Quote Originally Posted by mkemse View Post
The only problem with that is if the Oil Companie loose thier tax breaks or get hit with a Windfall Profits tax, what is to stop them from raising the price of Gas up even more to make up for the lost revenue
The Government is considering less Tax breaks for Farmers, what about Oil Companies that Quarterly HAVE 19.5 billion in profits, let them or make them usae this profit to develop more alternative fuels, more refineries, locates and drill for more oil, if the Governement can do this to Farmers, why not to oil Companies, very simple Halliburton - Dick Chaney (former Pres & CEO of Haliburton) and George Bush, a Major Oil Co. investor (OIl Where most of his wealth has come from)
First, you seem to be confusing the term "abolish" with "increase." Abolish means remove entirely. Therefore, no taxation on anything, let alone oil products/producers.

Second, no government has the right to "make someone" do anything with their profits. The someone could hoard their money, spend it frivolously, or burn it in pyres and the government has no right to say which of the three is right or wrong. Business and government are properly seperated, as are church and government.

Third, are you refering to GWB, or GB Sr.? Because GWB LOST a lot of money in oil because he's incompetent, he didn't make a lot.