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Conversation Between Jacee and Nicipac

68 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday Master!!!!!! i love You and thank You for being in my life and all the happiness and love You give to me. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  2. thank you my pet.... Yes it was the most most wonderful Christmas that I can recall...... the new years eve party tonight should prove to be awesum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all dressed up ....yum yum yum.....xoxoxoxoxoxox
  3. @foxy...yes He is isn't He
    Merry Christmas Master!!! Thank You for a wonderful Christmas, i love You xoxoxoxo
  4. In 8 short days I will be in my new home !!!!!!!! thank you my pet for finding it for me.........I can't wait to spank your sweet ass in my new home mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  5. Who's moving to Reno??? You are moving to Reno!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! i am the happiest most luckiest pet in the whole wide world, thank You soooooo much!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo muahhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. Hi there my sweet sexy baby girl muahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love you !!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  7. Hey there Handsome i LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
  8. yes my pet you have completed your task. Soon I will be there. muahhhhhhhh I love you!!!!!!!! I miss you and can not wait to have you kneeling before me regularly. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  9. i have completed my task Master and found You a home now please hurry here to me i miss You sooooooooooo much and i NEED to be at Your side where i belong. i am so honored to be Yours, You make me the happiest pet/sub/girl/woman/lover/partner/and anything else i can't think of at the moment in the entire world. i love You!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo muahhhhhhhhh
  10. I will be living in your town by the 15th of September if you complete your task in time muahhhhhhhhhhh xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 68
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