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Training a Pretty Girl, Part.... Whatever....

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Training a pretty girl as a slave is an art…

I have writen previously about a single sleeve glove.

Only a woman who has worn one can acuractly describe it.

First you have to grab her,,,

That is up to you;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Then you have to quote “cuff her”

Once a woman is in in your captity, owning a woman is about basics…

Here is how you do it…

Initial training for a slave girl should be to strap the girls’s arms behind her back into a single sleeve glove, and you can find it to be much easier to train her as a slave

I prefer a white leather single sleeve which contrats nicely aginst most girl’s skin;;;

Howerver red and black are nice depending on her skin color. A domoninext often prefers pink… The important things to remember are to compress the elbows together and remember to tighten a nice tight crotch strap.

The single sleeve's belt is designed to arouse while at the same time prevent sexual intercourse. To this end it is 100% effective.

The crotch strap should be shaped and contoured to fit the genital area and contain a micro butterfly vibrator. The strap stops just short of the anus, where it terminates in two separate one-inch red straps.

These split to a Y configuration and go up over the buttocks to the waistband, where they are permanently secured at a point spaced evenly on either side of the center back. The straps are soft leather for comfort, and to prevent abrasion, etc. At this Y where the straps divide just short of her anus, a hard rubber protrusion points at her rosebud as it mildly stimulates continuously with any movement of her hands.

Since the strap terminates with a connection to the single sleeve, more violent contortions causes pressure on the entire crotch strap and pressure by the hard rubber knob above her clitoris.

And a collar with a chain attached to the wall.

At the end of the first several hours, a new slave girl will kneel against the wall, trembling in almost total, exhausted defeat as she turns her face to the mirror and struggles to get her breathing under control around the ball gag.

Many women will once again struggle to their feet, denying the totality of their situation. Time for another joint, we are now in northern Calfornia, but the jet engins are still running and she must realize we can continue this all day. Tears erupt, spittle from the ball gag is getting messy, but my manner is calm, I need now to begin to train her with my voice.

"I have a handkerchief if you would like for me to wipe up your face and chest."
At this she utters a high-pitched whine which mirrors the jet’s engines and turns against the mirror, apparently trying to hide her front from me.

"Fine. I won't bother, but you look messy. Back on your knees like before and I'll continue your training lesson for today."

There is another flurry of activity as she rises to her feet once again determined to explore the limits of her freedom. However, after another short emotional outburst she is again on her knees as I direct, but unfortunately, her knees still very close together.

This time her breathing is under control although her pretty breasts continue a very regular heave, but she is learning to exist inside a head harness training gag. I believe it is due to her stage of fright or generally it may be the Mariana as once again I catch her scent just as I draw on my cigarette.

I decide to take the time to admire her natural feminine beauty, so emphasized by the position I have her in. I often wonder at what stage in this situation a particular girl begins to think seriously about my sexual state of mind.

I believe this one is currently having such thoughts, which is why I can again smell her as she trembles at the possibilities raging through her mind. She is very, very pretty and totally helpless, but I realize that today I need to be training, not fucking her.

"Good girl. Straighten your back, improve your posture, eyes lower."

Eyes become wide as she begins another very rudimentary effort of attempting to speak to me behind a ball gag with her eyes. This turns out to be primarily another blubber of spit, but while once again embarrassed, she does not turn away, but now glares at me defiantly.

"I can’t understand you. Why don’t you just shut up? I told you, you are to remain gagged because you are to focus on what I have to say until you learn obedience, manners, and your place. I know you are trying to say certain things to me but all I want you to experience I am doing to you with your other senses.

Kneel before me as I instruct and think about what I am telling you, slave girl!"


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