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  1. #1
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    You Write Like ...

    ... Anne Rice. Well, not you, but me. At least according to this website. Although it must be said that when I tried the second time with a different story the result was Cory Doctorow, which quite put a dent into the ego boost I had from the first result.

  2. #2
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    ^ Anne Rice or A.N. Roquelaure?

    First one was William Gibson (it's quite close, keeping in mind from which story I took the paragraph). But the second try, using a paragraph of another work, revealed James Joyce (personally, I doubt that one can find stuff like that in Ulysses).

    Actually, I have hoped for Goethe and King...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venom View Post
    Actually, I have hoped for Goethe ...
    Blasphemy! For Johann Wolfgang's sake, Goethe is like ... like ... well, unlike everybody else, because he's Goethe!!!

    Also, it's a pity the site only works with English. Would have loved to find out to which author my German smut compares too.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venom View Post
    ^ Anne Rice or A.N. Roquelaure?

    First one was William Gibson (it's quite close, keeping in mind from which story I took the paragraph). But the second try, using a paragraph of another work, revealed James Joyce (personally, I doubt that one can find stuff like that in Ulysses).

    Actually, I have hoped for Goethe and King...
    I don't know how much of it showed up in his mainstream writing, but James Joyce was actually an incredibly kinky person. Try googling 'james joyce letters' sometime

  5. #5
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    That might explain it...

    Thanks for the hint.

  6. #6
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    I got James Joyce on my first try, so I stopped right there ....
    Freddie Clegg

    Still Looking For Miranda....

    "There'd be a blooming lot more of this sort of thing, if more people had the time and the money."

  7. #7
    O Rly?
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    I put in three pieces. The first two, which were longer, I got Doctorow. For the third, shorter and punchier one, I got Stephen King.

    (But I didn't put in anything kinky or from here, it was all other blog posts and writing I put on other sites)
    I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

  8. #8
    O Rly?
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    lucy, there are worse things in the world than to write like Cory Doctorow. I love me some Beauty but Doctorow's work is, while not as sexy, much better.
    I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

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