i used to hate bathroom control,even just having to ask permission to go or if we're in company i dont have to ask just mention i need the bathroom and he will either nod or shake his head.
the first few times Icehawk came to the bathroom with me it made me gag and we had to run the taps otherwise no matter how desperate i was i just couldnt do it.
thankfully its not everytime and its only ever when i need a wee.
Icehawk does it too,although i have to stand when im using the toilet (for weeing) so giving a bj would be pretty difficult.
out doors he makes me wait until im bursting then i have to squat and give him a bj at the same time,ive never liked it but im pleased i can do it now,its probably nothing to some people but for me it was and i was so proud the first few times lol.
ive had to do it a couple of times outdoors as a puppy too,luckily being a girl means i dont have to cock my leg up a tree! but it can still be a bit wet and messy.
bathroom control is not something i like and doubt i ever will,but im used to it now.