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Conversation Between LadyAznTiger13 and Master6662000

4 Visitor Messages

  1. sorry it took so long to get back to you. Have been in the process of setteling an estate in NM and moving things to Tx. Why dont you e mail me at mstr6662000@yahoo.com or set up to chat there and we can discuss the dungeon etc.
  2. That sounds amazing... i would love to see and learn some of the techniques to be sure.what are you planning to have in your dungeon?
  3. Hello tiger. Perhaps at some point, when my dungeon is more complete, we can get together for a "test run". I also have a lot of room in my home with a large deck and pool.
  4. welcome to the site from a fellow dallas resident. I am quite jealous that you can have a dungeon all to yourself... since I am a college student in the denton area, being cheap and poor seem to be my two top priorities for some reason haha. =]
    I hope you enjoy the site, sir, and again welcome
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