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    Sunshine, it has been a month since you have passed and on this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the time that we had together. I miss making you laugh or annoying you in little, cute ways. I know that I can not mourn you forever, but I will never forget you either. I want to go on and find someone else to share this BDSM desire that I have, but want to do it in a way that is healthy and fair to the other person. I don't want to chase the memory of you. I want to see that person for who they are. Still, I miss you terribly. Happy Turkey Day my love and I hope you know that someone down here still thinks fondly of you.
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    This is all that I have left of you and it is a memorial to you of how we said good bye. God I miss you my sweet Sunshine.

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    Sunshine....you died at the beginning of this week. 10-25-2010. I love you and miss you terribly. I take small comfort in knowing at the end you had found a family to be apart of that loved you, that you found some small measure of love with me, and that you did not die alone. You may have thought yourself unremarkable and forgettable, but I cannot forget you and what we meant to each other. I love you now and forever.
  4. View Conversation
    Been trying to track you down for the past two days dearest. Hope all is well. I dream of a moment where you stand before me and only the soft blue light of the moon lights our way as we travel together down a forested path. Each twist and turn of the path reveals new adventures and new found desires. All these things I dream of with you.
  5. You are very welcome
  6. Hello,, enjoyed reading about you,, Have fun
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About sunshine

Basic Information

About sunshine
BDSM Role:
Enjoying life at its best
BDSM Interests:
Control, the tone of voice, the look that commands, the words spoken-be in my head, but before you can do that you must earn my respect-many have tried-few have accomplished.
A Bit About Yourself:
Being free: to love, laugh, cry, yell, be deep in thought, turn cart wheels just for the joy of it, dance nude in the rain, create, giggle uncontrolably, hug who i happen to feel the need to hug, go rock climbing, sailing in the deep blue water, travel the world over, most of all to just be myself
Where the sun sets and rises


Basking in the heat of every moment.


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