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Conversation Between Kuve {Sett} and Mrs-Sett {Kuve}

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Te amo mi Sensei, soooo welcome home *snuggles next to you in bed, nightly as it should be* parva tua
  2. I cannot verbalise my feelings my love, hence, I leave a yellow rose for you, but I sense you know how much I love you, just as I know that I will see you, so very soon. Te valde amo ac semper mi Sensei, parva tua x
  3. You have no idea how hard I've looked
    for a gift to bring You.
    Nothing seemed right.
    What's the point of bringing gold to
    the gold mine, or water to the ocean.
    Everything I came up with was like
    taking spices to the Orient.
    It's no good giving my heart and my
    soul because you already have these.
    So I've brought you a mirror.
    Look at yourself and remember me.
    ~ Rumi
  4. Passes by to leave a yellow rose upon your pillow.... te amo mi Sensei
  5. Reminds me of your visit......

    The room is full of the incandescence you poured into me. The room will explode when I sit at the side of your bed and you talk to me. I don’t hear your words: your voice reverberated against my body like another kind of caress, another kind of penetration.

    I have no power over your voice. It comes straight from you to me. I could stuff my ears and it would find its way into my blood and make it rise.

    I am impervious to the flat visual attack of things. I see your khaki shirt hung up on a peg. It is your shirt and I could see you in it — you, wearing a color I detest. But I see you, not the khaki shirt.

    Something stirs in me as I look at it, and it is certainly the human you. It is a vision of the human you revealing an amazing delicacy to me. It is your khaki shirt and you are the man who is the axis of my world now. I revolve around the richness of your being.

    Anais Nin
  6. te valde amo ac semper mi Sensei...
  7. Gods I miss you being here mi Sensei x
  8. I having the most divine of times mi Sensei, te valde amo ac semper. Excited also for Saturday night out, it will be wonderful *naughty as hell chuckle*
  9. *lays a yellow rose upon the pillow next to you, kisses you deeply cause I can, as I fall deeply into your arms, to be taken to where you take me, yet again. Te amo mi Sensei
  10. Merry Christmas mi Sensei...... xx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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