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Conversation Between Lastwolf and Wildpussycat

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Whoops! :P
  2. Boo-yah!! *jumps onto your lap* My net's working again, so.. . Oh, and hey! :P
  3. Ah, did I do something wrong?
  4. busy reading, eh?
  5. Hey..
    I can't log onto the chat..
    And Skype's down for the count..
  6. why must you always leave without a word..
  7. how nice.. to vanish again..
  8. . I'm sure. What is FL/RIK?
  9. lol.. the pleasure would be mine.. (just like it was, in case of cherry-popping ) btw.. are you from FL/RIK?
  10. Hey, thanks! :-). (Not for the cherry popping :-P) Hope to chat with you sometime :-)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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