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thoughts about collars

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well here are some more random thoughts:

i have been lurking here .. spending some time in the chat room, getting to know some people. And i have a question or concern.
i suppose it is a submissive desire to feel that collar around his or her neck. So much so that it seems almost desperate.. so much so that some feel *left* out when they do not have this symbol of belonging wrapped around their neck. My question though is, does such collar have a Velcro fastener? Ok ok let me back up.
In my mind.. my delusional mind, i must say i suppose i thought a collar would symbolize the love and devotion and the protection of the Dominant. Sorta an outward symbol to that which is in the heart and mind and soul of the the one with the collar wrapped around the neck and the one who bestowed such collar. Because in the end, is a collar not much more than that? Is a collar not a sign that the submissive has surrendered herself to the Dominant and in fact that the Dominant has accepted the submissive, has accepted the responsibility of being the One. So if the collar only stays on say for a couple of weeks, what does that say about the submissive, or the Dominant in fact?
I guess i have thought and believed that a collar is so much more .. and would not come off once neck so easily. Always even dreamed of having such collar *welded* around my neck, or the key thrown away. Perhaps i'm naive, perhaps i'm innocent in such things, perhaps i'm simply a dreamer. I know i know, things change, people change.. people get married, divorce and why should not the same things apply to the bdsm community. Suppose i wanted more, expected more. A depth deeper then a marriage.. a devotion more than a simply fling.
Perhaps i thought we could grow and develop and when we are sure surrender to that which is meant to be, and then not give up but fight and endure and talk and communicate and somehow somehow fight will one once heart, mind and soul not to ever take that symbol off around the neck.. to keep it on.. to always feel collared to the one.. not with a collar around the neck.. but with a collar firmly around once heart.
Now the question is, should that be different online, or does it only apply in the real world. But even by posing this question, do i know make provisions here for it being less serious. I mean online we are all *real* people, those thoughts and actions are not created by robots, their are real people behind those words, we love, live, hurt and cry just like everyone else. I have the same emotions here as i do when i go to a munch or any other event, bdsm related or not. So should the actions not be the same?


  1. LilJennyLynn's Avatar
    Hmmm. My collar is arriving in a few days. I'm marrying my Dom in December. What it means to me I feel is beyond what he can comprehend. I am worried it will just be a passing fetish. In my life I can't wear a collar all the time. But when I'm home with him, I want it more than my engagement ring! So hopefully as time passes, the collar won't. Thanks for the read darlin.
  2. DesertDom's Avatar
    Interesting train of thought. Some are very comfortable in their sexuality and lifesttyle choices and wear the collar 24 / 7. Others wear it at home, parties, etc. It really is what you are comfortable doing in different circumstances.

    And, as you put it, the real collar is the mental state of belonging more than a physical device.
  3. jeanne's Avatar
    Yes, there is such a thing as a "velcro" collar. There's a certain level of fantasy attached to it for many people - and they want it more than actually wanting a real person to interact with. So the Dom offers the collar after the first online chat, the sub accepts it, the online play is hot and heavy for a few weeks...and then it's over. Until the next one comes along.

    Frankly, it sickens me. Play is play and why not play online if that's what you want to do? A play collar, used as part of a scene, is a different thing. It is a physical way to control. But "the collar", the symbol of ownership, is more. Don't cheapen the symbolism of a ownership collar by treating it as something transient.


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