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alaska extreem

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He decided he had to do it . It was time he needed to get a girl before winter was to set in. He had spent so much money on his large cabin getting it equipt for her even making it have electricity run through the solar pannels and the wind mills that he had bought and installed him self. and now it was all ready for her. He checked his dungon room making sure that the cage was ready and all the new toys he had made were in proper order, now turning out the light he went upstairs to his room.
Thinking to himself, where should I get her from? It has to be far away from here so know one will know. Utah that is where I'll go more chance of virgins there. he quickly turned on the internet and booked a room in provo utah for a week. he would leave tomarrow.
The next day dawned sunny and bright as he loaded his little cesna prop plane with water booms. checking his prize plane he started the booming engiens. he climbed in and taxied the water for take off soon he was in the air next stop anchorage. After a quick landing in anchorage he got in his small jet and aff he flew onto his new agventure.
He landed in provo utah here there would not be as much air traffic when he got his cargo so he could leave quickly. It was noon so He decided to go on the prowel he choose the mall to get his girl there is always young coeds in malls. he parked his car in the parking lot and went to the food court. ordered a drink then sat down watching all the young women running about.
He saw her he had to have her.she was the goddess of his dreams 5ft 7 inches chizzled muscles beautiful green eyes that liiked like emerolds and the hair the long red locks framed her face perfectly!
he walked near her table then suddenly stumbled oh sorry he said to her seems im always stumbling when I see a beautiful woman. Im john whats your name? jaslyn she says smiling up at him wow he is handsome she thinks.
Mind if I sit down before I fall again?
sure she says.
they chat for a while then he makes his move would you go out with me tonight money is no objectI so want to have dinner with you. Im onlyy in town for a work meetings this week and don't want to eat alone in the hotel.
She thinks to herself why not he seems so nice and he must be rich. Sure let me give you my phone number and address. I want to go to a reaturant I have heard is good but because of the money I have never tried, It is called the melting pot. but you need reservations.
He waves his hands no worries I'll get us in meet you at 7 tonight?
sure she said not beliving that this really was happening this seemed to good to be true.
He rand the doorbell at 7 oclock sharp. silently anticipating her reaction to his suprize.
she opened the door to 2 dozen roses and the handsome Jake staring back at her.Wow he says you look so beautiful!
Thanks she says taking the flowerrs smelling there pungent smell these for me? she smiles/
a rose for a rose he says looking at the beautiful dark purple dress hugging her body comming just above her knee. yes he had found her.
Lets get goingreservations are at 8:30 and it is an hour ride. You ever ride in a jag? i love fast cars andbeautiful women he smiles. she looks at thesleek silver car and her chin dropps wow are you for real? he laughs well my company said choose any car I wanted to rent so why not rent large. she shakes her head wow as she climbs into the car. I got her he thinks to his self.
They had a wonderful dinner together and laughed alot he found out many useful information about her that he would use for his pleasure later. while waiting for desert she excuses herself to go to the restroom now was his time he slipps the small white pill into her soda. He had never had a girl that did not drink before what a nice suprize. she came back and they shared their chocolate fonfue strawberries and drank the rest of their drinks. I have more suprizes my beautiful rose shall we go?
sure she says stiffling a yawn. whats next well want to see a mive back in provo? sure she says. sitting itn the car racin down the freeway she fell asleep listening to the quiet music on the radio.

He quickly drove to the airport and sience it was dark unloaded his prize into the jet making sure to hand cuff her to the seat. she slept on not knowing that her life had just changed forever. He took the rental car back cleaned all prints filled it up paid cash for the rental then took off into the night he had a long flight ahead.
She was still sleeping when he landed in anchorage so he gave he a mild seditive to make sure she would slleep while he took a nap he had to wait untail dark to transfer her to the prop plane. he slept with her breast in his mouth.
He awoke with a start he had slept longer than he had planned he must hurry for the light of day was long gone.dam he muttered it is 2.a.m.im two hours late leaving. he quickly carries her to his prop plane and hand cuffs her in to the specially made cuffs attached to the planes body. then attached the ankle cuffs to her feel. looking at her he can not wait to feart upon this beauty but he held off he wanted to be fully awake when he undressed her for the first time. he went to clean the jet then off he flew into the night.
The sun was just cumming up when she started to stir.Won't she be suprized he thinks to himself as he opens her eyes. The expression on her face told it all! shock,horror then understanding all came at once she looked at him Jake whats going on?
taking one hand off the controls he slaps her face form now on you will call me master! do you understand? nod if you do.
Feeling the slap on her face startles her what did he just say im to call him master is he joking?what seh says not understanding.
Another slap across her other cheek I said nod not ask quesions. I have abducted you and you are mine slut so get it through your head your old life no longer exists you only live now to serve me and if you don't serve me well then you will die! do you understand now? nod if you do?
she nods not believing this was happening to her.
Good he says to her I believe you are starting to get the piture. we will be landing soon enjoy the view of your new home welcome to alaska.what she sputters then quicklylooks scared as she realizes she had just spoke again.his fist slams into her stomache not another word.she screams in pain.sut up you slut or ill gag you for the rest ot the week.
she sat in stunned silance.he now focused his thoughts as he prepaired to land on his lake soon they were on landing on the lake.
he leans over and takes her face in his hand. We need to talk. as you seen as we landed this is the only way out of here. you are my slave and I am your master do you understand nod if you do?
she nods. good there is no roads or other way out of her besides this plane. if you ever hurt me you will never get out of herealive.do you understand? she nodds. your learnind good I can be your best friend and lover or I can be the devil himself it is you that decides how you want me to behave do you understand? she nodds again. there will be pain but there also will be pleasure.I will go over all the rules later. but rught now the #1 rule is do not try and excape and do not hurt me. I will do everything in my power to help you obey thesr rules as he places a collar around her neck and attaches a lock to lock it inplace. he rhen puts on the arm guard on his wrist. let me explain about this guard if you ever try and run all i ever have to do is push this button and it will send an elictrical current through out your body rendering you in so much pain you will be begging me to stop and if you don't it will rendure you unconsious.nodd if you understand? she nodds. good you will not speak unlsee i give you permission as youo have leasned already it hurts to not obey me. you will not be given permission while we are in this plane so don't ask. ok I think the rest can wait untail we are home. he gets out of the plane and gets the leash out of his pocket then comes around and unlocks the cuffs on her hands and legs. get out now and stand before your master he yells.
She jumps at the loud voice and climbs onto the dock. she atands before this man that she thought she knew.
Spread your legs slut wider put your hands out infront ov you slut!
she moves her feet wide and places her hands out infront of her. good as he cuffes her hands together.now kneel legs wide head looking down. do this now!
she quickly kneels with he legs wide and her head down. if youo ever want to talk to me you must get in this position that is how you may get my attention do you understand? she nodds good you may speak now. do you have any questions about what we have gone over so far? no he grabbs her ear and squeezes no what? she looks confused not knowing what to say. he shakes his heas the proper answer is no master. do you understand now yes master. good. lets go home now stand please.he lead her on her leash throught the forest for a short time then in a clearing she sees a large log cabin welcome to your new home.
he walks up to the front door and opens it. stand here he points to a switch on the wall this also has an elictrical current in it once I flip this switch it will be activated and if you come out of the house you sill be shocked untail you become unconsious. do you understand she nods good you are learning go inside and kneel on the rug i will be along in a minute. .


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