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Conversation Between Friday and snowflake

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Safe New Years..!!

    To look out the window at the snow,
    To see the carollers as they go,
    To see the lights so bright and clear,
    The ones we look forward each year,
    To feel the warmth of a beautiful fire,
    as we watch the children as they tier,
    To see their happy faces so bright,
    as if an angel in total flight,
    To see our love ones during the season,
    And truly knowing the reason for the season,
    To see the candle in the window,
    For the ones far away we miss so,
    For the memories so dear to our hearts,
    That no one can take or tear apart,
    For the happiness through the freinds we share,
    Know this message is sent with love and care...

    Hugs and Kisses from The Tester snowflake and the family..

    Hoping you the true meaning of Christmas stays with you...
    Full of Love and the reason for the true Season..
  2. just stopped by for a morning /evening hug sorry i missed ya friday and have been away.. darn comp died.. take care

    hugggles you more
  3. giggles comes in for another huggle and wiggles in my seat to yet again get comfy.. lol ~smiles~

  4. Hugglesssssssssssss
  5. huggggles ..just had to smiles

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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