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Conversation Between lucy and Lurid

8 Visitor Messages

  1. There is probably never enough quality time. I am okay for the moment. And the writing is coming along, I have some excellent inspiration, lol.
  2. So far all is good. Not enough playing and time spent with Master recently, but can it ever be enough?
    How about you? How's the writing going?
  3. Tell me Lucy, how have you been?
  4. I see you also do some writing. I will be sure to read some, but I would like to know if you consider yourself intimate with details and savoring them as they rise from within your imagination?
  5. yep, mine is running wild too, hihihi
  6. I found the picture awfully inspiring. A wonderful starting point for the......imagination :P
  7. You are very welcome. Enjoy your stay

    Btw: one helluva sexy avatar *drools*
  8. Thank you for the welcome!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8

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