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Conversation Between chalsia and Wyked Bytch

2 Visitor Messages

  1. i actually went to a local bdsm group, was lurking on their yahoo group forever and finally went to a munch which went fine.. but then last week this Slosh thing.. not sure what happened. And you are so right, meeting real people who even vaguely have the same interest as myself is a great help. It was actually very educational. I had no idea for instance that poly relationships actually existed out of Utah. Thank you again for your kind words of encouragement. I don;t think I'm ready to give up just yet.
  2. one of the easist ways to move from online/lurker to one who experiences is to look into your local bdsm group ( often can find them via yahoo groups). Most local bdsm groups have Meet&greets or Munches, these are in vanilla enviorments, people are dressed in their usual street clothes,and at them you can meet and get to know others who are like minded. By meeting REAL people you will most likely be able to form friendships ( even if it is with only a few people) and from there be able to continue your exploration . Good luck finding what you are looking for and I hope my suggestions help you some. Wyked
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