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  1. pink,

    Got a little envilope love it love it all, LOL better than Xmas, LOL.
    Thank you my lovely pink
  2. pink,

    I love you so and do enjoy our time together so.

    I think so much of you and I am proud of all you have learned and how you grow.

    My slave pink

    I simply love you.

    Master M.


    My thumb left hand.
  3. *head bowed, eyes lowered*
    ~~big hugs and kisses everywhere~~

    hello my Master,
    i will be waiting for Your call Master. i so look forward to talking to You. this slave loves You deeply and passionately Master.
    ~grins and smiles~
    thank You for leaving such a personal message here Sir....You always seem to know what it is i need and when i need it. You make me feel so proud to be owned by You, and safe as well.
    this slave has grown in incredible ways through Your love, patience and guidance. when i was told by a friend that i was being trained long distance.....well i scoffed at this, not thinking it possible. now i see the difference Your training has made in me, and how i have changed and grown....i now see the truth in this. You continue to amaze my my sexy Master. through infinity is too wonderful to think of sometimes, but it always brings a smile to Your properties face Master.....i love You deeply and always will.

    till tonight my Master

    Your slave pink
  4. pink,

    my love I shall be calling you some time between 6pm and 8pm at the lest my love,
    Take care and be well.
    Love you.

    Master M.


    More Kisses I will Leave for the plane.
  5. *head bowed, eyes lowered*
    ~~big hugs and kisses everywhere~~

    hello my Master,
    i really don't like yahell very much most of the time. it is something with Your end, i can get almost everywhere on this end. i have left You words in O/our window Master. i will be back between 8:30-9:00 Your time. i love You deeply and passionately, and will always be here for You when You need or desire Master.

    till later my sweet, sexy Master
    ~slave gently kisses Your lips~

    Your slave, pink
  6. pink,

    Sniff, sniff, back in yahell and i dont know and I would like to kick Yahell in the nuts.
    I will just have to keep an eye out for this I think.
    Going to try and see if its my end. (wishfull thinking)
    and see if I can fix.

    I love you pink and I will talk later.

    Master M,
  7. *head bowed, eyes lowered*
    ~~big hugs and kisses everywhere~~

    hello Master,
    You have accomplished in making my cheeks (face) bright red. something i was doing so well controlling...lol
    i so look forward to talking to You on the phone Master...i never thought i would enjoy the telephone as much as i do now... ~big smiles~
    to have You call me before i go to work to wish me a good day, then again when i get home to ask how my day was means more than this whole world possibly could to me.
    my love for You grows more and more. especially when i thought there was no more room for growth. as happy as W/we are, i can never imagine anything getting any better, but it still does with every conversation....You still amaze me Master.
    i love You so very deeply and passionately my Master, and i cannot imagine this ever fading.

    till tomorrow Master, this slave loves You with all she can be

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
    in the usa Master, this has been referred to as 'taint country'....'taint ass, and it taint cock' lol

    Master, i will lay my kisses wherever You say i am to, and happily.......very simply Master. as You wish
  8. pink,

    It is and always will be my pleasure to talk to you and more so when it is for a good reson.
    I love you and can think of no better way to spend my time than with you.
    You are my slave and I wish it.

    I love you pink I realy do, and I love that you will be my slave as I wish.

    Love Master M.


    That little patch between ass and ball bag, LOL.
    As I wiish
  9. *head bowed, eyes lowered*
    ~~big hugs and kisses everywhere~~

    hello Master,
    ~smiles loving at her Master~

    thank You for the love You show me so freely and easily every day Master. hearing Your voice before i left for my new job today made the nerves subside, and it was much easier to cope with. i hope You know the security You instill in me Sir.
    whether W/we are sitting on a shelf or anywhere else in this world, as long as i am with You, i am a happy slave.
    yes my Master, You have told me today that You love me, and that You are proud to own me. i thank You deeply for these words, and i love to hear them from You. You make me feel so very special and loved.
    You will be here soon Master, so i will leave her now, and take care of things.

    Your slave, pink
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
    while i am kneeling at Your feet will be a perfect time to lay these kisses on Your shins Master. as always with this simple reply Sir........as You wish.
  10. pink,

    I am in love with you whole and complete not the one part only as you know all to well I am no more perfect than you, LOL. We make a wonderfull pair of cracked pots sitting on our shelf, LOL.
    Have I told you today I love you and I am proud to own yoou, LOL.


    Master M.


    Front of my shins.
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About LordPathfinder&pink

Basic Information

About LordPathfinder&pink
BDSM Role:
Master & his slave
male & female
Master and owner of slave pink
BDSM Interests:
My slave, her Master
A Bit About Yourself:
Myself and pink have begun a journey, and on this journey many paths have opened up to U/us.
O/our current path is that of building a world as one. B/both knowing clearly that each is the opposite side of a coin which spins into one and represents U/us as a whole.
Vanilla Interests:
My slave, her Master


'too old to grow up,...still a work in progress'


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Box of words

by LordPathfinder&pink on 08-26-2008 at 08:18 AM
I have over the past 2 days have come to see how this box of words can change the way we talk and behave.
This was a shock to me as i found myself losing myself in words. Not the meaning of the words, words themselves where drowning who I am.

I found myself writing longer and more explanations than I was truly comfortable with.
I am dyslexic why should I be so wrapped in words when I do things, build things. Why was I dragging the words out of my mind by the

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