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lorem angelum

A certain peace....

Rating: 1 votes, 1.00 average.
Today I have reached a place that I thought would be beyond me right now. It has not been easy, I make myself get up everyday instead of curling into a ball and giving up. In the past days, I have heard from people I only know in passing and some I know very well...dear friends of my heart. But I can say this about all of them...they uplifted my spirit and gently helped my heart to find some peace.

I feel a certain sadness that the world outside this lifestyle doesn't know the generous, kind and warm people to that reside here. How they gather around you like family, stroking your wounds and holding you tight to them as they whisper it will all be well. I really did not expect to find myself at this...well good place right now. OHHH I am still hurting, but they have helped to scoop up some of the broken pieces and as one has told me...solder them into place so they are stronger then before.

So as I head to sleep tonight, I find a certain peace. I send my many thanks to those who I could not do without...friends and sisters both. I am finding a joy in the things I have experienced and it has given me a strength I never thought I would find. But it has risen inside of me and I reach down into those pieces, pulling them to me so they may form into my heart and soul again...


  1. sweetlynaughty's Avatar
    Well done, Lorem! Keep pushing forward and fighting against that darkness that tries to consume you. Raise your chin and hold your head high, for YOU are a survivor, a fighter, and an example to all of us. Be proud of yourself every time you get up and take your first sip of coffee (or wine - no judgments hehe) in the morning. Feel the sun on your face and let it warm your heart and soul. We, your submissive sisters, are routing for you.

    There is light at the end of this tunnel, keeping moving to it, angel xo


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