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Conversation Between emeralds and Valshar

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. You have always been compassionate to me....supportive. I am sure that you would look upon me and shake your head with consternation and sympathy. Thank you for having such a caring heart. I wonder, why where you here and what were you looking for?
  2. This place is silent like the graveyard of forgotten dreams. Shards of glass from the bottle of life that has been drunk and cast aside lay all over the ground. Walking on it is like walking on false snow....the crinkle of glass not like the sound of snow under foot. My life is good....I am happy. This is the place where I bury my sadness and revisit old dreams. This is the place of promises never fulfilled....shadows on the wall lit by the flames of passion. No one is here...just the flicking of the candle that is hope. I remember things here and look forward to the mountains to find peace and to be close to the memory of her and to hold the hand of the one that I am with now....flesh and blood....warmth by my side. Life is good, but I remember my sadness here.
  3. sometimes.. someone hears the words we whisper perhaps that makes them real.. its very sad here.. like the carnival during the day.. without the fairy lights to hide the dirt and grime.
  4. Funny woman....you probable are like....give me roses and candy, but make sure to use the thorns on the roses to flog my ass til it is red.....
  5. Romantic is a very good thing... Up to a point : )
  6. Humm, *sigh*, I am such a romantic?? Is that an attractive thing or am I just dopey?

    As for my kinky weekend, sometime in the future....well, blind fold for sure....steel pinwheel....she loves that.

    Anal plug and a firm hand to slap her ass a few times, plus some love bites, teeth lightly nipping at erect nipples with a health dose of sucking and licking.

    Seems reasonable enough, right?
  7. Sighs... Your such a romantic .. Be still my beating heart

    So when are you planning your kinky weekend with you girlfriend.. Some lovely soft silk rope, candles, ice and a blind fold?
  8. You know, I am not sure that I would survive a full day with you, but I would be willing to risk my life and trying to make it to the end of the week wtih you.
  9. Haha.. A week? Are you sure you are up to that ; )
  10. Not sure how I made you smile, but I will take it. I do admit...some kinky sex would be nice. Think that I will make an effort to introduce some of it into my relationship. However, if you would just priority ship yourself in a box over to me for hard use for a week, I think that I would be A OKAY. LOL
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