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Conversation Between karissma and Lagomorph

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. ~grabs you and twirls you around the room like a ballerina~ You have no idea how much i'm missing you right now. ~frowns~
  2. ~cuddles~ I missing you too babe...and did you see what Kitty did to my wall?? Tell her to behave for me, she wont listen!! ~kisses lovingly~ Friday is just tomorrow you know...
  3. -sighs- time difference sucks. I've missed you so much. I am looking forward to Friday ever so much.
  4. Hehe, Friday is always our night babe. And please, ignore Kitty. She loves the mushy stuff as much as the rest too.
  5. Missing you.
  6. Good morning princess, you feeling any better? ~cuddles and kisses~
  7. Bah, is yahoo doing this?
  8. Like I said, it isn't my fault!! Kind of...~laughs~ We'll talk later...and don't worry, it's all fun and games tonight. ~kisses and cuddles~
  9. Umm, I may have entered you into a bet where you may not be able to cum for several days/weeks...I think we will need to discuss this. ~smirks~ Not my fault, by the way.
  10. Missing you too Princess. Did you have fun last night?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
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