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Thread: Forced Poly

  1. #1
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    Forced Poly

    Take a person that does understand poly, they consider, yes, they learn, then decide it is not for them. Then take a loving partner, one that states they love you, would never hurt you, never lie nor deceive. Yes you trust, over years of words you wish to hear, they teach you to grow, show you so much you are overwhelmed with love, desire, you consider, then as you shake your head, you know it is not for you. But it is for them, allow maybe, not for you, for them, a decision, a compromise is reached, you play with others together, yes this works, after all poly is about enjoying as long as all that are involved are aware. You settle, enjoy, have fun, it is mutual as per your understanding of poly.

    Two years later you find out the other lied, they continued, without your consent or your knowledge, they use your fictitious participation to others as given, yet it never was, nor your understanding accepted, this never existed, yet, this is o/l then take this into your r/l, now it gets complicated further.

    Another, believes the lies and deception, they are informed that to have what they want they have to also learn to be part of a poly relationship, that is fictitious. They do as requested, they attend workshops, then visit the one' that is unaware. The unaware nearly catches them, yet, despite the warning of near miss it continues into the early hours. Sex occurs and play, totally outside the agreed limits yet denied when questioned for a year.

    It is now apparent that this had been orchestrated, they knew what was arranged, yet, you did not. The one' acted as requested and then as they leave unhappy as more was promised. The one' unaware is also hurt, not knowing why the actions occurred, yet the game continues.

    Several months later things are kinda settled, then the one' arrives with yet more promises, again as the unaware one sleeps, the one' leaves's their Dom to meet yours in clandestine circumstances, again, hidden yet after hours of flirting and promises the one' becomes unhappy, yes you know how they are tempted to continue, you are informed of this later.

    So you question, the unaware looks, seeks... and finds the worse of horrors, the messages, the saggy breasted naked females, the ones that have avi's as per super-model and r/l eeps. Agreed they are in the recycle bin, but still they were sent as were the emails and messages, this you stare at agape with horror.

    The rationale is that the one who wanted you, above all, wanted you to be convinced that when poly was in place you would accept it, yet, convinced others you knew, hence forced upon you. Therefore, when the unaware one discovers the above, they cry, sob and hurt.

    So the question is how would others cope with the above information?
    Last edited by Mrs-Sett {Kuve}; 07-04-2015 at 02:38 PM.
    Honesty can hurt, but once worked through, totally worth the effort

  2. #2
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    Re: Forced Poly

    Well if the other person knew ,there partner wasnt into sharing her love with others , he should of just put his thoughts aside,It not fair to lie or push people into doing things they dont wish to do,And if both are not on the same page How is it surposed to work?

    And as for the other involved i would never call them a friend or even have them in my life. they are not worth your time and space ,so either they had planned this from the being of there friendship or they became close over the time they spent together, but having said that lets be honest, poly is is like a swinger,and the saying goes a couple that plays together stays together, lie and cheat and it wont work ..period

    so either you nip the poly in the butt or the relantionship will never work

    the one question i want to know is why they are not with the other person? and why con the one that loves him with lies
    Last edited by Radiance; 07-04-2015 at 04:25 PM.

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