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Conversation Between Friday and craven

7 Visitor Messages

  1. wishing one of my most favorite people a great holiday and a wonderful new year, look out world, ....... because in 2009 friday is coming xx
  2. buon compleanno il mio buon amico venerd́

  3. hey my friend, hope all is well with you, i have missed chatting with you of late, we should remedy this situations soon eh *smiles* be good and play nice with others
  4. hey smelly hope you are well, have missed your cheery face and persona the last few days. be good and play nice with others LOL
  5. Thanks friday, i love speaking with you, it really hammers home to me that there are those less fortunate than me, ten mins with you and I feel truly gifted, thanks chin up
  6. Good to "speak" this morning, ha ha ha ha ha ha, you were not up to your usual quick witted self, hope all is well................Craven LOL
  7. what can I say, my inspiration, I am so pleased to have met you Friday, and would miss your contact greatly if you were to cease working with me, sort of like earache, I once had that really bad, ado you know when it went, in a strange way I missed it!http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/forums/se...rchid=570373We were busy last night, check out the posts
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