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Conversation Between quietwhispers and Magie Noire

9 Visitor Messages

  1. -holding you close, pressing my forehead against yours and talking to you, knowing you can feel what I am feeling, what I am thinking and what my wishes for you are-
  2. I iust wanted to wish you have a most wonderful day, Mistress. You will be in my thoughts often. -hugs and soft kisses-
  3. Hello lil one...just stopping by ....thinking of you,...

  4. thinking of you lil one....
  5. -just wanted to send you some hugs- You have made my day today, thank you, Miss.
  6. -hugs- Thank you, Miss. I appreciate your words and look forward to speaking with you again soon. Sweet dreams 4ever and always.
  7. -hug- Thank you, Miss, for both your invite and your kindness.
  8. There, first on your wall and first friend....you will enjoy it here lil one...everyone is friendly and welcoming...enjoy..
  9. Hello pet I see you there...you can come on out and make some new friends.....Welcome Mistress
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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