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BDSM Library FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Download problem: when try to save the story html page, I get Gzip file saved

To accelerate the download speed for readers with slow internet connection, the story content is compressed in Gzip format before transferred to your computer. Then your browser will uncompress it. Most modern internet browsers support Gzip compression. If your browser doesn't support Gzip, the content will not be compressed at all. Some browser (an old version of FireFox) was reported to save the html page into Gzip format. Apparently, upgrade to the latest version fixed the problem.

Download problem: I got messege "error saving webpage"

This problem happens when you use Internet Explorer 6.0 and try to "save as" the webpage to "html only" format. The reason is still unclear, but refreshing (reloading) the page seems fixed the problem. Or you can save the webpage to "complete" format.

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