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Conversation Between digitalcalliope and Occam

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Stay as long as you need I'll always be here -run my fingers threw your hair-
  2. *latches onto your leg* I simply can't stay away.
  3. just letting you know I'm thinking about you
  4. *runs up to you, kisses you, turns around to wiggle my ass, then runs away giggling*

    I'm sorry your internet is bad. You should punish it to make it behave. It works for me! By the way... you should punish Sarah. She's been naughty.
  5. -pets softly- Hey you're worth waiting for
  6. *climbs into your lap and purrs* Thank you for being so wonderful. I miss you.
  7. So I figured I wasn't going to see you much over the next few weeks, guess I was right. -wink- So I'll talk to you once things settle down.
    -smacks hiney-
  8. Oh I am the 1,000 visitor to your page I should get a prize for that.
  9. It's quite alright I figured as much. Your Dad already doesn't like me, and talking to me while you are there probably wont help that fact much. When you get home we will have a nice long "chat."
  10. Hello Sir! I'm sorry I haven't been able to chat with you lately. Being home with family means I am being bad by using the home computer to visit naughty websites. *blushes* Hope to talk to you soon!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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