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Conversation Between pixiepirate and VeniVidi

5 Visitor Messages

  1. *Decorates your mirror with fresh flowers, tied in a pretty bow for a cute pixie, carefully avoiding the p word that time!* Hoping life is treating you well.
  2. *attacks u with a hug*
  3. *Polishes the mirror* by the way bondage tape is much better than duct tape - it only sticks to itself
  4. *crosses out the word "prettiest" and substitutes "most beautiful" to avoid the dreaded p word!*
  5. *puts a large mirror up on your wall, with a note above it saying "Look here to see the prettiest pixie pirate ever", and a note below it saying "From all your friends, be safe and happy"*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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