Hey VaAugusta. Maybe you should consider a class, then. Mostly class will teach you about being aware of your own body and basic techniques, including breathing. After you learn the poses it's not to hard to pick up more things online and continue on your own from there. And in answer to your questions, college was about 5 years ago, but I've kept up with the yoga thing because it relaxes me... That and my grandmother (64) can still put her legs behind her head. I'm determined to keep up. As to the DDR I plan on playing that well into my old age as well, or at least until my playstation blows up. I have a firm belief in being ridiculous and DDR allows me to indulge, lol.
Thanks Gentle. I wanted to do a visitor post as I don't want to clutter up the threads with random talking. I never want to stop the videos because often times it wouldn't have gotten to key things that you expect in one (such as counter-posing as you mentioned) and whenever I start again, it's from the beginning and I don't learn them anyways. =/ So when was college? It couldn't have been too long ago if you play DDR.