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Conversation Between fallenangel42 and efwb2

5 Visitor Messages

  1. If you go to chat right now im there dosent matter to late sorry
  2. sorry to hear you are sick Sir, i am busy this evening but can usually get online any time after 6 on a weeknight; weekends are usually bit more tricky.
  3. would be more than happy to chat with you. Im sick with flu currantly so will be free all day tomarrow from 9-4 oclock. After that not sure. Let me know when you work and we will work something out.

    El x
  4. thank you for your message Sir, i don't currently have Yahoo messenger but perhaps W/we could arrange a time to meet in chat? i would like to talk to You more
  5. Hi fallenangle

    I have just moved to liverpool and am always happy to make new friends in the area.
    I would also be willing to mentor/ dom you online. If intrestered please PM or link to my live yahoo chat.
    you might also want to join UK kink in the socal groups, it is a new group set up so people from the uk can talk and make meeting easyer.

    el x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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