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Conversation Between Lingshiren {free} and free_bird{Lingshiren}

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Well i always count myself lucky with you lol, and besides, even if you're not my friend at the time, you're still Mine lol, I love you.
  2. I can write to you because I'm your friend Well... most of the times you aren't, you just got lucky now, ha! lol I love you *grins*
  3. You do not think seriously that I would go soft *shudders* I would crash and burn then, nobody wants that, right? PS.: I'm larger than life, ergo life can try whatever it wants, those guards will stay where they're supposed to be
  4. Keep that guard up Free, not only will life try and get by it, but god forbid, you might go soft! lol
    Sweet dreams
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