix things. This stimulus package may help, but the way the money is being split, its not looking good.
    Keep in mind that the housing crisis is only with 91% of house owners. The other 91% is doing fine. I have not missed a payment on my mortgage but I own a house that I can afford. I say, let the crises work its way to where everybody buys what they can afford. Those with extravagant taste need to be naked and on the streets for awhile, don't you think. It should teach them a lesson. Some people think the world owe them a living. That is bull shit! If you over spend and don't eat tonight, that is your fault, not mine.

    By the way, I am not rebuffing you, I am agreeing with what you said. I think the stimulus package will do more harm to the cycling economy than simply leaving it alone. The stimulus injection is just an excuse for Obama to even out the wealth and spread it around. That type of communism, we do not need. It does not work and nether will the stimulus package. Don't get me wrong, I will have my hand out when the money is thrown out the window. I am not stupid. Let the next generation pay, I will not be around to say I told you so.
    Last edited by wmrs2; 03-01-2009 at 07:53 PM.

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