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Conversation Between Sanapet and Willsubmit2

5 Visitor Messages

  1. -smiles- thanks, and that's so sweet that you and your Master made it through that time. I hope my Master and I can make it through this. He's really the only reason I can think to get up in the morning anymore. and congrats on getting married your master!
  2. kudos for you my dear. my Master lived in San Antonio, TX up until last June when he moved in with me (we married in Dec). it really is tough to just talk on the phone with them (we had to do it for several months because his internet was turned off). but if you really have something for each other it'll all prevail...hope to hear back soon....
  3. Hi, first off, I'd like to thank you for the welcome.

    And my online relationship... well, I'll be honest it's mostly just a phone call twice a week. My Master moved at Christmas and he doesn't have internet. So for now we talk on the phone about an hour on Sun. and Wed. It's really hard going for so long not talking to him, but I'm going to spend spring break with him so I think I might make it.

    Thanks for asking. It helps to talk about it sometimes.
  4. i'm curious. how is your online relationship going? just so you know, my Dom was an online long distance relationship first.
  5. I wish to welcome you to the library. it's a very good place to meet many different people. i'm a sub myself and have a Dom whom i married just recently. we are very happy with each other. i would like to open my invitation of friendship and share much with you--happy and sad--hope to hear from you...again, welcome!!
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