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Conversation Between PaDom and fairjin

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hope you are well and that we get to talk at some point..Hug's to my Favorite Penguin
  2. *hugs* thank you
  3. Happy Birthday!!!!
  4. *hugs* hope all is well with you...thank you for chatting with me the other day when I needed it
  5. Hugs*
  6. Thank you ...you always were very sweet and there when I needed to have a good cry...* kisses your forehead* that means a lot to me
  7. HUGGGGGGGGGGS I am sorry sweetie am here for you if you need to talk
  8. Had a pretty bad panic attack...flipped out pretty well...if I am not in just know that I thank you for your kindness*
  9. Thank you that means a great deal to me. * bows*
  10. Kisses your cheek tenderly anything from you is special
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 48
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