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Conversation Between Magie Noire and ember{ReconMarine}

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Mistress, You see all from where You are at, i felt Your arms wrap around me, i heard Your reassurance. You know where we all are and still feel You watching over me. Love You Mistress, *calla lilly left*
  2. Mistress, it was over a yr ago now that i was collared by You, later branded. Not a day goes by i don't think of You. You will always be forever in my thoughts and my heart i love You, Mistress.
  3. Mistress, i wanted to let U know all is going well. DtM is very good to me. He's a mirror of U. i used to think that no man could ever be what He is. He takes as good of care of me as U once did. He has shared that He wished He could have meet U. It's almost as if U have worked from the heavens to put us together, to make sure that we all are happy and well taken care of. U never stopped watching out for us all. i still feel U watching all of us too. I love U Mistress. *tosses the calla lilies to the heavens*
  4. Mistress, i am happy once again. Found another much like You. Loving, caring, fair, giving, honest, trustworthy, accepts me for me, and like you Mistress He is selfless. You would have liked Him. I love you and feel you with me everywhere. *tosses a bouquet of cali lilies to the heavens*
  5. Mistress, difficult things in my life, harder roads to travel, harder choices to make. I had to make one of the hardest choices ever. I don't think anyone understands or wants to accept it either. I can feel the judgements falling down on me. You know how i can feel others. But i do have to put myself first. Even when you where here i was concerned about everyone else and never myself. How can i be happy and give to back to everyone if i don't put myselft first? I let them all know in the family, i didn't just disappear which is the easy way out, and because i love the family i wouldn't do that. looks to the sky.....***tosses cali lillies to land on the clouds in heaven***
  6. I don't know what to do, I only trust those you did. i'm having such a hard time right now Mistress. But i did finally did the one thing that would make me happy in my life. I just don't know why i couldn't do it when you where here. *tosses the cali lillies to the sky to land on the pillows in heaven*
  7. I can't tell you how much you touched my life, my heart, my soul, my mind. You are the best!!!!! I love you so much. Still missing you, talking with you every day.but wait....we do just in a different way now. Your panther is strong again. I don't know if the tears will every stop. But I do know....I love you, I feel you with me every day, everywhere. I could have swore I heard you whisper and the crack of a flogger in the air. I love you Mistress forever yours ember @};-
    your the angel in heaven who watches us. I just wish I could visit heaven once in while just to see you......god i miss you
  8. <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/angels with wings/emmiedownunder/Angels/Wings-Shed.gif?o=40" target="_blank"><img src="http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z...Wings-Shed.gif" border="0"></a>
  9. I see all these posts and lack words to say.
    Forever my Mistress
    in your arms i will always stay
    as our bond is tight as the ropes that held me for you.
    as i have said before
    no takes me from my Mistress
    i love your wings, my beautiful powerful Mistress.
    Loving you forever~ember @};-
    tosses cali lilies in the air, and watches them fall on the clouds in heaven.
  10. I love the avatar Mistress so erotic....so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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